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Installation Procedures for NS-2 (ns-allinone-2.

Download NS-2.34 from the following link; This also includes installation guidelines After downloading, copy of ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz from above link, the following steps executed: % tar -xzf ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz % cd ns-allinone-2.34 % ./install Once following message comes: Nam has been installed successfully. Ns-allinone package has been installed successfully. (Note: In case there is a failure, as it happens with me, you first need to check what Linux platform you are using. In my case it is Ubuntu-9.10 version. And in such case you need to provide the UNIX command and make some modification in configuration file as suggested in following link: Then again type following command: (under directory: ./ns-allinone-2.34) % ./install This hopefully will complete successful installation and he below message will come. Nam has been installed successfully. Ns-allinone package has been installed successfully. Next step is to link LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable by giving following commands: (if you are using sh or bash as in my case). %export LD-LIRARY-PATH=/home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/bin %export LD-LIRARY-PATH=/home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/lib %export TCL-LIRARY=/home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/tcl8.4.11/library OR (if you are using cshrc) %setenv LD-LIRARY-PATH /home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/bin %setenv LD-LIRARY-PATH /home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/lib %setenv TCL-LIRARY /home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/tcl8.4.11/library Then give command: % cd ns-2.34 % ./validate This will complete the successful installation.

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