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A Cameroon Forum Review of 2013 and Strategy for 2014

Happy New Year Brothers and Sisters After the euphoria of the festive season where in the UK, 2.4b was spent on UNWANTED CHRISTMAS GIFTS, we have just nudged into 2014, and it is the right time to take stock of what we have collectively achieved as a community, and what 2014 holds. Before we do that, we remember ALL those who left us during 2013 may their souls rest in perfect peace. We also welcome new arrivals into the community during 2013 the Cameroonian Diaspora is certainly growing! Cameroon Forum carried through in 2013 under its motto of Together We Build to enact its key objectives of Enabling and Facilitating; 1) Networking amongst Cameroonians, 2) Integration of Cameroonians into the UK, 3) Business and Third-Sector Exchange between Cameroon and the UK, and 4) Foreign Direct Investment into Cameroon. The Forum has built a Platform to enable these objectives to be realised as it enacts its vision to create a platform that will facilitate and enable the integration of Cameroonians in the United Kingdom and Cameroon in order to harness their endowments for the mutual development of Cameroon and our host communities. Below is a listing of some of these activities in 2013. JANUARY: African Peoples Advocacy Lecture, Cameroon Prays Oxford Retreat FEBRUARY: Camyut Love Fest MARCH: Science Museum Making Modern Communication (MMC), Team GE Paracetamol Project APRIL: African Forum Conference Glasgow, Scotland MAY: Cameroon Festival Gala JUNE: TMG Fundraising for the University Institute for the Diocese of Buea (UIDB), MECA London annual Convention, Ghana Investment Roundtable, Voice Of Nations (VON) Book Launch - Liverpool JULY: Camdocs AGM and Health Workshop, Cameroon Festival in the Park, Royal City Mission , Cameroon Professional Society USA AUGUST: LECUDO annual convention, Banin UK annual convention SEPTEMBER: Cameroon UK Joint Commission, Club des Amis, ADAAM small grants award, Africa UK Advocacy, Project Management, and Policy briefs training OCTOBER: Femmes Dynamic 10th Anniversary, SOBA UK annual convention NOVEMBER: Investing in West Africa conference, Scottish Africa Achievement Awards, CAMFU Northampton, Manu Dibango 80th, African Angels The Lancaster London Hotel, RENCAM annual gathering, Brother Ronald Hickman aka Ngia Ndeh Wolverhampton Funeral DECEMBER: Fab Afrique Cameroon Launch, BUEA_UK roundtable

Our operational strategy was to work within the three streams that make development happen i.e. influence POLICY - (Obtain an understanding of the policy environment of Cameroon, UK, EU, UN and Global Policy on diaspora and international development, and prepare Policy briefs to lobby and make representation to relevant policy makers), design PROGRAMMES - (design appropriate programmes that will deliver policies as mentioned above), and implement PROJECTS - (initiate, implement, and monitor projects that fall within relevant programme areas as the above mentioned policies). Below are just some of the activities we were involved in within these three streams;

POLICY: Engaging and mobilising the African Diaspora Cameroon Division; The World Bank, UN Agencies,
EU, AU and other international bilateral and multilateral organisations have come to recognise the significant contributions that the African Diaspora makes in remittances to their countries of origin. How best can the African Diaspora therefore be strategically mobilised to make meaningful contributions to their countries of origin. The UK government via the Department for International Development DFID, has also enacted policy in recognition of the above. It therefore engaged the African Diaspora via Africa-UK, Comic relief funding, and AFFORD (African Foundation for Development) as delivery partner. Cameroon Forum significantly contributed to this policy formation process by contributing its vast experience and action-learning knowledge on mobilising and engaging the Cameroonian Diaspora. The Cameroon Forum concept of Platforming was fully embedded, and this paradigm was used to obtain a small grant for greater visibility, and mobilization of a wider African Diaspora with multi-level stakeholders as part of the ADAAM project. Setting up of a CDIF. A policy enacted through community consultation in the UK within the Cameroon / African diaspora, and in Cameroon between the government and the global Cameroonian diaspora. This year we have furthered the policy enacted to set up a Cameroon Diaspora Investment Fund - CDIF. Such an instrument will be critical in making meaningful contributions to development back home. This is the best instrument that will allow us to be resource-rich as we engage with development initiatives in the homeland. This drive will be furthered for 2014. Suffice to note that the community currently enjoys quite a number of njangis, and recently saw the first Cameroonian Diaspora Credit Union set up by RENCAM, and cooperative investment schemes by CAMFU. All these financial instruments can be consolidated in order to increase the investment pool at our disposal. CDIF will also be able to further leverage from a wider African Diaspora Finance instrument for the longer term.

