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[ErrorMsg] GENERIC_ERROR = "Internal FEAR.exe error: %1!d!." MISSINGWORLDMODEL = "Missing WorldModel: %1!s!.

" CANTLOADGAMERESOURCES = "Can't load game resources in %1!s!." CANTINITIALIZEINPUT = "Can't initialize DirectInput." UNABLETORESTOREVIDEO = "Unable to restore video mode." USERCANCELED = "User canceled." INVALIDWORLDFILE = "%1!s! is an invalid world file." MISSINGMODELFILE = "Missing model file %1!s!." INVALIDMODELFILE = "%1!s! is an invalid model file." MISSINGSPRITEFILE = "Missing sprite file %1!s!." INVALIDSPRITEFILE = "%1!s! is an invalid sprite file." NOGAMERESOURCES = "No game resources specified." MISSINGWORLDFILE = "Missing world file %1!s!." CANTRESTOREOBJECT = "Unable to restore object (class %1!s!)." SERVERERROR = "Server error: %1!s!." INVALIDOBJECTDLLVERSION = "Object DLL %1!s! is an invalid version (%2!d!). Curr ent version is %3!d!." INVALIDSHELLDLL = "Invalid shell DLL %1!s!." INVALIDSHELLDLLVERSION = "Invalid shell DLL version for %1!s!. DLL version is %2!d!, current version is %3!d!." MISSINGSHELLDLL = "Missing shell DLL %1!s!." CANTCREATECLIENTSHELL = "Can't create client shell." UNABLETOINITSOUND = "Unable to initialize sound system." INVALIDSERVERPACKET = "Got an invalid server packet." MISSINGCLASS = "Missing class: %1!s!." ERRORINITTINGNETDRIVER = "Unable to initialize network driver %1!s!." INVALIDNETVERSION = "Network protocol version mismatch - your vers ion: %1!d!, server's version: %2!d!." CANTCREATESERVERSHELL = "Unable to create server shell." ERRORLOADINGRENDERDLL = "Error loading render DLL %1!s!." ERRORCOPYINGFILE = "Error copying file %1!s!."

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