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Sudoku Solver

Starting position

Final position

Game state:

Enter puzzle values in Starting position grid
Set Game state to 1
Press F9 to calculate
The Possible numbers grid will show the first
step in the solution
The Final position will show the current results
Continue to repeat calculation by pressing F9
until the puzzle is solved or the solver stops
If the puzzle isn't solved, set Game state to 2
Press F9 to calculate
Repeat calculation by pressing F9 until the
puzzle is solved
If the puzzle is not solved, enter a possible
answer in the Starting position grid
Press F9 to calculate and watch for a solution
To reset the solver, delete numbers in the
Starting position grid by highlighting them and
pressing the DELETE key
Set Game state to 0
Press F9 to calculate
Continue to repeat calculation by pressing F9
until all grids have been reset

Possible numbers

Solution numbers (Game state: 2)

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