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Sister Brides 2 - The Disobedient Mistress The Disobedient Mistress by L G

"I couldn't do it.... I couldn't possibly convince anyone that ere...lovers."

"!h" I thin# you underesti$ate yoursel% on that score"" Leone breathed in a di%%erent ti$bre" his rich" dar# dra l sna#in& around her li#e a hus#y" $es$eric spell. 'ibblin& at the so%t underside o% her %ull lo er lip" Misty as entrapped by the intensity o% his narro ed &olden stare. Gor&eous eyes" undeniably &or&eous eyes. (er $outh ran dry" her $uscles ti&htenin& in response. )ven his voice" li*uid dar# entice$ent o% the $ost dan&erous #ind" as yet another enhance$ent to his $a&netic $asculine presence. The &ene pool had not been stin&y hen he'd been born. )ntirely a&ainst her o n ill" she anted to s$ile" so%ten" be a o$an in all the ays she had once allo ed hersel% to be even i% it put her at ris# o% &ettin& hurt a&ain. The at$osphere as bu++in& ith the sensual vibes he could put out. (e could hip up the tension ithout e%%ort. ",ust say the ord and si&n on the dotted line and all your troubles are at an end" Misty."

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