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Interdisciplinary approach of integrated environmental health for the identification and control of risk factors concerning agro biodiversity

conservation Agro-biodiversity is the basic indicator, which expresses the durability and stability in direct relationship with life and environment. Agro-biodiversity is monitoring both the quantity and quality of the environment and its stability, because agro-biodiversity is constantly changing. The objectives of this project is to improve compliance with environmental legislation, to develop a sustainable management of agro biodiversity resources for the identification and control of risk factors concerning agro biodiversity conservation, application of research results in planning and control of the environment and adaptation to climate change. Only by measuring biodiversity we can perceive sudden changes that directly affect our lives, to redesigning the environment through ecological restoration. Our interdisciplinary study will identify the dates for developing safe solutions for a sustainable management of agro ecosystems and for improving air, water and soils quality in correlation of agro biodiversity conservation. We aim to realize a comparative biodiversity bio-data base with agricultural resources tailored to specific climatic conditions of Romania and Norway. Our common objectives are: reduce the pressure of agriculture on fragile areas- after analysis of the soil, waters, and endangered species ; make farming systems more stable, robust, and sustainable, contribute to sound pest and disease management, conserve soil and increase its natural fertility and health , conserve ecosystem structure and stability of species diversity.The research results will be disseminated through scientific papers and books for guidance to masters, PhD and postdoctoral students, of the Romanian Academy.

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