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Web Quest Rubric

Exceptional (5 points) Use of Internet (Links Provided) Successfully uses suggested Internet links to find information and navigate within these sites easily without assistance. All areas of the Web Quest are addressed and completed with a high degree of thoroughness. Appropriate details are included and complete sentences are used. Classroom time is used to work on this assignment. Conversations were not disruptive and typically focused on the work. Admirable (4 points) Uses most of the Internet links to find information and navigates the pages on these sites with little to no assistance. Developing (3 points) Occasionally needs assistance or supervision to navigate and find information on these sites. Needs Improvement (2 points) Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested Internet links and navigate through these sites to find information.

Web Quest Tasks Completed

All areas of the Web Quest are completed. However, some details are missing and responses may not be in complete sentences.

Majority of Web Quest is completed. However, information and details are inaccurate and responses may not be in complete sentences. Classroom time is used to work but student is often off task and has conversations that are often disruptive.

Web Quest is incomplete. Information is vague or inaccurate. Responses lacks details and are not completed in sentences.

Time Use

Classroom time is used to work on the assignment for the majority of the time. Conversations are not disruptive and typically focused on the work. The assignment is neat and has 12 errors in grammar and spelling.

Student does not use classroom time to work on this assignment and is a distraction to other students.

Grammar, Format, and Spelling

The assignment is neat and completely free of grammar and spelling errors.

The assignment is fairly neat and there are 3-5 errors in spelling and grammar.

The assignment is sloppy and/or there are major errors in spelling and grammar.

Score: ______/20

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