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Stewart C. Best The Report From Iron Mountain On The Possibility and Desirability of Peace was supposedly issued TO THE GOVERNMENT by a group of 15 experts who had been hired by the Executive Department of the Kennedy Administration, to probe the issues and concerns of how to control the general public of the UNITED STATES if and when a TRANSITION TO GLOBAL PEACE came about. According to the IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT, these experts had unlimited access to any and all information they desired to arrive at their conclusions. The investigation by the IRON MOUNTAIN TEAM began in 1963, but the selection process actually started in 1961, under the Kennedy Administration, according to the author of the forward in the book. By 1966, the experts had concluded their studies and issued their report to the Government. The IRON MOUNTAIN group had elected to keep the report totally secret, and recommended that to the Government. The main conclusion of the report was that WAR is the GLUE that actually holds nations together. It is in the WAR POWERS of a nation that give the government the right to rule over their subjects. Because of the EXTERNAL WAR THREAT, the governed GIVE that right to their government in exchange for SECURITY. Therefore, the EXTERNAL THREAT OF WAR and the CONDITION OF CONSTANT WAR is the underlying cause for NATION-STATES. If the nations of the world were to move to a NON-WAR ERA, an ERA OF PEACE, then the GLUE that holds nations together is removed, and the world would be moved into an ERA OF CHAOS and TOTAL DISINTEGRATION. So how could that be avoided? The Report then goes into major recommendations for INVENTING FICTITIOUS "EXTERNAL THREATS" to control the people. Every one of the major recommendations is now a reality. Here are a few:

1. That an environmental crisis be manufactured as an external threat. 2. That an INTERNATIONAL POLICE FORCE be brought in that is an EXTERNAL THREAT to the people, i.e. (UN TROOPS or MERCINARIES LIKE BLACKWATER. A PRIVATE ARMY)

The name IRON MOUNTAIN is derived from where the FIRST and the LAST meetings of the "Special Study Group" took place. Iron Mountain is a nuclear hardened underground retreat in New York State, and is part of the Chase Manhattan Bank's emergency sites in case of nuclear attack. It is said by reliable sources (not confirmed) that there is a vast underground complex at Iron Mountain and that it is in all probability a FEMA base as well. There are underground railway systems that LINK Iron Mountain to Stewart Air Force Base and the United Nations in New York City. Undoubtedly there are other stops along the way. One of the men involved in the study group took it upon himself to publish the report, and it was published by DIAL PRESS in 1967, AS NON-FICTION. An immediate firestorm broke out, and the report was branded a TOTAL HOAX by the "establishment" and the United States Government. The U.S. News & World Report claimed that President Johnson became very angry and "ordered the report bottled up for all time." It was declared to be THE TRUTH by the Editor in Chief of DIAL PRESS, and by the author of the forward to the report. It was also collaborated by John Kenneth Galbraith, who claimed he was asked to be a part of the Study Group. He said in a book review, writing under one of his pen names, that he could vouch for the authenticity of the report. IRON MOUNTAIN was soon translated into 15 languages and rose on the best seller list. It became one of the most controversial books ever written. Now only a few original copies exist, and they are fast disappearing off library shelves. The WALL STREET JOURNAL ran a FRONT PAGE LEAD ARTICLE in the spring of 1995 in an attempt to DEBUNK THE IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT. The implication being that anyone who believed it was paranoid and mentally unstable. An attempt was made in that article to link the militia movement to IRON MOUNTAIN. It was said that the militia used it as a form of "bible" for their movement. Thus the militia itself was made up of lunatics and paranoids. The author of the Forward in the IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT, a Mr. Leonard Lewin, stepped forward again to claim that he had written it all himself AS A HOAX, and that the entire report was sheer fabrication, something he had also done some years after the original release. He stated that the report had been nothing but political satire, in an effort to focus public attention to the problems of war, peace and