PROGRAMME: We furthered the programme initiative SEDVOCC to galvanise the community via
regular meetings with heads of groups or their representatives. More than forty meetings were held in 2013. This programme satisfies the policies of Enabling and Mobilising the Diaspora. This sub-platform which stands for Strong Enterprising Dynamic Vibrant Overseas Cameroonian Community delivered Cameroon Festival Gala on the 18 May at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington and Cameroon Festival in the Park on 26 July. It also rallied groups to participate in each others event, publicised extra community initiatives such as ADAAM, Science museum MMC, and initiated the creation of a Cameroon Diaspora Youth Forum CDYF, who played a significant part in the organising of Cameroon Festival. The key attributes of the SEDVOCC platform are as follows; Create a framework for working together, Capacity Build our organisations, Share experience knowledge and skills in capacity and capability building, Give us access to a wider pool of bilateral, multilateral and trust fund resources, Ensure we are open to scrutiny, Be good citizens in our host country, Get us ready to engage collectively back home in a strategic, constructive, and rewarding manner, cultivate leadership capacity, and apply economies of scale in the goods and services we procure as a community.

PROJECTS: Cameroon Festival. Cameroon Forum was instrumental in bringing this unique event to the
community. Cameroon Festival is a project with the purpose of Bringing Cameroonians and friends of

Cameroon together in a refreshing and entertaining atmosphere, Showcasing the diversity of Cameroon through sports, culture, enterprise and related activities, Evidencing Cameroons Diaspora endeavour in the UK, Informing, educating, sharing experiences and extending support. Cameroon Festival is delivered through three key events; Cameroon Festival Gala, Cameroon Festival-in-the-Park, and Cameroon Festival Ecumenical service. This project satisfies the objectives of the SEDVOCC programme, and the objectives of the policy of Engaging and Mobilising the Diaspora.

Making Modern Communication MMC: A project with the Science Museum, Kensington. Stories from Cameroon will feature in a display at the Science Museum, due to open in 2014 as part of a brand new gallery all about communication. Making Modern Communication will tell stories from the last 200 years of communication, including a large section all about mobile phones. Like in many countries, the landscape and way of working in Cameroon has been radically changed since mobile phones have arrived. This is a story the museum would like to share with its visitors. There will be a call for further participation in this project for a second phase which will involve making a film linking the past and the present look out for this, and express interest to participate accordingly. This project satisfies the objectives of the SEDVOCC programme, and the objectives of the policy of Engaging and Mobilising the Diaspora.

Cameroon Forum also engaged in outreach activities with at least 20 other African Diaspora organisations, and stakeholders, including the British Parliament, Department for International Development, AFFORD, Africa-UK, Comic relief, and as far afield as Scotland by delivering a paper on Infrastructure development at the African Forum Conference Glasgow 25 26 April, and being invited to share our experience on engaging and mobilising the community at the Cameroon Professional Society July 26-27 in Baltimore USA. Cameroon Forum further played its liaison role during the Cameroon-UK joint commission which took place on the 3, 4 September. This meeting allowed for open dialogue and a consolidation of efforts to engage the diaspora. The key message that emerged from the visiting ministers was that there are significant opportunities in which the diaspora can be involved, but also that the diaspora have to be structured. CF have consolidated the building of the foundation for this structure. 2014 will see the further consolidation of this structure, which should see the following key attributes emerge; Skills Database, An Investment Fund, A Community Portal of Activities, A Listing of Community Groups according to sector, and better winwin collaboration between groups, better visibility of The Cameroonian Identity by UK stakeholders, and more importantly, by stakeholders in Cameroon. 2014 will therefore herald a continuation of the SEDVOCC meetings in preparation for Cameroon Festival 2014. There will also be a targeted heads of groups meeting in early spring in order to bring on board those groups who have not participated so far. To date, a total of more than 20 organisations have participated so far. The time for talking without action has elapsed. We ought to become aware of global dynamics that have significant local impact such as World Trade, International Finance Flows, Human Displacements and Geo-Politics, The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Climate Change etc. We need to step out of our comfort zones. This is action time where criticism or observations are followed by solution proposals, and post-implementation evidence. As a relatively young, changing and growing community, we should give ourselves latitude to keep-on-learning. In fact we should create a mechanism where we learn from our mistakes and make improvements year-on-year. We cannot afford to work in an individualistic manner it is as much about you and me, as it is about THE WHOLE! We should avoid duplication of efforts that drain our very limited resources, but above all, we need to grow our sense of Identity, our Will, and Enterprise without knowing who we are, willing ourselves forward, and the cash (resources), very little will shift. How best to finance our development ambitions should form a critical question for 2014. We should therefore

