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Answering Strategies

Types of Text : Passage + Non-linear texts Types of Questions: True, False and Not Stated Skills: i. skim, scan and extract information. ii. Identify main ideas and supporting details. iii. Understanding linear and non-linear texts.

2. 3.

Read the passage and the graph/chart given. Study the questions. Reread the passage/graph and answer the questions.

TRUE Example: 1.Extended families play an important role in reducing child abuse cases in Malaysia. A True the statement above is true/correct/as mentioned in the passage. B False the statement above is not true/does not reflect what is in the passage C Not stated the statement is not mentioned in the passage.

When selecting TRUE make sure the statement: i. Is true as mentioned in the text/chart. ii. Can be proven /supported by the text/chart. When selecting FALSE make sure the statement: i. Contradicts what is mentioned in the text. When selecting NOT STATED make sure the statement: i. Is not mentioned by the passage. ii. Cant be found in the chart/graph. ***statements that sound true or appear like a true/logical impression if it is not supported by the passage or data from any chart , it is either a FALSE OR NOT STATED statement depending on how it is worded in the option given.

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