disarmament. Now in times past, to release a work as NON-FICTION when in fact it was pure fiction was an act of FRAUD and especially LITERARY FRAUD, and was simply not accepted in the literary world. It also brought great wrath from the people so defrauded. The credibility of any author that did such a thing was destroyed overnight. The question we have before us, and it is a VALID and very important question, is this: was The Report From Iron Mountain authentic, as it was presented, or was it a hoax, as is now being maintained? And further, how does one prove it either way? The answer is disconcerting, for in the end, as you shall see, it does not matter if the Report From Iron Mountain was a hoax or not, for the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE REPORT PROVE ITS AUTHENTICITY AS AN "AGENDA" OF THE CFR. As stated, Lewin and the Editor in Chief of Dial Press declared the report authentic at the time of the release. It was published as NON-FICTION, and as a Government THINK TANK report. It was sent to the libraries of the world as nonfiction, and as a government report, and they dutifully placed into their respective systems as such. THAT HAS NEVER BEEN CHANGED. Thus, even today, if a research student in any university library happened upon that report, it would be considered AUTHENTIC and as a government report. The names in the forward lend great credibility to the report itself. The main movers were CFR members, McNamara, Bundy, Rusk ET.EL. In fact, the report has CFR stamped all over it, for it follows the CFR's general agenda and party line. What substantiates its validity as being genuine is the fact that the CFR, in their Foreign Affairs Magazine, picked up on part of the Iron Mountain recommendations and expanded upon them, as did other publications of the Eastern Liberal Establishment, known as the RICH MEN. Al Gore's book, EARTH IN THE BALANCE is nothing more than an expansion of the Iron Mountain Report's environmental agenda for the world. Now the CFR is a very secretive operation that has a very real agenda for world domination, and has stated it wishes to set up a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, which means placing the United States under the United Nations, another recommendation of the Iron Mountain Report. Now if the CFR detected that opposition and revulsion of the general public caused by the release of Iron Mountain would either damage their ability to implement their agenda, or that it

might stop them altogether, what would be the first thing they would have to do? They would have to totally DEBUNK IT. They would have to DESTROY ITS CREDIBILITY. It was never intended to be released to the public. But it was. So now what is the best way to debunk such a report? Knowing that there was a possibility that it could be leaked to the public, several safe guards could be built into the report itself, that would help to debunk it if in fact it ever made its way to public awareness. This would be easy to do, such as using false references to studies, books, documents, etc. You could use false dates, and false locations. There are any number of ways in which you could build into any report of that nature an automatic DEBUNKING MECHANISM. Secondly, the report was leaked in a very clandestine manner, if you take the forward at its word. And this leads us to the credibility of the author of the forward, Mr. Leonard Lewin, insofar as IRON MOUNTAIN is concerned. He insisted it was NOT A HOAX. He insisted that the story in the forward was the TRUTH. The very respected Editor in Chief of Dial Press, Mr. Doctorow, also substantiated the validity of the Report. So when THE LATE Mr. Lewin stes forward to claim it all a hoax, why should anyone believe him? Or them? Which time was he telling the truth? And that is the problem when it comes to literary fraud, no matter what how well intentioned the motive may be. We therefore cannot approach the credibility of Iron Mountain's authenticity by any statements made by those involved in its release to the public. There are no ways to prove or disprove if Lewin wrote the whole thing as a hoax or not. Even if he stepped forward with all the notes, false footnotes or references, it means nothing. The Special Study Group could have had Lewin write the entire report for all we know. As discussed, built in safeguards to later debunk it would have been prepared for. The point is, once someone has spoken a lie, we never really know from that point onward when they are telling the truth. And so credibility becomes a serious issue in any statements made by those involved, and especially so in view of the liberal establishment link. When the report was released in 1967, it was never expected that it would become such a "hot" item in such a short period of time. The book was debated all around the world and public awareness of it began to grow. This would cause a major problem for the CFR if it was determined that further publicity would wreak their agenda as outlined in Iron Mountain. They would have no options left. They would order the debunking of the report by any method so that the American people would not realize the horrible nature of the conspiracy against them. By

