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Christopher Wemp Period 3 1/31/05

A Trip to DreamWorks
Many movies are produced every year. ome are !ood "hi#e others are

$ri!ht$u##y horri%#e. With the increasin! num%er o$ teena!ers attendin! movie theatres& many producers have started makin! movies that attempt to appea# to a teen a!e audience. The num%ers o$ movies made to"ard a mature and attentive audience have d"ind#ed. A$ter a##& "hy make a deep and overa## e'ce##ent movie "hen a su% par comedy can %rin! in mi##ions o$ do##ars( What the movie market needs is a $resh out#ook on $i#m makin! and revisit the !#ory days o$ ) tar Wars* and )+ndiana ,ones* %y makin! movies that anyone can re#ate to. +$ + ta#ked to a mem%er o$ DreamWorks a%out a ne" movie idea& + "ou#d su!!est a $i#m %ased on the o#d "est. The era "ou#d %e o$ "hich co"%oys& %ounty hunters& !host to"ns& and o#d $ashioned sa#oon $i!hts e'isted. The p#ot "ou#d revo#ve around a youn! co"%oy& ,onathan& "ho "as -ust returnin! home $rom a #on! catt#e herdin! trip. .pon reachin! his to"n& ,onathan "ou#d #earn that a rou!hish out#a" %ruta##y murdered his mother and $ather and kidnapped his youn!er sister. /ent "ith ra!e and sadness& our youn! co"%oy "ou#d set out on a #on!& dan!erous -ourney to not on#y aven!e his parents& %ut rescue his sister. A#on! the "ay& ,onathan "ou#d meet $oes and a##ies a#ike as he stru!!#ed to $ind the man that took everythin! a"ay $rom him. The movie "ou#d cover important e#ements o$ !ood movies such as super% actin!& interestin! dia#o!ue& e'ce##ent screenp#ay& and a %ri##iant p#ot. +$ DreamWorks took my idea and pro$essiona##y mo#ded it to their #ikin!& + %e#ieve they "ou#d have a /#ock%uster hit.

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