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Re St el ees eC ee el ete ele ero aol LLU tele ol THE BLACK VAULT Lee See Re steel laa oad ae Pao eoameto sgh RECORD CLEARING HOUSE IN THE WORLD. THE RESEARCH EFFORTS HERE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DECLASSIFICATION OF THOUSANDS OF DOCUMENTS THROUGHOUT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND ALL CAN BE DOWNLOADED BY VISITING: RIALS ate eh a7 Ueto) YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO FORWARD THIS DOCUMENT TO YOUR FRIENDS, BUT PLEASE KEEP THIS IDENTIFYING IMAGE AT THE TOP OF THE PDF SO OTHERS CAN DOWNLOAD MORE! DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.¢, 20240- U-80,597/PO/FOIA 22 August 1996 Mr. John Greenewald Dear Mr. Greenewald: This responds to your request under the Freedom of Information Act dated 11 August 1996. Thetein you requested records concerning the sighting of an unidentified flying object in Tran on 19 September 1976. A search of DIA’s systems of records located one document tesponsive to the subject of your request. Enclosed for your use is the document with only administrative markings withheld. Sincerely, 1 Enclosure a/s HOBERT P. RICHARDSON Chief, Freedom of Information Act Staff * Ort HE MESSAGE conten" See i nue . , "> ACTION Ola “GJGmCOi) DJ8(O3).gdtLay SCOR] NMCO BECDER (7) SPSEGOEF WAIG BECDERY ABDATIALIO] 1ODACES) . - SECETATE Wash of cra NSA Hast oc 2 NHITE MOUSE WASH Oo cHe 1 CBAF WASH BC . CNO WASH OC - CBA WASH OC RICE (ess) ° - FRANSIT /3e6s02/2508107/001 1 4070RGOT enp4 OF RUGHHRA #es75 2570615 SINY teces RUFRGAA/COHTDEAaTFOR AUDOEC AcCINCUSAFE LINDSEY As GE/INGE RMPRAAG/CINCUAAFE RAHSTELN AB GECINOCN RUGNAAASEUOAC VAIKINGEN GER * ~P 2406382 SEP 76 FM USOKO TEHRAN TO RUEKICASDIA HASHES INFO RUEKIGOS/SECDEF CEPsecoes waghoe by RUSNASAZUSCINCEGR VAIHINGEN GEarE tte? ! BT i : S nN

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