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Ich wollen ein Deutsch Staatsbrgerschaft: Rights and Responsibilities of Obtaining a German Citizenship

Caden Sponholtz Junior Division Individual Website

When I was choosing my history fair topic, I really put some thought into what I was doing. I wrote down what I liked, thought of something unique and wrote that down too. I then combined them and I got the rights and responsibilities of a modern day German citizen. I was doing some research and I couldnt really find anything so I revised my topic to the rights and responsibilities of obtaining a German citizenship. I really liked that topic because it is modern unlike most topics; it had to do with Germany, and there was quite a bit on the subject. I conducted my research for my project by searching up my topic until I found all of the websites I would use. I used two primary sources and three secondary sources for the paper I wrote. I then used those websites to type about one thousand words. After a lot of revising, I had about one thousand and three hundred words, which still was not enough. I added a paragraph and had about one thousand and five hundred words, which meant I was almost done. My Mom pointed out errors and I fixed them. I then started on other things like my website. When choosing what I would do, I wanted to do a research paper but at the same time I wanted to do a website, though I wanted to do the latter a little bit more. Sadly, I did not have a choice of what I would do, my teacher made me and the other students do a website. Though on the other hand, I wanted to do the website and I got to do the website. Then I started play around with the website until I got it how I wanted it to be. Then I made some changes here and there over the course of time. Some of the changes that I made was that I added stuff to my thesis, wrote some more about Germany, and added more to my annotated bibliography. My topic connects to this years theme because it is about you having to follow the rules as a responsibility. The rights portion of this theme is having the right to become a German and being able to do it as a foreign, part foreign, or as a natural born German. Having rights is important in a society because people need to be able to do things freely. However, citizens must have responsibilities too in order for society to operate. Overall my project has a lot to do with this years theme including rights and responsibilities.

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