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Performing Arts Port folio Reflection (Band/Orchestra/Choir) NAME Cameron Havlish DATE OF PERFORMANCE 12/18/13 REFLECTION OVER PERFORMANCE:

Title of performance A Winter Concert 1. I did the following in preparation for the concert: What I did in the preparation for the performance would be I practiced for all the days before in band and at home it was sometimes trial and error and just trying to make it perfect. 2. To describe the audiences reaction, I would say To describe the audiences reaction would be they liked the time we spent and the hard work all payed off for hearing it.

3. My favorite piece was the polar express because I have always liked the movie and book and I liked that I got to do a duet in it so that was A plus 4. The most difficult piece was the sound of music because if you wanted to make it good you had to do all the dynamics right and get all the right markings.

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