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NAME AND SURNAME: 1. Write the words with play and go ( ! " #$%& '( )) ! *+ +*") ,).

Football Computer games Jogging Cards Bowling Baseball Rollerblading

P A!:


.. Where do yo/ play these sports0 $NS$DE:


1. 2(3#$454 564 2(7849:%5;(7 W;56 D# D#ES D#N&% D#ESN&%

A: '' t(e ondon train stop at t(is station) B: !es* it ''' A: +(at time '' it arri,e) B: Sorr-* $ '' .now/ A: 0ow o1ten '' Martina go to t(e sports 2lub) B: About t(ree times a mont(/ A: '' -ou o1ten pla- bas.etball toget(er) B: No* we '' / Martina '' li.e it ,er- mu2(/

2hange the /nderlined words. <se the e=pressions in the list Four times a wee. twi2e a dat(ree times a dae,er- da-

on2e a mont(

twi2e a -ear

3/Mar.o drin.s mil. at 4 o&2lo2.* 33 o&2lo2. and 5 o&2lo2./ Mar.o drin.s mil. t(ree times a da-/ 6/%(e 2inema is open 1rom Monda- to Sunda-/ '' 7/ Angela goes to t(e dentist in Mar2( and August/ '' 8/ %(e- (a,e C(emistr- lessons on Monda-* +ednesda-* %(ursda- and Frida-/ '' 5/ +e meet on t(e 1irst Saturda- o1 e,er- mont(/ '' 9/ Sadie 2leans (er teet( a1ter brea.1ast and be1ore s(e goes to bed/ ''

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