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Proverbs Which Contradict

All good things come to those who wait Birds of a feather flock together Absence makes the heart grow fonder Clothes make the man !on"t cross our bridges before ou come to them $ood things come in small packages $reat starts make great finishes &e who hesitates is lost BUT Act in haste, 'epent at leisure (ractice makes perfect BUT All work and no pla makes )ack a dull bo *ilence is golden The pen is mightier than the sword ,ou"re never too old to learn BUT -hat"s good for the goose is good for the gander -ise men think alike BUT BUT The s+ueak wheel gets the grease BUT Actions speak louder than words ,ou can"t teach an old dog new tricks BUT One man"s meat is another man"s poison #ools seldom differ BUT %t ain"t over "till it"s over BUT The bigger the better BUT Never judge a book b its cover BUT #orewarned is forearmed BUT Out of sight, Out of mind BUT BUT Time and tide wait for no man Opposites attract

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