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World PlsLory AsslgnmenL SheeL

/0$1 234567058
! Pow dld geographlc condluons aecL Lhe growLh/lnuence of anclenL/medleval Afrlca?
! ln whaL ways has 1he WesL" dlsLorLed, suppressed, or sLereoLyped Afrlcan hlsLory? Pow has our sLudy
of Afrlca conrmed or re[ecLed Lhose vlewpolnLs?
! WhaL examples can we nd of greaL clvlllzauons LhroughouL Afrlcan hlsLory?
! WhaL was Afrlca's role ln world Lrade neLworks?

+34 +&14 94&:$0; <4= >4#?5@23456705
C: 1- 1/7
u: 1- 1/7
Secuon 10-1, Larly
Clvlllzauons ln Afrlca"
pp. 283-287
- CreaL 8l valley
- Sahara
- Sahel
- savanna
- WhaL challenges can Afrlca's envlronmenL pose Lo people llvlng
- uescrlbe Lhe soclal sLrucLure LhaL many of Afrlca's early
clvlllzauons had ln common.
- anlmlsm
- grloLs
- 8anLu mlgrauons
C: M- 1/13
u: M- 1/13
Secuon 10-2, 1radlng SLaLes
of LasL Afrlca."
pp. 288-294
Aksum and LLhlopla
- locauon
- ma[or clues
- Aksum and Lrade
- klng Lzana
- culLure
- decllne of Aksum
- klng Lallbela
- Solomonlds
- lslam ln Lhe horn of
CoasLal ClLy-SLaLes
- rlse of clLy-sLaLes
- monsoons
- clLy-sLaLes and Lrade
- slave Lrade
- Swahlll
- lslam ln Lhe clLy-sLaLes
CreaL Zlmbabwe
- mlddleman"
- CreaL Lnclosure
- MuLapa Lmplre
C: 1- 1/14
u: 1- 1/14
Secuon 10-3, klngdoms of
WesL Afrlca,"
pp. 293-301

1lp: use Lhe charL on p. 300 Lo help
you remember Lhe dlerence
beLween Lhe Lradlng sLaLes of WesL
Lmplre of Chana
- rlse of Chana
- Lrade
- Pow dld Lhe klngs of
Chana become
- decllne of Chana
- Mansa Musa
- Lrade ln Mall
- lslam ln WesL Afrlca
- 1lmbukLu
- decllne of Mall
- Sunnl All
- Aksa Muhammad
CLher WesL Afrlcan SLaLes
- Pausa ClLy-SLaLes
- ?oruba klngdoms
- klngdom of 8enln

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