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;;Section titles, (the ones between [ ]) must not be translated.

;;The text and numbers that are to the left of the equal sign ("=") must not be modified either, ;;because it wouldn't work ok and it would make the application unstable. [MENU-CONFIG] 101=General Options 102=Terminal/s **Permissions 104=**Cuentas de Socios - Prepago 103=Cibercafe Data 105=**Comportamiento del Saldo Inicial 106=Printing Monitor (beta) 107=External Programs 1=Ok [CONFIG-GENERAL] 106=Warn user when 2 minutes left 105=Warn user when 1 minute left 104=0 Cut 107=Reboot when cutting 101=Always reboot on finishing 110=Autocharge in sessions with predefined time 108=Show Clock on terminal 118=Show expent amount 128=Allow chat on client towards server 111=Search disk in drive A: with Win2k o XP 109=Disallow PRI 125=Allow maximize 122=Disallow amount change in charging window. 124=Freeze Dcto. column with current values (*) 136=(*) Requires server.exe to be rebooted 116=Change Blocking Image 115=Restore 112=Display 130=Terminals: 131=(100 Maximun) 132=Visible 133=(40 Maximun) 102=Use Source 117=Military Hour 120=Default Tickets 137=Letters of: (0=normal) 121=Monitorize Printing 129=Toolbar 113=Port to use 134=Port 135=The same port used in installer.exe for terminals. 1=Ok 2=Cancel [POLITICAS-TERMINALES] 101=Disallow Control Panel(*) 102=Remove Run button from Start menu 103=Disallow Tasks Explorer (*) 104=Disallow System Blocker (*) 105=Disallow right mouse button in Start menu 106=Disallow right mouse button on Desktop 107=Forbid regedit.exe (Registry Editor) 108=Disallow windows animations (it doesn't work) 109=Faster Menus

110=Screensaver 144=Disallow right mouse button in Tasks Bar 112=Block terminals that are not able to connect to server.exe after 5 minutes ( Experts only) 145=Items with (*) only work under Win2000 o XP 146=Hidden drives (It doesn't prevent their use) 147=Example of how to hide drives E and F: 'EF' 1=Ok 2=Cancel [CONFIG-SOCIOS] 104=Allow user accounts use 111=Default balance when you create a new account 112=Maximun amount allowed to add to an account in one go. 113=Ask permission for amounts greater than: 114=Ask permission for amounts less than: 115=Max allowed balance: 116=Discounts upon Pc using tarifs 102=Reboot PC when a partner closes session 103=Allow 'admin' to use Pc's 105=Hide login dialogue until Enter key is pressed 1=Ok 2=Cancel [CONTRATO] 110=Cibercafe Name 111=E-mail 112=Country Code 1=I agree 2=I don't agree [COMP-SALD] 101=Your till balance must automatically go back to be the same every day 110=otherwise balance is calculated with yesterday's operations 1=Ok 2=Cancel [MON-IMP] 101=Allow Printing Monitor 110=List of Allowed Printers 106=Detect 111=Method 112=List of Monitorized Printers 103=Remove from list 1=Ok 2=Cancel [PRG-EXT] 110=Click the checkbox to the left to activate the program 101=Till opening program 1=Ok 2=Cancel [RESUMENES] 150=From 151=To 130=Today 131=Yesterday 103=PC use 104=Only charging differences

105=Extra products sale on PC 106=Direct Sale 107=Session opening and closing 108=Till change 115=Till 109=Hour change 110=Incomes 111=Extractions 133=Partners - Incomes 134=Partners - Expenses 132=Administration 1=Update 2=Close 152=Amount for PC use: 153=Extras for PC's: 154=Direct Sale: 155=Extras total: 156=Forgiven ammount: 157=Total Earned: 158=Hours of Pc use: 159=VAT: 160=Incomes: 161=Extractions: 125=Save as tmp\detalle.csv 126=Open with Explorer 162=Errors: ;;Monetary Especifications [ESPDIN] 110=First currency name: 111=First currency symbol: 112=Roundup to multiples of: 113=Upwards when over: 101=Always show decimals 183=Use a second currency 114=One second currency costs 115=currency1. 116=Second currency name: 117=Second currency symbol: 118=Roundup to multiples of: 119=Upwards when over: 1=Ok 2=Cancel [TAR1] 110=Cost per Hour: 111=Minimun connetion: 112=Right now: [TAR2] 110=Minimun connetion: 111=Overdue minutes that won't be charged: [HF1] 110=Start Hour: 111=End Hour: 112=Cost per hour: 1=Ok 2=Cancel