DEBUNKING THE REPORT, you lay it to rest. At that time, only fools and fanatics would "believe" such a report was genuine. Thus you accomplish two things at once: 1. You debunk a true agenda and make it all a hoax, and divert people away from it. 2. You then have laid the foundation to call anyone who reports on it, who investigates it, or who warns people about it a LIAR, A LUNATIC, a FANATIC, and that in turn lays the foundation for the Government to call such a one a "terrorist". The proof, dear friend, is in the PUDDING. Iron Mountain suddenly came back to life after having died on the shelves of the world's libraries. Iron Mountain was mentioned in Cooper's BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, and in another book called the GREENING. But these books are only read by conspiracy buffs and those who track them. The general public has little or no interest. IRON MOUNTAIN WAS DEAD, the DEBUNKING WAS A SUCCESS, if that it what it was, and all was quiet on the Western Front. That is, until Best Video Productions decided to do a documentary on Iron Mountain. And it was an innocent production. It was designed as a study aid for mature Christians who were deep into Bible prophecy. It had no other goal. The prophecies of the end times and the IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT were identical. It made a good documentary. So we released in late 1993. Nothing happened at first. We sold it via our normal advertising channels, and the people who bought it were mature Christians interested in Bible prophecy and related subjects. Iron Mountain was related. Several years went by. We heard that our videos were being pirated, and in fact confronted several of these outfits about it. We settled with a few of them, but we could not find or stop others. During this time we found out that the Militia movement had picked up on our Iron Mountain videos. When the ORDER OF THE QUEST commanded that the militia movement be stopped at all cost, it moved IRON MOUNTAIN, and our VIDEOS ON IT, BACK INTO THE NEWS. Why did the WALL STREET JOURNAL run a LEAD FRONT PAGE ARTICLE on IRON MOUNTAIN if indeed it really is a HOAX? And mention our SIX HOUR VIDEO, IRON MOUNTAIN II? Why pay any attention to a 27 year old HOAX? What was at the bottom of media frenzy to LINK THE MILITIA WITH OKLAHOMA, AND PAINT ANY AND ALL CONSERVATIVES, CHRISTIANS, and CONSTITUTIONALISTS as suffering from paranoid delusional disorder, and then connecting all of it to IRON MOUNTAIN? It should

be obvious. It should also be obvious that the Eastern Establishment Liberal Press has a vested interest in debunking any and all CONSPIRACY concepts, especially those involving themselves. It is the classic DIVERSIONARY TACTIC to keep the eyes of the public away from what is really happening to things unimportant, a tool of people manipulation mentioned in the PROTOCOLS . Why was there such an obviously ORCHESTRATED MEDIA BLITZ to DEMONIZE a certain segment of the population? A segment that wants to PRESERVE and PROTECT the CONSTITUTION of the United States, and that is attempting to warn their fellow Americans that THEIR FREEDOMS ARE IN DANGER? If you study IRON MOUNTAIN, you would KNOW WHY. It is part of the IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA. And then in 1996, DATELINE NBC NEWS called Best Video Productions and said were GOING TO HAVE A SPECIAL NBC DATELINE ON IRON MOUNTAIN, and wanted to come interview us as part of that special. We asked NBC DATELINE if they were going to run an OBJECTIVE, EVEN HANDED PROBE OF IRON MOUNTAIN, OR AN AX JOB. The reply was that it was going to be honest even handed objective special to probe BOTH SIDES of the Iron Mountain controversy. We had a long conversion with the producer of that special, and he told us that our IRON MOUNTAIN VIDEOS had made it into "MANY HANDS" and that it was having a major impact upon the people that saw it. He asked if there were laws to prove that we were going under the United Nations. We cited several laws. He then asked about UN TROOPS TRAINING IN AMERICA. We replied it was part of 7277 and 87-297, it was PUBLIC POLICY and PUBLIC LAW, and that President George Bush had issued several EXECUTIVE ORDERS concerning UN TROOP TRAINING, which of course all leads to LEVEL III in the FREEDOM FROM WAR (7277) AGENDA. He then claimed that they had sent to Washington to obtain the documents we portrayed in our video. He claimed again this was going to be an honest even handed probe. On the basis we agreed to have the NBC DATELINE CREW COME FOR AN INTERVIEW. We set a date, but they never showed up. They never called back. We were told by several people that NBC DATELINE did in fact run a short interview with Mr. Lewin, and that it WAS IN FACT A TOTAL AX JOB on anyone crazy enough to BELIEVE IRON MOUNTAIN WAS FOR REAL. In another interesting move, Mr. Lewin re-released The Report From Iron Mountain in 1996. We would like to quote to you from the jacket of the new version. It should be obvious that there is a deliberate attempt to paint ANYONE AT ALL as a lunatic, insane, uneducated, and a far right fanatic who would