be bold enough to challenge ourselves, and look within for critical resources that we need to capitalise into assets, and begin to engage in meaningful investment opportunities both here and back home. Pooling our sources will allow us to leverage more, and negotiate significant economies of scale procurement of goods and services. An African proverb notes that a bend in the road is not the end of the road, so pray do see obstacles that we have come across not as a reason to give up, but rather an opportunity to learn, adapt, and keep-onmoving we are still growing; we cant afford to lose the baby whilst getting rid of the dirty water. We will effectively contribute to nation-building when we evidence that we are working well as a community that is enhancing its net value through increased yield year-on-year it is up to us! We can then not only criticize, or challenge mediocrity, but evidence solutions that are working through our very own endeavours. May I take this opportunity and give a special thank you to the executive and membership of Cameroon Forum, Cameroon Diaspora Youth Forum, members of SEDVOCC, both individuals and groups including Femmes Dynamiques, Amis UK, Bassa Ba UK, Cameroon Northwest Cultural Association (CNWCA), Team GE, CamDocs UK, Cambridge Cameroon Community, SOBA-UK, MECA Reading, MECA London, Mwanenguba, CPDM, Rovisa Design, HEDUKS, Hi Pal, Banin UK, Cameroon Diaspora Youth Forum (CDYF), Veterans, Northampton Cameroon Organisation, Cameroon Business Club (CBC), PEMEXA, CEFEMAC, and Cameroon Gazette, all our volunteers, Our High Commission led by the very able H.E. Nkwelle Ekaney, SOBA-UK for their award to us of Best Community Builders, those who realised significant projects, including published books by, Abety Gwandi; Traded for Trifle, Chantal Aboa; Bala in the Mali Kingdom, and Dr Sylvia Forchap; Fathers Tender and Compassionate Love, those who got nominated for awards; ben Bin Meh, Valentine, and Michelle Esther (Miss Cameroon), The Secretary General of Cameroon Forum, Mr Ralph Tanyi who has worked tirelessly for the African Diaspora cause, and a special thank you to Ben Page of UCL, and Mr Daniel Meguille of DC Accountancy Services, who has kindly assisted with the hosting of SEDVOCC meetings throughout the year - This is true community spirit!,and naturally, Best to ALL of you Diasporans, those who have gone back home and are making huge and bold strides we will celebrate your efforts in time -, and those who do not just love their Origins and Identity, but are Willing to sacrifice for its prosperity, and rightful place in time as a special nation that also has its own contribution to make to mankind. May I also commend the Cameroonian Diaspora Woman. The outlay that you make to balance professional and domestic responsibilities is quite significant. We should not just be proud of you, but also give you all the necessary support and relay. Finally, I thank the Almighty god for His faithfulness throughout the year. Happy New Year 2014. God bless Cameroon. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success Henry Ford Together We Build Chris Nasah Chairman Cameroon Forum January 2014


Figure 1: African Peoples Advocacy, 23rd January, Cass Business School

Figure 2: African Forum Scotland, Radio Kilimanjaro, 26 April.

Figure 3: Africa Forum Scotland 25 April

Figure 4: Nkumlah Nde 20th Anniversary 11 May

Figure 5: Cameroon Festival Gala, 18 May

Figure 6: Cameroon Festival Gala, 18 May

Figure 7: Cam Fest Gala 18 May

Figure 8: Cam Fest Gala, 18 May

Figure 9: CAF Tournament May

Figure 10: Cameroon Investment Opportunity Oil & Gas April

Figure 11Cameroon Investment Opportunity Oil & Gas April

Figure 12: Africa Jubilee Business Forum

Figure 13: TMG Fundraiser for UIDB, 8 June

Figure 14: Voice Of Nations, Liverpool 1 June

Figure 15: MECA London Annual Convention, 29 June

Figure 16: MECA London Annual Convention 2

Figure 17: Cam Docs AGM, July

Figure 18: Mwanenguba at Cam Fest in the Park, 27 July

Figure 19: Cam Fest in the Park 27 July

Figure 20: Royal City Mission July Pastor and Mrs Song

Figure 21: LECUDO Annual Convention 3 August

Figure 22: BANIN UL Annual Convention 16,17,18 August

Figure 23: Meeting with the Diaspora and Ministers_Foreign Affrairs, Energy, Planning and Development 4 September

Figure 24: ADAAM Sessions as part of Africa UK Grant September

Figure 25: Best Community Builders Award given at SOBA Convention Reading 12 October

Figure 26: African Forum Scotland Awards 22 November

Figure 27: African Angels Fundraising 30 November

Figure 28: Ngia Ndeh Funeral Wolverhampton November

Figure 29: SEDVOCC Meetings through out the year

Figure 30: SEDVOCC Meetings throughout the year

Figure 31: Book by Chantal Aboa

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