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Music of India - Answers You scored 3 out of 6 1. Which of the following describes tintal? You said: 12 beats( 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2) Incorrect.

Tintal has 16 beats (4 + 4 + 4 + 4). 2. Which note is the tonic of sargam? You said: Sa Correct. The tonic of sargam is Sa. 3. Which of the following describes Rag Desh? You said: A late evening rag associated with the monsoon season Correct. Rag Desh is a late evening rag associated with the monsoon season. 4. What is the name of the rhythmic cycles used in raga? You said: Tala Correct. The rhythmic cycles used in raga are called tala. 5. What is the name of the first beat of the rhythmic cycle? You said: Sal Incorrect. The first beat of the rhythmic cycle is known as sam. 6.

What is the opening section of a raga called? You said: Tihai Incorrect. This opening section is the alap. More from World music Music of India - Answers You scored 3 out of 6 1. Which of the following describes tintal? You said: 12 beats( 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2) Incorrect. Tintal has 16 beats (4 + 4 + 4 + 4). 2. Which note is the tonic of sargam? You said: Sa Correct. The tonic of sargam is Sa. 3. Which of the following describes Rag Desh? You said: A late evening rag associated with the monsoon season Correct. Rag Desh is a late evening rag associated with the monsoon season. 4. What is the name of the rhythmic cycles used in raga? You said: Tala Correct. The rhythmic cycles used in raga are called tala. 5.

What is the name of the first beat of the rhythmic cycle? You said: Sal Incorrect. The first beat of the rhythmic cycle is known as sam. 6. What is the opening section of a raga called? You said: Tihai Incorrect. This opening section is the alap. More from World music

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