possibly believe IRON MOUNTAIN WAS FOR REAL. In fact, NBC DATELINE now claims they had no such interview with Mr. Lewin, and that it never took place. One of our friend called to order it. They denied it had ever taken place. We have several people who claim they saw it. It is our belief that it was elected to LET A SLEEPING DOG LIE. The inside jacket makes some interesting comments: "In a tradition of political satire that ranges from A MODEST PROPOSAL to DR. STRANGELOVE falls the perplexing, ingenious and ceaselessly curious REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN. Upon its first appearing in 1967, this best selling "secret government report" sparked immediate debate and journalists and scholars with its disturbingly convincing claim: a condition of "permanent peace" at the end of the Cold War would threaten our nation's economic and social stability. Although finally identified as an antimilitarist hoax by writer/editor Leonard Lewin, who conceived and launched the book with a consortium of peace movement intellectualsIRON MOUNTAIN would eventually take on a life of its own. Long out of print, the REPORT suddenly reappeared in "bootleg" editions more than 20 years after the original publication. In a manner never foreseen by the book's creators, it was now being read as "bible" by the militias OF THE RADICAL RIGHT- a BIZARRE REVERSAL that returns this haunting SATIRE to the spotlight Exposing fear of the national security state in one era, Iron Mountain now reveals a new fault line of paranoia in our own time-one that may negate old political categories and exacerbate a new and more significant division between the RATIONAL and the IRRATIONAL in American politics" The reason that it came back to life was our video IRON MOUNTAINBLUEPRINT FOR TYRANNY. We stand fully behind that video and the conclusions reached, no matter how much the liberals want to call names and point fingers. THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. The proof is in the IMPLEMENTATION of the recommendations in the report itself. When we asked DATELINE'S producer what Lewin had to say about the IMPLEMENTATION of the recommendations, he said Lewin's reply was that it not so, and it had not been implemented at all. When we replied it could be PROVEN by documents that it had been, there was silence on the line.