[HF2] 104=Allow HappyHour use 110=from 111=to 112=Minimun connetion 113=Overdue minutes that won't be charged [DTOS] 112=Discounts 110=Code 1=Ok 2=Cancel [ADMINS] 110=PRIMARY 119=Restrict access to: 120=Accounting 121=Tarifs 122=Configuration 123=Exit Program 112=Key: 111=SECONDARY 119=Allow access to: 130=Accounting 131=Tarifs 134=Configuration 135=Terminate Program 113=Key: 1=Ok 2=Cancel ;;** The following texts belong to several different parts of the program. ;; Remember NOT to translate what is to the left of the equal sign nor the secti on title. [VARIOS] ;; Main Window vpord=Comp. vpini=Start vpcontador=Counter vpest=State vpdto=Dcto. vpparar=Stop at: vpext=Extras vpmen=Message vpcd=CD vppri=PRI vpsu=Not used vpcontando=Counting vptac=Total to charge to N vpfin=End vptiem=Time vptot=TOTAL vpnota=Note: vpcobrar=Charge vpcont=Continue

vpticket=Ticket ; Do NOT change this -> %s mresta0="%s:\r\rYour time is up.\rThank you" mresta1="%s:\r\rYou have got 1 minute left.\rThank you" mresta2="%s:\r\rYou have got 2 minutes left.\rThank you" ;; Menu opciones=Options impresiones=Printings cajero=Till socios=Partners ayuda=Help vtadir=DirectSale ;;menu options resumenes=Summaries expres=Export Summaries espddin=Monetary Specifications tar1=Use fixed cost tarif and discount according to date, etc. tar2=Use tarif with variable cost according to used time. hf=* - HappyHour. ivapc=VAT for PC use. dsc=Discounts according to code. ccpe=Configure codes for Extras. configurar=Configure. aclaves=Keywords and Access for ADMIN. cdc=Till Accounts. trm=Terminals. salir=Exit. mapagar=Shutdown Terminals mreiniciar=Reboot Terminals mexe=Running a command mvol=Volumen msol=Conflict Solver mcerr=Programs that must autoclose. mact=Synchronize Actualizations mfech=Synchronize Date and Time ;;summaries rreg=Register rorg=Source rhora=Hour rdesc=Description rpc=PC rusuario=User rhini=Start Hour rhfin=End Hour rtt=Total Time rint=Intentet rext=Extras rcob=Charge rcobro=Charged rdto=Dcto. rcom=Com.

rvtadir=DirectSale rpiva=%VAT riva=VAT ring=Incomes regr=Extractions rnota=Note ;; Tarifs tutclp=Use this as default tarif?" ;; Tarif1 t1il=Insert lne t1bl=Delete lne t1m=Month t1d=Day t1h=Hour t1u=Users t1dto=Dcto/Hour dlun=Monday dmar=Tuesday dmie=Wednesday djue=Thursday dvie=Friday dsab=Saturday ddom=Sunday mene=January mfeb=February mmar=March mabr=Abril mmay=May mjun=June mjul=July mago=August msep=September moct=Octouber mnov=November mdic=Deccember aceptar=Ok cancelar=Cancel ;; Tarif2 t2t=Time t2p=Cost t2cf=Calculate Fractions t2ur=Use as hour range t2ej=Example ;; % VAT on pcs ivaincl="\% VAT ammount included in the cost of PC's use" ;; extras ecod=Code edesc=Description epre=To charge eiva=\% VAT Includded ecds=Stock Control eact=Current emin=Minimum even=Sales etot=Total

epar=Partial eico=Icon evis=Visible to Client egens=Generate stock.csv/htm eicd=Icons for: epdaxa=x/y pixels ;; Tills ccnom=Name ccret=Retrieve ccvsal=Balance ccmsal=Change initial Balance ccagr=Add ccmod=Change cceli=Delete ccsal=Exit ccimp=Print report when a till finishes session. ccfuen=Source of: men_arrastrar=Para cambiar un usuario de computadora pinche, arrastre y suelte. men_tinicio=Hora en que comenz. men_tcontador=Tiempo que lleva, si la cuenta es regresiva indica lo que le queda . men_estado=Presione para comenzar, cobrar o para ver lo que debe cobrar hasta ah ora. men_dto=Escriba un cdigo o porcentaje de descuento. men_parar=Escriba el mximo de crdito o tiempo. men_mensaje=Para enviar un mensaje escrbalo y presione ENTRADA. men_ver=Pulse el botn secundario para ver las opciones especiales. txt_reiniciar=Reboot txt_apagar=Shutdown txt_encender=WOL txt_logoff=LogOff txt_ejecutar=Exec txt_ajustar_volumen=Vol txt_habdestot=Full Access on/off txt_conversar=Chat

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