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The message that I would like to convey in this message is found in John, chapter 2.

At the beginning of the chapter we read about Jesus miraculously turning water into wine at a wedding. Many lessons can be learned from this miracle, but rather than share my thoughts on the whole of the story, I would like to briefly point out a lesson that was taught by the Saviors earthly mother, Mary. At this wedding, it is unclear of the identities of the bride and the groom, but we do know that it is likely to have been somebody close to Mary, perhaps even a relative, for we know that Mary assumed some responsibility in the celebration of the wedding. In realizing that the guests had run out of wine, Mary came to her divine son with the problem. This act alone can teach several lessons among such we find lessons of faith, hope, and meekness. Our Saviors response is found in the Joseph Smith Translation (footnote to John 2:3) in which he asks what his mother would have him do. It is Marys reply that teaches the lesson that I would like to point out in this email. Marys reply was not to her heavenly sent son, but rather to the servants at the wedding, to which she said, Whatsoever he [Jesus] saith unto you, do it (John 2:5). Could Mary have given sounder counsel to these servants? Perhaps at that time, even she did not perceive the magnitude of such a teaching. I do not know. But I do know that we can. In spite of all of the troubles and tribulations, trails and afflictions, tumults and spiritual sufferings that are around us every day, we know where we can find the answers. We know to what source we can look for peace in this life. We know to whom we can rely. Our Savior, even Jesus Christ, is mighty to save (see 2 Nephi 31: 19). He has all power to lift us up, above this world, and into the mansions of glory that have been prepared for the righteous. If we but take Marys counsel into our lives and follow Him, doing whatsoever thing that he asketh, he will maliciously make everything okay. I know that. I am sure of it. I have seen his hand and the healing effects of his atonement in my life and in the lives of many others who have put their trust in the Lord. May we ever more fully live the counsel of Mary, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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