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An Interview With JK Ellis

JK Ellis is the name of a self-proclaimed expert on Mind Control. His controvercial blog http://Mindcontrol1 has created a small c!lt follo"ing among those "ho see# and fear the po"er of mind control. $his intervie" too# place in %ebr!ar& ' (.

William Mathis JK, you're a very difficult person to get in contact with. JK Ellis - eah, ! learned a long time ago that telling people that ! teach mind control can "e dangerous. #s a result ! decided that if ! was going to "e open a"out what ! $now ! darn well have to cover my ass. ou got luc$y. ! was in a good mood. WM !'d li$e to point out that to do this interview we had to agree not to discuss certain details a"out you. JKE ! appreciate that. WM What have "een some of the conse%uences of you tal$ing a"out mind control& JKE 'n the good side, !'ve had the "enefit of "eing approached "y certain people who say they represent (government interests). *hat was interesting. +o ! got e,posure to a few things most people suspected were true "ut could never confirm. 'n the down side, hate mail of course, and accusations that !'ve helped "rainwash someones $id. -ut that's par for the course. WM When did your interest in mind control start& JKE !t started with "oo$s. *here are plenty of them, some good, some crap. !'ve ta$en a lot of fluffy "unny hypnosis courses. When ! heard a"out ./0 a long time ago ! started to ta$e my suspicions seriously that people could "e dramatically influenced through covert means. WM What did you do& JKE ! too$ a lot of the ./0 trainings from some "ig names and ! tested it out for myself. Made a huge num"er of mista$es and found out what wor$s. ! did hypnosis for a while. !'d also go out in social settings and see what ! could get away with using conversational techni%ues. *hat taught me a lot. WM Who did you train under& JKE !'d rather not say. WM What's your "iggest discovery& JKE *hat it's "etter to leave some people alone. *heir too much "other. WM What do you mean&

JKE When ! was testing out my theories ! was pretty indiscriminate. ! would try something with 1ust a"out everyone ! met. !'d get some se, cra2ed woman "anging on my door at some god awful hour demanding my attentions. +ince then !'ve learned to %ualify anyone ! wor$ with. ! want to ma$e sure they have some emotional sta"ility and that all their ores are in the water. When ! figured that out it saved me a lot of misery. WM 3ow do you %ualify them& JKE ! tal$ to them a while. *here are a set of red flags that come up if they seem cra2y. *hings li$e a"usive childhood, drug addiction. /et's see, if it's a married woman who wants to use me as an escape capsule from a "ad marriage. 4igid thin$ers. *hat's a few. WM Who does ma$e a good prospect for you& JKE !f they are adventurous. # good sense of humor. 5urious. !'ve found that if their fathers called them (princess). *hese tend to "e good signs. -ut ! ta$e each person on a case "y case "asis. WM 3ow do you thin$& JKE 6laugh7 *hat's a good %uestion. 8od, where do ! start& WM Well, how do you deal with things when shit happens& JKE !'m pretty 1aded. !'ve managed to eliminate most surprises when people act out and stuff li$e that. WM 3ow did you do that& JKE !t too$ a while. !'ve "een through a lot of shit. 9nder the worst of stresses most people would either put up walls to protect themselves or curl up in a fetal position. ! decided to apply what ! $new a"out mind control on myself and "ecome more fle,i"le when -+ happens. WM What does surprise you& JKE *he only thing that truly surprises me is when someone is truly $ind, genuine, giving and forgiving. !'m never ready for that. WM :o you have a lot sins to "e forgiving& JKE :on't we all& +ome more than others& WM 3ave you met many people who surprise you li$e you descri"e& JKE .ot many. *hey are li$e a rare 1ewel in a coal mine. WM JK, ou write a lot a"out cults and especially how to form one. What's your person e,perience with cults& JKE !'ve "een through some of the personal growth seminars li$e /andmar$ ;orum. *hat had some

value to it. ! lived in Europe for a while and sided up with a guy named Marco who had a house of a"out five to seven women. *hey would rotate in an out of his house sort of li$e a poorer version of 3ugh 3effner. 3e "oasted himself as a psychic "ut when he got drun$ he would tell me some of his secrets. 3e used psychic reading and hypnosis to $eep his house of women happy. ! got interested in +cientology for a while "ecause they tal$ed a"out controlling how you thin$ "ut that %uic$ly fell away when they "egan telling me how much it would cost to get (clear). +o ! decided to see how far ! could infiltrate the organi2ation 1ust using what ! $now. WM :id it cost you a lot of money& JKE /ess than ! thought. !'d 1ust move to a new city and decided to wal$ in to one of their orgs as a trained auditor. WM - What did you learn from your +cientology e,perience& JKE !t confirmed what ! suspected. *hat most people are easier to control than they want to "elieve. ! did learn a"out their (training routines) first hand and saw how damned plia"le people will "ecome "y going through (the gradient) of routines. !t was something else. WM 3ow do you thin$ the people close to you see you& JKE +eriously, !'m a nice guy< ! try to ma$e sure that the people around me are as happy as possi"le. Knowing what ! do ! can't "e open a"out controlling peoples minds. +o ! would guess that some people thin$ of me as a (man of mystery) and, ! have to admit, that it's a fa=ade that !'ve tried to cultivate. WM What's your "iggest annoyance& JKE !'d say it's peoples eagerness to "lame and find e,cuses for their lives. /oo$, !'m the first to tell anyone that shit happens. *here is a lot of things in life that are completely out of our control. *here's nothing that we can do a"out it. -ut we do have one area where we can ta$e control and that is how we respond to the shit that happens. ! get a "it annoyed when ! see people having some $nee 1er$ emotional reaction over something that seems trivial. 'n the other hand, it's sort of amusing, li$e watching mon$eys throw feces. *hey have no idea that they could choose a "etter response. WM What do you when they do that with you& JKE !'ve got an air of smugness that ! try to suppress. ! stay calm, as$ good %uestions and do my "est to help them find a solution. ! find a lot of people would much rather complain a"out the pro"lem than wor$ on a solution, so ! let them vent. Mon$eys throwing feces, remem"er& WM #ny new mind control pro1ects you're wor$ing on& JKE !'m always wor$ing on something. Whether ! ma$e it availa"le to the general pu"lic is another matter. WM '$ay, well, what' the latest. JKE !'m calling it (0erfected Mind 5ontrol) or 0M5 for short. !'m loo$ing at the stuff that 4o"ert J. /ifton wrote a"out in the >?@A's on thought reform and old style "rainwashing techni%ues that force

people into compliance. !'m wanting to systemati2e a process !'ve developed that get the same results as traditional mind control "ut without any coercion or punishments. ! want the people in the cult to "e happy, healthy, and eager to please with no hint of intimidation or fear. !t's a tall order. WM 3ave you tested it& JKE 'h yeah< With some great results "ut !'m wondering if the world is ready for me to present it. WM 3ow come& What's your main concern& JKE Mostly that someone will not follow the instructions. My concern is that some hormone filled college student will thin$ he's going to create his own harem using it and not correctly %ualify the women he tries to recruit. !t's a recipe for trou"le. WM +o you say you've tested it. What did you learn& JKE ! learned a creative way to let people leave the cult that causes minimal discomfort. !n fact they are not shunned and often ta$e refuge from the world "y returning for a while. +o ! thin$ !'ve come across a nice way of doing what most people thin$ of as mind control "ut without the so-called ("ad) aspects. WM What is your private life li$e. JKE !'d rather not say.

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