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Focus: SWBAT define religion

SWBAT use Mayan religion to understand the purpose of religion for ancient civilizations
SWBAT research about their own civilizations religion


January 9, 2014

What types of gods did Sumerians pray to?

Why did Sumerians pray to those gods?

Religion: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of
Mayan Religion
The Mayans worshipped a pantheon of nature gods, each of which had both a benevolent side and a
malevolent side. The most important deity was the supreme god Itzamn, the creator god, the god of
the fire.
Another important Mayan god was Kukulcn, the Feathered Serpent, who appears on many temples.
Also important was Chac, a hooked-nose god of rain and lightning.
Mayan rulers were seen as intermediaries between the gods and the people. They were buried in
elaborate tombs filled with valuable offerings.
What do the gods Mayans worshipped reveal about them?
What is the importance of Mayan rulers being intermediaries between gods and the people?

Mayan Creation Myth

In the beginning was only Tepeu and Gucumatz, two Mayan gods. These two sat together and
thought, and whatever they thought came into being. They thought earth, and there it was. They
thought mountains, and so there were. They thought trees, and sky, and animals etc, and each came
into being. But none of these things could praise them, so they formed more advanced beings of clay.
But these beings fell apart when they got wet, so they made beings out of wood, but they proved
unsatisfactory and caused trouble on the earth. The gods sent a great flood to wipe out these beings,
so that they could start over. With the help of Mountain Lion, Coyote, Parrot, and Crow they fashioned
four new beings. These four beings performed well and are the ancestors of the Quich.
After reading the myth, what does the reader believe the purpose of religion is?

Independent Practice:
1. Name one religion practiced in your civilization. ______________________________________
2. Are they polytheistic or monotheistic? _______________________________________
3. Find 3 gods or goddesses that they prayed to.
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
4. What are some key beliefs of that religion?

Homework: 4-5 sentences in your notebook about how your civilizations religion is similar and
different from yours.
Standard: 6.7.a Belief systems and religions are sets of mutual values that help to explain the way the
world and humanity work

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