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Brittney Darensbourg Mrs. Jones English IV/ 2nd 11/10/13 Monster/ Hero Essay ( inal!

"edo My #onster is lur$ing through e%ery &orner and &ra&$. It is rebellious and gets 'hat it 'ants( e)a&tly 'hen it 'ants it. My hero on the other hand is thought*ul. He 'ill +ut you *irst e%en i* it a**e&ts hi#sel*, he 'on-t rest until you are o$ay. .hen the hero in #y li*e starts to #a$e things great *or #e( the #onster al'ays #anages to thro' a &ur%eball #y 'ay. My #onster is de+ression be&ause it tests #e( tries to #ani+ulate #e( and tries to &ontrol #e. /%erti#e( #y #onster a**e&ts #e through e%eryday li*e by taunting #e about 'hy I don-t ha%e this or that. or e)a#+le( 'hen I 'as in #iddle s&hool and li$ed se%en guys at the sa#e ti#e( I 'as de+ressed be&ause #ost o* the# li$ed so#eone else. 0o as an end result I had a la&$ o* &on*iden&e that-s hard to get ba&$. It a**e&ts #y hero *ro# &on&entrating on the #ost i#+ortant things. 0u&h as( s&hool assign#ents( &ollege a++li&ations( and 123 s&ores. or #e to 'ondering 'ill I still be alone e)+lains ho' both the de+ression and s&hool 'or$ is &onne&ted. My #onster tests #e &ree+ing une)+e&tedly( 4ust 'aiting in the gloo#y #ist. 3a$ing a +ie&e o* #e e%ery &han&e it gets. /nly be&ause it longs *or #y essen&e, the only thing that #a$es #e +ure. It o+ens tra+ doors and #a$es it hard *or you to #a$e the right de&isions. Just one s#all #ista$e &an &ost you. My best *riend( 'ho is #y hero( sti&$s u+ *or #e. My hero is al'ays there gi%ing #e a hel+*ul hand and also *ast at gi%ing #e easy results. I* #y hero has a struggle 'ith

#y #onster then the out&o#e 'ould be dread*ul. Mainly( be&ause it 'ould be #a$ing #y hero 'orry about all the 'rong things rather than the right things. 1*ter a 'hile( #y #onster tries to #ani+ulate #e on an o&&asion. He starts in De&e#ber and ends at the beginning o* the su##er. .ith its loud and s#elly breath it tries to get #e to do things that 'ould +lease it. .hi&h #a$e it 'ant to &o#e ba&$ *or #ore. He eats any and e%erything. Es+e&ially( i* it #eans so#ething dearly to you. 1nd ooh( does he lo%e a &hallenge to getting 'hat he #ost desires. 0o#e 'ays that #y #onster #ay be o%er&o#e is by *o&using #ore( sto+ 'orrying about 'eather I 'ould get 'hat I-%e al'ays 'anted ( and &o#+leting #y 'or$. 0o *ar( #y #onster tries to &ontrol #e e%ery &han&e it gets. .hen it gets *urious he tri+s #e, thin$ing it 'ould slo' #e do'n *ro# getting 'here I need to go. It tries to #a$e it 'here it doesn-t 'ant you to get ba&$ u+ on your *eet. It 'ants to see #e gi%e u+. It gets satis*a&tion *ro# seeing #e &url u+ and die. .at&hing #y body de&o#+ose( #a$ing sure I don-t get an oun&e o* strength. My hero is $ind enough to gi%e #e ad%i&e 'hen I need it. or instan&e( 'hen I need hel+ on de&iding 'hether I should ta$e the bridge or the regular streets to get to the #all. My hero needs to be #ore *o&us in order to be&o#e su&&ess*ul. /%er&o#ing #y #onster 'ill #a$e things better be&ause I 'ill get things done *aster rather than +ondering o%er #y thoughts. My hero is thought*ul and al'ays there *or #e. My #onster( ho'e%er, al'ays tries to &ause trouble *or #e. My #onster tests #e( tries to #ani+ulate #e( and tries to &ontrol #e. 1lthough( #y De+ression tries so hard to tear #e do'n. I 'on-t let that &o#e &lose to ha++ening.

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