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Her Needs, Her Purpose, and Your God-Machine by JD Fuentes, Copyright 2005 /a!"ance!.

ht #t$s one thing to tell a wo an to !o so ething% it$s &uite another atter to ake her 'eel that, by !oing what you want, she is ser"ing her own highest an! ost "alue! nee!s. (o whether you want to se!uce one wo an on a "ery !eep le"el, or create a syste that brings you any wo en as easily as possible, it$s best to start with that ost power'ul o' le"ers: identity. )hat is identity* #t is the issing ter in this phrase: I am someone who _______________ . +nspoken, yet relate!, an! crucial, is the ter in this phrase: The most important thing in my life is ________________. Finally, o'ten unconscious, but haunting an! potent, is the issing ter in this phrase: If I died tomorrow, I would be remembered for ___________________. ,s you ay re e ber 'ro The Sexual Key, there are a set o' -hot buttons. in the 'e ale an! these har!/wire! controls you can use to easily gi"e wo en excite ent an! pleasure. ,nother group o' controls is pro"i!e! by a wo an$s sense o' i!entity. 0Note: For axi u e''ecti"eness with these controls, you ust know the -#nwar! (piral./base! tools an! !istinctions presente! in The Sexual Key.1 +n!erstan! that a!2usting a wo an$s sense o' i!entity is both tre en!ously power'ul an! co pletely natural. 3re en!ously power'ul, in that changes to her i!entity will casca!e !ownwar! to a''ect e"ery part o' her experience. Co pletely natural, in that a wo an$s sense o' i!entity is continually being a!2uste! by external e"ents. #n a way, it$s har! to a"oi! ha"ing an i pact on her i!entity. )ith this in in!, reali4e that you can gain the ost 'or yoursel', by helping her 'orge an i!entity that brings her to closer to what she wants, an! brings her closer to happiness... by aking the act o' aking you happy an i portant part o' her happiness. ,n! to gui!e her towar! happiness, pick an abstraction an! stick to it. 5easure all she !oes an! says with a single abstraction, whether that abstraction be faith, hope, charity, reat!ld!ne"ishness, or so e other abstraction o' your choice. 6abel all pleasure the natural conse&uence o' the abstraction you ha"e chosen% label all pain, the natural price o' neglecting it. 6ea! her to use your 'a"ore! abstraction again an! again in con"ersation with you// in 'act, insist she use it. 5ake it your con"ersational keystone. 7ncourage her to peer at the worl! through the in!,

lens you ha"e create!. 8uil! rituals aroun! your abstractions. 9ein'orce the until the rituals beco e habits, 'etishes. #ntensi'y an! a pli'y the until they begin to 'ill the gaps in her li'e. (trengthen an! connect the , until the rest o' her li'e beco es the threa! that connects these knots o' ritual. :otice how she glows, as she !isco"ers the rich, color'ul tapestry o' eaning that you ha"e wo"en 'or her li'e. :otice how uch ore bliss'ul she looks, as she ga4es at the gol!en aura that she now sees surroun!ing you. ;er li'e is shot through with passion an! !ri"e... an! these 'eelings are 'ocuse! on an! 'e! by you... auto atically... because you ha"e 'ille! a "ery special place in her in!. <ou are the representati"e o' the "ast an! nebulous 'orce// in"isible, yet irresistible// that gui!es her li'e. ,n! because you grasp the !etails o' this syste // because you know how best to 'in! an! touch the hi!!en network o' stubborn cogs, the netherworl! o' brittle wheels an! subtle gears// you o"e easily towar! i planting this con"iction: 3hat her happiness grows... as she 'in!s others to share this happiness, in this way. 3hat her happiness grows... as she con"inces others... to 'in! happiness... through you. 3hat the ore pleasure you brings to you, the ore eaning'ul her li'e beco es. ore &uickly the worl! bene'its, an! the easure in her !e"otion...

3hat the ore co panions she brings to you, the closer she co es to attaining her own per'ection... ,n! the 3o you. ore 'ully !oes her per'ection 'in! its

<ou will ha"e erecte! this perpetual/ otion achine, this "ast weighty pen!ulu , whose stea!y arc an! relentless swing pull those you want closer... closer... closer... as their co it ent buil!s... buil!s... buil!s... an! the nu ber o' those gathere!... i passione!... !e"ote!... grows... an! grows... an! grows. ,n! the truth an! power o' your achine grew 'ro one co it ent, one "ision, one !ecision: <ou woul! !o what you nee!e! to gain what you !esire!. <ou woul! learn what you nee!e!. <ou woul! 'in! what you nee!e!. <ou woul! get what you 'oun!. ,n! your "ision, your co it ent were rewar!e!, 'or you 'oun! The #agnetic rid, which ga"e you the tools you nee!e! to buil! the achine you !esire!. ,n! the !ecision you ha! a!e now put this 'eeling o' 'ire an! 'orce in your ar s, this tingling in your han!s, this certainty an! clarity in your in!: <ou knew you were one eant 'or the =ri!. ,n! i' your i!entity can still acco i pact... o!ate an i age o' yoursel' exerting e"er/wi!ening ight thrash

i' you can see your personal 'orce ripple through the worl! aroun! you, as :eptune the sea, an! as a assi"e wa"e ight rise 'ro the ere sweep o' his ar ...

i' you wish to see those wo en you want waiting be'ore you, pulle! it see s by the power o' breath, grate'ul 'or the power o' your ga4e...

i' you are a potential...

an who wants to show wo en their wo anhoo!, an! show the worl! its

then your will can be the engine your li bs can be the channel your li'e can be the "essel 'or the assi"e 'orce o' The #agnetic rid. >ursue your "ision// what si44ling, arcing, electric truth are your han!s +nco"er all the !etails that await you, here. //JD Fuentes, Copyright 2005 eant to 'eel*

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