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Al-'Araf 54-58 54: Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days

and then established Hi self above the throne! He covers the ni"ht with the day, #another ni"ht$ chasin" it ra%idly& and #He created$ the sun, the oon, and the stars, sub'ected by His co and! (n)uestionably, His is the creation and the co and& blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds! 55: *all u%on your Lord in hu ility and %rivately& indeed, He does not li+e trans"ressors! 5,: And cause not corru%tion u%on the earth after its refor ation! And invo+e Hi fear and as%iration! Indeed, the ercy of Allah is near to the doers of "ood! in

5-: And it is He who sends the winds as "ood tidin"s before His ercy until, when they have carried heavy rainclouds, .e drive the to a dead land and .e send down rain therein and brin" forth thereby #so e$ of all the fruits! /hus will .e brin" forth the dead& %erha%s you ay be re ainded! 58: And the "ood land- its ve"etation e er"es by %er ission of its Lord& but that which is bad-nothin" e er"es exce%t s%arsely, with difficulty! /hus do .e diversify the si"ns for a %eo%le who are "rateful!

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