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Jackson and Indian Removal

Andrew Jackson

Possibly the most influential impact Jackson had was the Indian Removal Act, a document that was created to move Indians beyond the Mississippi river so that America could expand its territory west and put in force in 1830.


1790 before Andrew Jackson became president, the government recognized the Indian tribes as being separate nations because they wanted the land the Indians lived on. They gained the Indians land by offering and establishing treaties, but often these treaties were broken.

Native Americans

1787 the Society for Progating the Gospel Among the Indians wanted to assimilate Indians into white society.

Samuel Worcester a missionary who helped the Natives in the court case Worcester v. Georgia.


Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, and Seminole were called Five Civilized Tribes, because the tribes adopted white American ways.

Indian Removal Act

Indian Removal Act ( 1830)

Trail of Tears

Wanted all Indian tribes to move east of the Mississippi River.

15,000 Cherokee were forced to walk from Georgia to the new Indian Territory. (Oklahoma) 4,000 people died on the walk. The Trail of Tears happened during Martin Van Buren presidency.

The Five Civilized Tribes was affected the most.

Supreme Court

Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia (1831)

Worcester vs. Georgia (1832)

The state of Georgia did not recognize the Cherokee nation as a foreign nation. They took their case to the Supreme Court, which ruled against them.
The court ruled that the laws Georgia had could not be force on the Cherokee land. Also the Cherokee does not have to move west.

Andrew Jackson ignored this ruling by saying, John Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it. By saying this, the Indian Removal Act was improved.

Discussion Questions

do you think Andrew Jackson ignored the ruling of Worcester vs. Georgia ? How do you think the American people felt about the Trail of Tear? Do you think Americanizing the Indians was beneficial to them?

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