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Work done by Ana Catarina Faria Number 1 9th 2nd

Location and special dates

When D. Afonso, Duke of Barcelos and the illegitimate son of King John 1st, founder of the Dynasty of Aviz, was made Lord of Guimares, he built a palace inspired by the style of a French castle. It was on 15th century. However D. Afonso died early. The Ducal Palace was abandoned until the 17th century. Then the monks of St. Anthonys Monastery requested Royal permission to rebuild their new Monastery.

The request was granted and by the 19th century the Ducal Palace was in a bad state.
It was just in 20th century that the Ducal Palace was completely rebuilt. By now we can also walk and play in the surrounding


Today it is a National Monument and apart from a museum, it contains a suite of rooms used by the President of the Republic on visits to the north and some other international celebrities when they visit Portugal.

Reason for choosing

I chose this monument because 1. I was born in Guimares and I love Ducal Palace 2. This monument is really big and beautiful 3. We learn a lot about our history and past when we go there.

I hope that with this work we also want to visit Ducal Palace Thank you!

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