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Daniel 7

Key s to Liv i ng a S uc c es s ful Chris ti a n Li fe i n a P a ga n Worl d 7. TRUST

IN !"

#i$le Passage: Daniel 3:16-18 #i$le Truth: The key to Daniel's life is that he trusted in God Lesson !$%ective: That students base their life and actions on trust in God. What you need: Do !ou Trust "e ga#e $ieces% table or $latfor# 3-& ft high% chalk'(hite board and chalk% co$ies of book#ark )eys* !&ening
+efore class, $re$are Do !ou Trust "e ga#e as follo(s: you need one ga#e for each grou$ of --6 students. .ut $ieces of blank $a$er into s#all stri$s, you (ill need 1/ stri$s for each grou$ of kids. 0n si1 of the stri$s (rite a $erson fro# the list belo(, then on the re#aining si1 (rite a acti2ity. 3lace each $eo$le $ile in one s#all bag and each acti2ity $ile in another so that each grou$ of kids (ill ha2e t(o bags of $a$er sli$s% one (ith the na#es of each $erson (ho a$$ears in the list belo( under 340354 and one $ile (ith the na#es of each 6.T787T! . Peo&le 'ctivity (echanic )i* your car P+" in Che,istry Create a ne- ,edicine )riend o to the ,all -ith you od "ie for your sins er,an teacher Tutor you in er,an Waiter Serve you food

Di2ide students into grou$s of - - 6 and gi2e each grou$ a bag of $eo$le and each a bag of acti2ities . The first $erson should $ull out one stri$ fro# the $eo$le bag and one fro# the acti2ity bag and tell the rest of the grou$ (hether or not they trust that $erson to $erfor# that acti2ity. 9:or e1a#$le, Do 7 trust a ,echanic to die for ,y sins; <o = then they should return those sli$s to their res$ecti2e bags and $ass the bags to the ne1t $erson and so on until e2eryone has had a chance to dra(. Then they should, as a grou$, #atch u$ the 340354 (ith the 6.T787T! they are trusted to do. >hen they ha2e finished ask,

Who do you trust to create new medicine? Why do you trust them instead of a mechanic?

Every time we get on a bus we trust the driver to take us along the stated route and every time we get medicine at the pharmacy we trust that they have given us the right medicine. How do we decide who to trust and with what? Today we are going to learn more about trusting God and each other.

Interactive Learning Trust :all 9a #ini#u# of se2en $eo$le is needed for this acti2ity=. 6sk the students to take off their glasses and (atches, stand u$ and for# t(o lines facing each other. ?a2e the# stretch their ar#s out in front of the#, $al#s facing u$, ready to catch a falling $erson. They should alternate ar#s (ith the $erson across fro# the#, but should not lock ar#s. 4#$hasi@e that it is 2ery i#$ortant that the $erson (ho is falling #ust re#ain totally stiff. 7f they bend at the (aist all of their (eight (ill go to one or t(o $eo$le and they #ight hit the floor. The first $erson cli#bs u$ on a table or $latfor# that is 3 to & feet high and falls back(ard into the ar#s of the grou$. 97f your grou$ has ne2er done so#ething si#ilar before you #ay need to go first to sho( the# that if they stay stiff they (ill not touch the floor.= Then he or she Aoins those catching and so#eone else falls back(ard until all of the students ha2e fallen. 4ncourage all students to $artici$ate, but do not force the#.

Did anyone have a hard time convincing yourself to participate? Why? How did you feel about doing this? Did you trust that the group would catch you? Why or why not? Would it be harder or easier to do it again and why?

This morning we have seen that we trust people based on our knowledge of who they are and our assessment of their skills. nd we have felt that it is easier to trust people after you have personally e!perienced trusting them and finding them trustworthy. "n this last study from the book of Daniel we are

a. gulick 9(rite a the to$ of the board, Trust in God =

Daniel 7

going to look at what is possibly the most important key to living a successful #hristian life$ trusting in God.

