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Position title: Student intern to the LMSA Wests VP of Policy Position time: Completion of projects or tasks not to exceed

4 months (January-April 2014) working remotely and in contact with the VP of Policy via email and phone. Expectation is that that the student intern will work 5 hours a week but no more than 20 per week on specific project. Position description: -Support the VP of Policy in marketing, recruiting, and or fundraising initiatives for the LMSA West regional and national policy events (this mainly includes email and letter writing) -Finding weekly articles relevant to Latino health policy to add to policy section of website, newsletter articles, twitter, facebook and/or social media -Support other tasks/projects on an as-needed basis. Position requirements: Student intern must be an undergraduate student, in good academic standing with minimal GPA of 3.0 and not studying for or taking the MCAT during the time while holding the position. Position compensation: With appropriate completion of said project as determined by CEO, student will receive: a. Sponsorship (Air-fair and hotel stay not to exceed $600.00) to an out-of-state conference of their choice with focus on Latino/Hispanic health (ex: National Hispanic Medical Association Conference, DC March 2014 or National Latino Medical Student Association Conference March/ April 2014 Austin,Tx.) b. A letter of recommendation from VP of Policy with support from Advisory board Application process: Submit completed application to VP of Policy via email ( by January 20th 2013. It is the student's responsibility to submit a completed application and all supporting documents by the deadline the LMSA officer has determined. Completed Application Includes All of the following items: Sign the statement (can be done electronically) SEE BELOW and include in email with personal statement, transcript, and resume. PERSONAL STATEMENT: A required minimum one-page personal statement (single spaced, 12-pt. font) describing your family and personal background, educational objectives, community involvement, why you wish to be an intern for LMSA and how can you contribute in helping the LMSA carry out its mission of serving the Latino community. As well as how you think you can accomplish the task at hand. The personal statement is one of the most important selection criteria. TRANSCRIPT(S): Submit an unofficial transcript from all institutions attended. Transcripts must show a cumulative GPA and course work to date.

Updated RESUME

Certification: Student must read and sign below to be eligible for consideration. I have read and understand the internship eligibility criteria. All of the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. By signing below, I am certifying that I am a student with the honest intentions of entering a professional health career and possess the heartfelt desire towards serving the Latino community with their healthcare needs. I authorize LMSA to share or publish my application information when necessary and give permission to share this information for the purpose of recruitment, public relations, or possible fund raising. Application materials will become the property of the LMSA West and will not be returned. Signature_______________________________________ Date_________________ !

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