You see, IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGENDA is never brought up. It was not mentioned in the Wall Street Journal. It is never mentioned. It is not mentioned, because it is EASY TO PROVE IT IS BEING IMPLEMENTED. And that is the real crux of the entire debate, and if you let yourself be swayed away from that POINT, you have been made a victim of DIVERSION. The authenticity of the Report is a mute point. THE IMPLEMENTATION of its AGENDA is. And the American people OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT ITS IMPLEMENTATION. And now some comments from the author of the new Introduction, Mr. Victor Navasky: "Iron Mountain, it seemed, had returned. And now, to the LOONIES IN THE BOONIES, here was a government plot so sinister it would make WACO LOOK LIKE A PANTY RAID" There is no question that a move is underfoot to label ANYONE AT ALL who believes that IRON MOUNTAIN COULD BE A LITERAL AND REAL AGENDA as a fool who is a LOONIE IN THE BOONIES. And it is the same LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT, that holds the same views as the CFR that is behind this latest move to DISCREDIT the Report From Iron Mountain. Do you see a possible link? Omitted also is the fact the Jesus Christ said that in the last days, there would come upon the world scene, a MONSTER GLOBAL GOVERNMENT, PUT INTO PLACE BY THE LIBERAL EASTERN ESTABLISHMENT, that would in fact make WACO look like a panty raid. It is of course, a total coincidence that the IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA aligns itself perfectly with the ANTICHRIST AGENDA, right down to the very men who would bring it about, or is it? The Bible tells of a time of mass slaughter of innocent men, women and children at the hands of the RICH MEN. Rounded up under the new concept of PREVENTIVE DETENTION, as potential "terrorists", the United States Government fulfills its roll as A JUDAS, and turns it back upon its heritage as a Christian nation. The rounding up of God's people under the guise of PREVENTIVE MEASURES angers God to the point that he destroys the nation from one end to the other and all of the people within it, because they allowed it, and approved of it. The groundwork for this PREVENTIVE DETENTION ROUNDUP is already well underway in the "terrorist" laws, and the public has accepted it. PREVENTIVE

DETENTION has no boundaries. ANYONE can be targeted. It is the very opposite of our Bill of Rights. Why would NBC DATELINE, the most popular of all NEWS SHOWS, want to do a RATIONAL and OBJECTIVE report on IRON MOUNTAIN? Why would one of the leading "establishment" networks, whose board is filled with CFR members, want to stir up ANYTHING on IRON MOUNTAIN? WHY DID THEY NOT COME TO SEE US? The answer is OBVIOUS. We had the DOCUMENTATION TO PROVE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF IRON MOUNTAIN. It does not matter who wrote the report, or if published as hoax or not. Do you suppose that NBC NEWS would want to show the American people State Department Document 7277? That would prove to the American people that IT IS THE OFFICIAL POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES TO PLACE US UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS! WHY WAS NBC NEWS INTERESTED IN IRON MOUNTAIN IN THE FIRST PLACE? If indeed, it is a HOAX, why bother? Of what earthly purpose could there be to dig up and old report? Why did Mr. Lewin decide to REPUBLISH THE IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT, and in so doing, BRING IT BACK TO LIFE? It was all an attempt to DEBUNK THE REPORT. It was a massive attempt to show the American people that ANYONE WHO BELIEVED THAT IRON MOUNTAIN COULD BE REAL WAS A PARANOID RIGHT-WING FANATIC. Why are the LIBERALS SO BENT UPON DEBUNKING THIS REPORT? WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? Do they protest to much? Why is the AGENDA OF IMPLEMENTATION outlined in the IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT for the NEW WORLD ORDER being followed to the EXACT LETTER, if it is all a HOAX? Every major recommendation, and many MINOR recommendations, contained in the IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT ARE BEING IMPLEMENTED UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. It is a PROVABLE FACT. It is not OPINION. The report outlines an AGENDA OF IMPLEMENTATION, or we could say, the METHODS THAT THE ELITE WILL USE TO BRING AMERICA INTO THE SLAVE STATE OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. It is being done by DIVERSION, DECEPTION AND CUNNING. Few people understand the awesome meaning behind IRON MOUNTAIN, and that includes THOSE INVOLVED IN ITS IMPLEMENTATION. In 1993, BEST VIDEO PRODUCTIONS undertook a massive research effort in an attempt to find out the real truth behind IRON MOUNTAIN. Gathering official