#i$le '&&lication
%ver the past si! lessons we have studied the main events in the life of Daniel. &ets take a few minutes to review how Daniel trusted God and time and time again e!perienced that God was faithful. 9>rite on the

board: Daniel and his friends in training=

Who can remind us what Daniel and his friends did while they were in training for the king's service that re(uired faith in God? 9they trusted that God could kee$ the# as (ell nourished and healthy as their class#ates e2en if
they didn't eat the royal food and (ine=

nd how did God prove himself trustworthy? 9?e not only ke$t the# healthy, but they (ere #ore healthy and God
blessed the# (ith kno(ledge and understanding=

9>rite on the board: the king's first drea#=

What did Daniel trust that God would do as a result of his and his friend's prayers? 9Tell hi# the #eaning of
the kings drea#=

What was at stake for Daniel? 9his life=

9>rite on the board: the king's second drea#=

Did Daniel have to trust God to tell the king that God was going to make him live like an animal for ) years? Why or why not?

9>rite on the board: Daniel in the lions den=

What did Daniel do to get thrown in with the lions? 9he didn't sto$ $raying e2en (hen it (as against the la(= What do you think Daniel was thinking when he decided to pray* knowing that the other rulers were trying to trap him? 9he trusted that God (ould take care of hi#= The +ible doesn,t record e!actly what he was thinking or what he said. +ut " think it is safe to say that he was probably thinking the same thing as his friends -hadrach* .eshach* y bednego when /ing 0ebuchadne11ar told them that if they didn't bow down before an image of him made of gold that he would have them thrown into a fiery furnace. &et's read together Daniel 2$ 34536.

What does this passage say about trusting God? 9God is able to rescue and sa2e. 42en though he #ight not sa2e
$eo$le the (ay they are ho$ing he is the only one (orthy of being (orshi$ed=

Why do you think that Daniel and his friends had so much faith in God that they were willing to trust him with their lives? 9because they had e1$erienced that he (as faithful in the $ast= What makes it difficult for us to trust God?

Co,,it,ent 4rase the board e1ce$t for (here it says, Trust in God across the to$.
Even though we don't feel like our life is on the line every day* we all face difficult situations where we have to decide if we can trust God or not. 7or e!ample* you may think that if you obey God by not cheating in school that you might fail. We are going to call these difficult situations 8fiery furnaces.8

?a2e the# break into grou$s of four and co#e u$ (ith a list of fiery furnaces that they face. >hen they ha2e finished co#e together as a large grou$ again and #ake a list on the board of their ans(ers.

"n which of these 8furnaces8 do you think faith in God can make a difference? Why do you think God allowed Daniel and his friends to be put in such difficult circumstances? Why do you think God allows us to be put in 8fiery furnaces8?

Closing: 3ass out the book#arks )eys*

" hope you use this bookmark in your +ible or in some other book you use fre(uently as a reminder of some of what we have learned together over the past few weeks.

?a2e the students read out loud (hat is (ritten of the book#ark. Then say

a. gulick

Daniel 7

To conclude our study of these keys that help us live a successful #hristian life " want each of you to choose one of these areas where you want God to give you strength. Then tell this and your name to your neighbor on your right. 7or e!ample* 8my name is 9 and " want God to help me be proactive in my neighborhood for him.8

Then go around the roo# ha2ing each student $ray for the $erson on their right.

Keys to Living a Successful Christian Life in a Pagan World from the life of Daniel
Be Pure Be Proactive Be in Community

Keys to Living a Successful Christian Life in a Pagan World from the life of Daniel
Be Pure Be Proactive Be in Community

Keys to Living a Successful Christian Life in a Pagan World from the life of Daniel
Be Pure Be Proactive Be in Community

Keys to Living a Successful Christian Life in a Pagan World from the life of Daniel
Be Pure Be Proactive Be in Community

Be in Communion with God Be Bold Be a Witness Trust in God

Be in Communion with God Be Bold Be a Witness Trust in God

Be in Communion with God Be Bold Be a Witness Trust in God

Be in Communion with God Be Bold Be a Witness Trust in God

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