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Primele 10 cauze de deces in Romania in 1997:

1. Boli ale aparatului circulator: 171695 (61,47%)
2. Tumori: 39146 (14,01%)
3. Boli ale aparatului respirator: 17492 (6,26%)
4. Leziuni traumtice, otraviri: 17316 (6,19%)
5. Boli ale aparatului digestiv 17031 (6,09%)
6. Boli infectioase si parazitare 3991 (1,42%)
7. Boli ale aparatului genito-urinar 2664 (0,95%)
8. Tulburari mentale 2404 (0,86%)
9. Boli ale sistemului nervos si organelor de simt 2051 (0,73%)
10. Afectiuni perinatale 1391 (0,49%)
Total decese in 1997: 279316
Populatia Romaniei in 1997: 22.545.925
Numarul de bolnavi aflati in evidenta la sfarsitul anului 1997:
1. Boli hipertensive 709667
2. Cardiopatii ischemice 389191
3. Cardiopatii reumatismale cronice 47248
4. Cancer 218516 (sfarsitul lui 1996)
5. Diabet 236348
The first 10 causes of death in 1997 in Romania:
1. Cardiovascular disease: 171695 (61,47%)
2. Cancer: 39146 (14,01%)
3. Diseases of the respiratory system: 17492 (6,26%)
4. Trauma, poisoning, accidents: 17316 (6,19%)
5. Diseases of the digestive system 17031 (6,09%)
6. Infectious diseases 3991 (1,42%)
7. Diseases of the genito-urinary system 2664 (0,95%)
8. Mental disease 2404 (0,86%)
9. Diseases of the nervous sistem and sense organs 2051 (0,73%)
10. Perinatal disease1391 (0,49%)
Total number of deaths in 1997: 279316
Population of Romania in 1997: 22,545,925 people
The number of patients with chronic diseases at the end of 1997:
1. High blood pressure 709667
2. Coronary heart disease 389191
3. Chronic rheumatismal cardiac disease 47248
4. Cancer 218516 (end of 1996)
5. Diabetes 236348

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