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Senusret !

Joseph Markenstein

January 4, 2014

Senusret the first has a pyramid older than the more famous ones in Egypt. Some scholars say he may have been the grid for Egyptian Coptic. A philanthropic king kind to Israel is always a blessed one. Artaxerxes let Gods people go and did beat his brother Cyrus to the siren of command. His brother did not withstand his selfsame initiative; so Artaxerxes made these other Greeks go home by way of good hospitality (Euxine sea now called Black sea) received inhospitably along its banks. Cranked with worry, Xenophon while sounding foreign was the Attic Muse born by Athens and favoring Sparta to hurry his troops homeward so not to be martyred. As at the trumpet a truncate is formed like a diamond in coal, so this the soul of Senusret the first with anks in his hands speaks his blessing for having freed an Israeli from a railing by his peers. Fears of impending doom might have made Senusret rheum and bloom in trust to the God of Israel in Josephs bust. So dost he now without dust in his coffers a fostering good relationship with Josephs God and hence may have laid the sod of modern day ancient Egyptian Coptic.

Am I truncating this essay? I only hope not but right now times are hot on mine heals, so I peal one page at a time. Give me your patience and not your pity! (Sub Boobies Boo) Thank You!

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