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Simi Valley & Moorpark Republican Women Federated

V O L U M E 5 1 , I S S U E 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4


Presidents Message continued

SWRWF 2014 Presidents Message

Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season has been filled with joy and happiness. Thank you so much to Jan Adams and her team: Laurie Nowland, Ann Duran and Sara West, Pat Saraceno & family, for making our Installation Dinner a wonderful night! I thought my first message to you should include a brief bio to give you a little history of who I am, where I came from and how I received the honor of the position. So here we go My parents are 1st generation Americans. My grandparents came from Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Italy (although Italy is up for debate could be Ireland). I have two older brothers. My father served in WWII and has passed away in 2000. I was born in the Valley I always say, you can take the girl out of the Valley, but you cant take the Valley out of the girl. You will notice a like now and then, my apologies. I attended Faith Baptist School from kindergarten to 12th grade. I met my husband while I was a senior in high school working at Vons. We married 5 years later. We just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. Mark is an engineer at JPL in Pasadena he is a real smart guy and works on space stuff! We have two boys, Joshua and Timothy. Josh is 23 and is working on his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Santa Cruz and Tim is a junior at Cal Lu and is studying Biochemistry. We lived in Santa Clarita after we got married until we moved to Simi in 2000. I have always worked in Human Resources until March of 2011 when I was laid off. While I was working I went to college and got a BS in Business Management and have done coursework toward my Masters Degree in Marketing at Cal Lu. Currently, I take care of my mom who suffered a stroke in June of 2010 and have my own business, Clever Girl Innovations, home of the GlamEar and GlamMat. I decided to volunteer some time to the Romney campaign in 2012. Nancy was so dedicated and made it look like so much fun, I decided to join the club! I was publicity chair and co-chair of Ways & Means with Jan Adams last year. Continued Page 2

Be Prepared for 3 Luncheon

February Joint Lunch

Caring For America

Membership & Memory

Links & Legislation

January 17th - Luncheon Speaker

Legislative Update


Dr. Terry Paulson, PhD "America's Critical Choice--Earned Optimism or Learned Helplessness"

Installation Party Pictures & Thank You


Dr. Terry Paulson is a PhD psychologist, a national columnist, and celebrated author of popular books, The Optimism AdSIMI VALLEY & MOORPARK

vantage, Favorite Family Lec- hes past president of both the tures, and They Shoot Managers National Speakers Association Dont They? He is also a popular and the Global Speakers Federa-

perience in inspiring audiences,

columnist in the Ventura County tion and has been inducted into Star. NSAs Speaker Hall of Fame An award-winning professional along with Ronald Reagan and speaker with over 30 years ex- Colin Powell.



ernment dependence? How do we make working hard, staying in school and have having selfrespect hipper than knowing who is the latest Kardashian getting divorced? How do we get our message out? It starts with each of us. We must talk about it at the dinner table, at lunch, at our places of worship during coffee fellowship, at the water cooler. But first we must have our tool belt full of facts and armed with the truth. I would like us to keep three things in mind with everything we do in 2014: are we ENGAGING the community and our members, are we getting ENTHUSIASM for our club from the community and from our members, and are we EDUCATING the community and our club on our values. We will keep this in mind with every speaker, every event we hold. Our speakers will be asked to give us action items or to-do lists after their presentations on how we can get our message out or how to apply their message. If they cant do this, we may pass on having him/her as a speaker. We are not a social club to be entertained we have a mission that we must accomplish and we dont want to squander this opportunity in 2014. We must engage the younger generations and add younger members to the club. I want our board to think about ways we can entice new members. Of course, getting great speakers is one way and having fun exciting events is another.

2014 President, Leah Schwochert, with new officers.

The nominating committee called and I answered. So that is it in a nutshell. Now onto business. I truly believe we have an incredible opportunity before us in 2014. What we do with it is up to us as Republicans and Libertarians. In the past, there has been Republican-shaming in our workplaces, in the media (a given), and even with friends. That has to stop and we need to be bold and proud with our message: 1) big government does not work; 2) free markets are superior; 3) government spending needs to be controlled; 4) personal success needs to be applauded; and lastly 5) pitting one group of people against the other needs to stop (race, religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc). How do we make the idea of self-reliance and personal liberty seem cooler and more appealing than gov-