government documents, live video footage from government archives and NASA, as well as many other sources, the TRUTH OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WAS PROVED BEYOND ALL DOUBT. So we decided to release it. If IRON MOUNTAIN is indeed a HOAX, then the POWERS THAT BE IN THE ELITE ESTABLISHMENT BORROWED EVERY RECOMMENDATION OF IRON MOUNTAIN, AND HAVE IMPLEMENTED SAME. From that perspective, the authenticity of IRON MOUNTAIN becomes a MOOT POINT. IT IS BEING IMPLEMENTED. In spite of all their denials, the CFR picked up on IRON MOUNTAIN and even wrote several articles in their FOREIGN AFFAIRS MAGAZINE that echoed the IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA. It is our belief that one cannot fully comprehend THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN apart from Bible Prophecy. If you understand who the PLAYERS ARE at the time of the end, and WHAT THE ANTICHRIST SYSTEM ACTUALLY IS AND WHAT IT DOES, then IRON MOUNTAIN makes perfect sense! It is a PRECISE FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY, and that IS WHY IT IS BEING IMPLEMENTED RIGHT UNDER THE NOSES OF THE AMERICANS. Prophecy said it WOULD BE, and they would NOT REALIZE WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO THEM UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE TO STOP IT. Our first video on the subject of IRON MOUNTAIN was a 2:30 hour documentary called IRON MOUNTAIN, BLUEPRINT FOR TYRANNY. It immediately sold all over America, Canada, Europe, the Far East and the Middle East. In 1994, we produced a SIX HOUR VIDEO DOCUMENTARY SERIES CALLED IRON MOUNTAIN II, which was a DEEP PROBE of many aspects of the IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT. It proved with exhaustive documentation the why, what, how and who of Iron Mountain. We then produced another documentary called IRON MOUNTAIN III, THE UPDATE, a two hour video documentary. in which we review IRON MOUNTAIN and then include UPDATED documents and footage to prove ONCE AGAIN, that the AGENDA OF IMPLEMENTATION outlined in IRON MOUNTAIN is a CONTINUOUS PROCESS, and in fact, is increasing at an alarming rate. THE IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA IS REAL, and IT IS BEING IMPLEMENTED. It is UNDENIABLE. Official government documents, public

laws, UNITED NATIONS DOCUMENTS AND TREATIES ALL PROVE THE AUTHENTICITY OF IRON MOUNTAIN, IT IS A STARK REALITY. The United Nation's RIO EARTH SUMMIT, AGENDA 21, the BIO-DIVERSITY TREATY, the WILDLANDS PROJECT are all part of the IRON MOUNTAIN AGENDA. The final plans of this agenda are about to be realized. When they are, the American people are in for the greatest shock of their entire lives. If you want to know the real truth behind WACO, RUBY RIDGE, THE RIO EARTH SUMMIT, THE UNITED NATIONS EXPANDING "PEACE KEEPING" OPERATIONS, THE "RAPID DEPLOYMENT STRIKE FORCES", THE MJTF POLICE, REX-84, GARDEN PLOT AND CABLE SPLICER OPERATIONS, THE TRUTH BEHIND FEMA, GOVERNMENT BY EMERGENCY, PROJECT RED LIGHT, AREA FIFTY-ONE, UFO's, POLLUTION, THE "OZONE" HOLE, AND A WHOLE HOST OF OTHER SUBJECTS, THEN YOU WANT TO PURCHASE THE IRON MOUNTAIN SERIES. As we said at the beginning, whether Iron Mountain is a hoax or not, is immaterial. What is VERY MATERIAL, and EASILY PROVED, is that the recommendations for controlling the American people and the people of the world are BEING IMPLEMENTED AT A NECK-BREAKING PACE. If you want to know where we are going, and why we are going there, BRIEF YOURSELF ON IRON MOUNTAIN. IRON MOUNTAIN - BLUEPRINT FOR TYRANNY 2:30 hours $45.95 UPS or $47.95 Priority Mail.

IRON MOUNTAIN II 6 hours on three two hour tapes $75.95 UPS or $77.95 Priority Mail.

IRON MOUNTAIN III 2 hours - review & update $39.95 UPS or $41.95 Priority Mail.

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