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Swipe Progress . . . R D T S 1 PLEASE CONNECT TO CARD SWIPE SYSTEM Press F1 to Cancel Press F4 to Connect 2 Swipe Progress . . . R D T S Card Swipe OK 6356***********9840 Press F1 to Cancel Press F4 to Send

Swipe card from right to left with magnetic strip face-down. Press F4 to connect to gateway.
Keypad 3

Display will show some details, you need to make a note of the last 4 digits then press F4 to send
4 Swipe Progress . . . R D T S Ready To Send 055.50 6356***********9840 Press F1 to Cancel


Enter Amount 000.00

1 4 < 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 > C

Enter value of fare to be debited using the touch-screen keypad then press green button.
Messages (1/3) 5 RDTS 6

A summary of the value and the transaction number will be shown. Press green button to confirm or F1 to cancel.
Messages (1/3) RDTS From Card Swipe System 14/11/06 14:50:13 CARD DECLINED

From Card Swipe System 14/11/06 14:50:13 TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL

Successful transaction.

Unsuccessful transaction.

When you first swipe a card during a shift screen 1 delivers your status. If you need to confirm your status at any time then you need to send #456 from the plotting keypad. This will request the internet clearing bank to confirm your status. If you fail to complete a transaction in a reasonable time then the gateway will time out and you will need to start the transaction again

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