I introduced my boys on to Red Eye which is hosted by Greg Gutfeld and airs on Fox at midnight. It may not be for all of you, but the panel speaks to the younger generation of Republicans and Libertarians and is not an hour of just politics. It can be coarse and they do bleep sometimes but it gets our message across! I also bought them Gregs books and Andrew Breitbarts book for Christmas. Tim is already way through one of the books! Gutfeld has a way in breaking it all down and relating it to everyday life. He is a master at book writing - cant wait for his next book, Not Cool in March. His book Joy of Hate is a must read for the younger generation. This book exposes the fact that while the left claims they are the tolerate ones, they are actually the most intolerant of all when you dont agree with their viewpoint. Caution: there are F-bombs. I look forward to sharing my goals with the Board at the Board Meeting on January 8th at Noon at the Chamber. Our first general meeting and luncheon is on January 17th at 11:30 a.m. Our speaker is Terry Paulson. It should be fabulous and might run a tad long as I plan to share what our Board has in store for 2014! Happy New Year again. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to lead a great board. Sit back, buckle up and lets enjoy the ridetogether. Cheers!









Be Prepared 2014 Luncheon Motto

A new goal for 2014 is to streamline the check in process at the monthly luncheons. I bet your thinking, Wow! What a great idea. Now I can spend less time in line and more time visiting. In order to achieve this goal the board brainstormed and made a few new guidelines.

1. Be PreparedPlease come with your checks made out.

2. Write a separate check for lunch and a separate check for membership. Checks are made to SVRWF. The luncheon check is $18 and the membership check is $25.

3. Associate members are $5 and their name(s) need to be written on the check. Associates can be included in the membership check.

February 22, 2014Joint Meeting with Conejo Valley Republican Women Federated ~ Candidates for California Governor
Mark your calendar for February 22, 2014. SVRWF will join our Conejo Sisters for a sit-down luncheon at Los Robles Greens, 299 South Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks, CA. Paid reservations are due by February 9th in the amount of $35 for non CVRWF members. This is an exciting televised statewide candidate forum. Guest speakers are Tim Donnelly of the 33rd Assembly district and Abel Maldonado the 48th Lieutenant Governor of California. Both are candidates for California Governor. Other candidates and details will be announced later, so dont miss this exciting meeting!

Tim Donnelly of the 33rd Assembly district

Checks are payable to SVRWF Send to: SVRWF P.O. Box 630055 Simi Valley, CA 93063

Caring for America with Love ~ Pam Campeau, Chair

The mission of Caring for America with Love is to change the negative to a positive perception of the Republican Party through a broader outreach of caring within the community. Last year you fulfilled this mission with your contributions and donations to the Boys and Girls Club of Simi Valley, For the Troops, Simi Valley Library literacy programs, and the White Oak Elementary student library program. Thank you all for a generous 2013! Lets make 2014 an even better year with community outreach!

Boys & Girls Club of Simi Valley $500 contribution for summer camp scholarships. 712 art products and supplies to enable the children to continue with art projects. For the Troops:

Valley Forge, To Try Mens Souls, Victory and Yorktown trilogy co-written by Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen and sponsored through the NFRW Literacy Committee --Our History To Our Future. Plus other age-appropriate book donations.

A total of $2,400 to help support mailing costs. Each care package costs $17. Over 260 products to enclose in the packages. White Oak Elementary student library:

Simi Valley Public Library Over 20 various books contributed by SVRWF. Also, one volunteer who was trained as a tutor for the Adult Literacy Program. With love from a Republican Woman, Pam

Books purchased by SVRWF,





When Republican Women Work Together

Simi Valley ~ Moorpark Republican Women Federated

We Get Things Done!

Membership payments can be sent to the post office box listed to the left. Membership Chairs Jacqueline Andrews & Carol Mann Post Office Box 630055 Simi Valley, CA 93063 $25 Standard Membership $50 Gold Membership $5 Associate Membership SVRWF Newsletter is free via email; for printed newsletter sent via USPS there is a yearly charge. Please ask membership for the print and mail cost.

