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What is ASCUS?

Pap Smear results with ASCUS. This means you pap smear was interpreted by the pathologist as atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or commonly known as ASCUS. This means there were changes identified in the cells, recommendation is to check the HPV test on that pap smear specimen.

The HPV (human papilloma virus) test is done from the same specimen as the pap smear. It detects HPV genetic material from the 13 types of HPV which can most commonly be associated with the development of cervical cancer. If the HPV test is positive, we do a colposcopy which allows the physician to look at the cervix with an instrument that magnifies the cells. If the HPV test is negative, we repeat the pap smear in one year.

If your HPV test is negative, this means your risk of cervical cancer is extremely low. With this result it is recommended that your pap smear be repeated in one year from the ASCUS result.

For more information, you can visit the website:

This website provides links with further patient education on cervical pathology.

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