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Taking a screenshot with a PC 1. Begin by making your web browser window showing Basics Q1 fill your screen.

Scroll down if need be to see the picture of Bella and the Learning Objectives.

2. With the PC, locate the Prt Sc (Print Screen) button. Check to see if the letters are the same color as the alphabet letters on your keyboard. If yes, the press the Prt Sc button. You won't see anything happen yet! ***Note if your PrtSc button is a different color than your keys, then you will need to find the matching key color on Ctrl or Fn, and press it along with Prt Sc. 3. Open a word processing document. Title it: Screenshot 1 using Prt Sc. Click enter to space down a line, and use your right mouse button and select Paste (or use the shortcut Ctrl-V).

4. Click enter 2-3 times and make a new title: Screenshot 2 with Alt-Prt Sc Click enter.

5. Save your document using File- SaveAs and name it with your initials and screenshotQ1 (.doc or .docx file or as directed by your teacher). Keep it open. Minimize your document using the minimize icon in the top right corner of the document. You will see an icon for it at the bottom of your screen. 6. Return to your web browser window to the Q1 page with the picture of Bella. Resize your browser so that just the title of the Quest and the picture of Bella are showing in your browser window.

7. You can now resize the window. Drag inward from the corners of your browser window to make it smaller as shown here. Resize your browser to look something like shown at the right.

8. Locate the Alt key on your keyboard (near the spacebar). Hold down the Alt key and then press Prt Sc. You won't see anything happen. 9. Return to your word processing document, place your cursor below the Screenshot 2 title and paste it (Right-click paste or Ctrl-V). 10. Describe the difference between using PrtSc and Alt PrtSc in your document below the last screenshot. Experiment and try out other things, can you take one of your blank desktop? 11. Can you think of ways these screenshots might be helpful? Write down at least three examples of how you might use them for your school work in different classes.

Was there a difference? - There should be. It should look something like what we showed in step 7. Try these steps again if it didnt work.

Well done! Turn in your document to your teacher, and teach this trick to someone else at home or a friend this weekend.

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