Whos Likeness is On Your Money? 1. Penny 2. Nickel 3. Dime 4. Quarter 5. Half-dollar 6. $1 Coin 7. $1 Bill 8. $2 Bill First person to email me at with the correct answers will get recognition in Februarys newsletter . Answers will be in Februarys newsletter. 9. $5 Bill

10. $10 Bill 11. $20 Bill 12. $50 Bill 13. $100 Bill 14. $1000 Bill









LINKS & OTHER INFORMATION Email: (Ventura Co. Young Republicans)

Sue Waggoner
It is my pleasure to serve the SVRWF as 4th V.P./Legislation for 2014. I will do my best to keep you informed of local, state, and national legislative issues. In an effort to provide our members with an overview of laws that were enacted in 2013, I visited the Official California Legislative Information website at: The Bills Enacted Report 2013 is a 53 page document that itemizes 800 bills! (Feel free to peruse this report in your spare time.) In the meantime, here is a brief sampling of some of the new laws affecting Californians in 2014: PLASTIC BAG BAN: Shoppers in the city of Los Angeles will have to bring their own reusable bags or fork up 10 cents per sack at large retail stores, starting Jan. 1, 2014. Smaller stores have until July 1, 2014, to phase out single-use plastic bags.
Continued Page 6


TRANSGENDER RIGHTS: Students in grades K-12 who identity as transgender will be allowed to use school bathrooms and play on sport teams consistent with their gender identity, starting Jan. 1, 2014. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE: Workers earning minimum wage will net $9 an hour starting July 1, 2014. The increase is part of a three-year plan that will raise the hourly minimum wage in California to $10 one of the highest in the nation by 2016. Under another bill, domestic workers will have to be paid time and a half if they work more than nine hours in a day or more than 45 hours in a week; baby sitters are exempt. PAPARAZZI CRACKDOWN: Backed by actresses including Halley Berry and Jennifer Garner, a new measure will impose tougher penalties on paparazzi that harass the children of public figures, including celebrities, police officers and judges. Starting in January, violators could face up to a year in county jail and a fine of up to $10,000. Fines would increase for subsequent convictions. MORE ROOM FOR BICYCLISTS: Drivers must give cyclists a 3-foot clearing when passing or, when that clearance isnt possible, slow down and only pass when theres enough room. Starting Sept. 16, 2014, passing too close to a bicyclist could result in a fine for the driver, whether there was a crash or not. AMBER ALERT EXPANSION: Abductions by custodial parents or guardians, who may cause serious bodily injury or death to the child, now will require law enforcement to request the activation of an AMBER Alert. TEXTING AND DRIVING: Drivers under the age of 18 are not allowed to use voice recognition software, like Apples Siri, to write, send or read a text while behind the wheel. ON-CAMPUS SMOKING: All 10 University of California campuses will be smoke-free starting Jan. 1, 2014. The ban includes all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. HYBRIDS RIDING HOV: Low-emission or zero-emission vehicles can continue using highoccupancy vehicle, or carpool, lanes without meeting occupancy requirements until Jan. 1, 2019. FINDING HIT-AND-RUN DRIVERS: A new bill extends the current three-year statute of limitations for hit-and-run offenses to six years from the date of a crash that causes death or permanent, serious injuries. GROUP GRATITUITY: Tips automatically added to a restaurant bill (usually when a table seats 6 or more diners) will now be taxable as regular wages and subject to payroll tax withholding, which means your server wont see those tips until payday instead of taking it home as cash. SEARCH WARRANTS: A driver suspected of DUI who refuses to submit to or fails to complete a blood test can be served a search warrant to draw blood in a reasonable, medically approved manner. This law went into effect Sept. 20.









VICTIM PROTECTION: Employers are now barred from firing, discriminating or retaliating against a worker because they are a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. The new law also requires employers to protect victims from their abusers, for example, by changing the employee's work number.

Source: For an overview of new laws affecting California employers, go to:

You can view pending Assembly Bills and Senate Bills at:

State Assembly (District 38) (Simi Valley) Assembly Member Scott Wilk-REP State Assembly (District 44) (Moorpark) Assembly Member Jeff Gorell-REP State Senate (District 27) Senator Fran Pavley-DEM

UPCOMING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Simi Valley City Council Chambers 2929 Tapo Canyon Road JANUARY 13 6:30PM JANUARY 27 6:30PM










2013 Simi Valley Republican Women Federated Officers Holiday Installment Party









2014 Simi Valley Republican Women Federated Officers President, Leah Schwochert; 1st VP-Programs, Pam Campeau; 2nd VP-Ways & Means, Jackie Burditt; 3rd VP-Membership, Carol Mann & Jacqueline Andrews; 4th VP Legislation, Sue Waggoner; Treasurer, Elva Cooper; Recording Secretary, Ann Duran; Corresponding Secretary, Janet Adams and Parliamentarian, Elaine Freeman (not in picture)

I would like to thank the SVRWF for the beautiful roses and the generous donation to Wounded Warriors in my name. I wish you all the very happiest, most successful 2014. Blessings, Nancy Wofford

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