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When we hear on the news, on the representation of the Passion of Christ in the

most populous and dangerous delegation of the Federal District, we're always
thinking about the new meaning that this event has taken root, political events
have been the talk of the media, domestic and foreign, with the notorious
character that Andres Manuel Lopez, created to Rafael Acosta, who is now known as

It is well known, the fact that you removed from the race to Clara Brugada, the
candidate of the famous peje, forcing this, to appoint as his cock above the
delegation, giving full support of his people, making promise in public (as
recorded on video) that of winning the post would deliver his goddaughter policy.

The clock is ticking, and Juanito, has broken with Obrador, with PT and all those
who believed his word, saying that his fame extends beyond the borders even above
the former presidential candidate of the PRD, which is taking shape to play the
role of Judas, at the next start of the death of Jesus Christ in Iztapalapa.

For many, Juanito, is living proof of it must not rely on poor people because as
the phrase "per se is happy the Indians, and then give maracas" or other words not
their word and take the opportunity to profit for himself.

Rafael Acosta, there is still time to show that people who have less, is the one
who has more honor and wishes to help advance the poorly named "bottom"

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