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Geometric Character Analysis

Hannah Song A6

Tangerine is a novel written by Edward Bloor. Bloor created characters that have remarkable personalities and fascinating predicaments. The relationships of these characters were even more thought-provoking, why, because a characters personality is interesting enough, but mix it in with another totally different personality you get transported into a whirl of conflicts with similarities and differences. The formula of an effective narrative are turbulent characters with captivating relationships that the reader can relate with and the sudden strong desire to know, because that is what intrigues most readers. All of these components to a great novel is what Tangerine brings to the audience. Paul Fisher is Tangerines protagonist. He is a twelve-year old boy who feels misunderstood by his parents and is threatened by his older brother. He is represented by a circle; because he is continuously thinking and formulating from all of the distinct observations he makes from his not-so blind eyes, [Paul] can see things that [his] Mom and Dad cant. Or wont (4). But Paul sees things that other people dont, he doesnt have the confidence or need to confess about his sightings, as No one ever asked (243). Paul creates a variation of vast impacts on the family, hence the large circle. His hidden confidence and perception is represented by the color blue that is covered by the nave orange. His older brother, Erik, is a force that has always pushed Paul into the shadows, when he strives for the light. He has always been an intimidation to Paul, as [Paul] had always been afraid of Erik (42); which is why the shape of Paul is being punctured by the shape of Erik. Erik is the football star of the Fisher family, he is constantly praised and encouraged by his parents to do well, especially by his Dad as, He had too much invested in the Erik Fisher Football Dream (281). He is held up a little too high by his father, so he is practically the prince of the family hence the shape of a crown and is supported by his parents immensely. Since he has his parents full support, he has a certain power over the family, which is why Erik s shape is

Geometric Character Analysis

Hannah Song A6

large as well. A shining yellow star portrays his well-put up facade, but in the inside he is only made up of red hatred and no empathy. But Erik is a pessimistic force on Paul as he makes Pauls life miserable by endlessly intimidating him, with growing fury, with growing hatred, moving the bat in a tight circle (262). Even though his shape is a crown, it can be lethal, and that is what is puncturing the shape of Paul and the shape of Erik is holding Pauls shape back from his full potential. While on the other hand, his parents are doing the opposite and supporting Erik to the fullest of their abilities. Mom and Dad are the parents of Paul and Erik. They are devoted parents who always give confidence to their children, mainly Erik. Dad is fully supportive over the Erik Fisher Football Dream but Mom is a bit skeptical about it because, What if Erik has no future in football? (234). Dad is represented by a rectangle because he has very devoted sides, such as the Erik Fisher Football Dream and his job, but then he has sides where he cuts short on, such as his marriage/family and Pauls affairs. His shape is slighter larger than Moms because he supports Erik much more than Mom. He is a firm platform for Erik, hence how he is under Erik and sustaining him with all his might. So he is green with confidence for his son, but the confidence starts to fade away too late, [because] he couldnt give up [on the Erik Fisher Football Dream] (281). Mom however is a triangle, which makes Eriks support a bit unstable as she tries her best to balance everything out. She symbolizes strength with the color purple because she is the one who holds up the family. Even though she makes a smaller impact on the family, she is the main influence that holds up the family, which is why her shape is less significant than the other shapes. Mom is doubtful about Eriks behavior and will have no qualms in disciplining Erik even though she cares dearly about her reputation and family. The Fisher family has a very complex relationship, and it is represented by the geometric design. Paul is at the top of the diagram, because in Tangerine, whatever decisions he made,

Geometric Character Analysis

Hannah Song A6

created the largest impact on the family. He is stuck on Eriks shape because Erik had terrified Paul all his life which meant temporary control over him. But Paul would soon be able to escape Eriks hold on him because of the inner-confidence in him that would finally escape. Paul had felt misunderstood by his parents so whenever Paul tried to explain to his parents it would take while, like a twisty straw, to penetrate the message into their heads. Dad is the major support of Erik, along with Mom. She has had a growingly rocky understanding of Erik hence the sort of pulse line between Erik and her. The Mom and Dad are going through a rough patch in their marriage, as Dad was still trying, unsuccessfully, to make eye contact with Mom (235). The failing marriage is represented by the jagged lines connecting Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. A relationship is a connection, a correlation between two or more things. Relationships have utmost importance in anyones life. But relationships are very hard to explain and pin-point, so why not make it easier and instead of saying, it should be shown. A geometric character analysis is a unique way to show a relationship and adds a more in-depth understanding to a character since the character is thought of in a new, distinct way, which is refreshing. This particular analysis was written for the novel Tangerine, an eventful story about a twelve year old boys hardships and how he saw the light, grabbed it, and embraced it.

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