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AN UNFORGETTABLE MEMORY The Brownie Story It was a green land whi h was lo ated !

! "# away $ro# %&sy ity' There was a %ea&ti$&l ottage %&ilt owned %y the $a#o&s ontra tor o$ the tow( Mr Ri hard' )e stayed there with his wi$e( A#anda and little %a%y( Roy' )e rared a dog' )e na#ed it( Brownie' Brownie was a %ig( %rown dog' Brownie was des ri%ed as a $aith$&l and o%edient dog( as it always loo"ed a$ter little Roy whene*er Ri hard went o&t $or wor"' +hene*er A#anda was doing the ho&sehold hores( Brownie wo&ld wat h o*er the %a%y and %ar"ed alo&d when little Roy ried $or #il"' )ow else I des ri%e a dog, The day started as &s&al' Nothing weird ha--ened on that day' The s&n was shining %rightly' The %irds were $lying and hir-ing lo&dly' A#anda de ided to go to the nearest shoto %&y so#e gro eries and #il" -owder $or the %a%y' Sin e the sho- was .&st a stone/s throw( so she de ided to wal"' Be$ore lea*ing the ho&se( she -atted on Brownie/s head and as"ed hi# to loo" a$ter the %a%y' +hen she was lea*ing the ho#e( Roy was -laying ha--ily in the ot' )e s#iled when A#anda wa*ed good%ye to hi#' The $aith$&l dog lied down 0&ietly at the li*ing roo#( near to the %a%y/s ot' )e was wat hing the %a%y -laying' A$ter -laying $or so#e ti#e( the %a%y $elt tired and sle-t' Beside the ottage( was a s#all hedge whi h was %ea&ti$&lly de orated %y Ri hard' S&ddenly( a sna"e a#e o&t $ro# the hedge' It glided towards A#anda/s ho&se' It was gliding straight to the ot whi h was in the li*ing roo#' )iss ''hiss''Brownie o&ld sense that so#ething into the ho&se' )e o-ened his eyes wide and saw the sna"e' +itho&t $&rther delay( it got &- and ran towards the sna"e' The %attle %egan' The sna"e raised itsel$ and hissed lo&der' The %a%y was in the ot' +itho&t #a"ing any noise that wo&ld wa"e &- the %a%y( Brownie ran towards the sna"e' Brownie %it the sna"e &ntil it died' Tri&#-h o*er the e*il' +hile sho--ing( A#anda o&ld $eel that so#ething wrong had ha--ened at ho#e' )er instin ts were saying so' She .&st gra%%ed whate*er she o&ld' She 0&i "ened her wal"ing -a e' The #o#ent she rea hed the ho&se gate( she realised Brownie was not there to wel o#e her' She too" the %&n h o$ "eys( &nlo "ed the door and dashed into the ho&se' There( she saw Brownie' She $elt relie*ed' Brownie got &- and wagged &- his tail' )er eyes a&ght on so#e %lood stains aro&nd Brownie/s #o&th' )er heart was -o&nding $ast' There was only one thing in her #ind' Brownie had "illed her %a%y' She was *ery angry and started to s rea# at Brownie' 1Yo& st&-id dog' Yo& ha*e "illed #y %a%y'2 I##ediately( A#anda too" her h&s%and/s ho "ey sti " $ro# the so$a' She hit Brownie #er ilessly' Brownie ried %&t A#anda o&ld not %e %othered with that' She ontin&ed to hit Brownie &ntil the last %reath o$ hi#' Brownie died' She threw the ho "ey sti " onto the $loor and ran to see her %a%y' She rea hed the %a%y ot' She was s&r-rised to see a dead sna"e &nder the %a%y/s ot' She tho&gh the sna"e had "illed the %a%y' She loo"ed into the ot' There she saw the %a%y -laying silently with a toy' She 0&i "ly arried the %a%y and h&gged and "issed the %a%y ontin&o&sly' Now she realised what she had done' She had "illed her dog whi h a t&ally sa*ed her %a%y'

She ran to see Brownie' She arried Brownie and "issed hi#' She regretted $or "illing hi# witho&t realising the tr&th' A#anda/s irrational a tion "illed a li*e' There was no sorry $or A#anda' Now( she is #issing her wonder$&l dog( Brownie'

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