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Shinichi Mochizuki October 2012

(1.) In Denition 2.6, (i), Aut|grph| (G ) should be dened as the subgroup of Aut(G ) of automorphisms of G which induce the identity automorphism on the underlying semi-graph of G [cf. the denition given in Theorem B]. In a similar vein, in Denition 2.6, (iii), Aut|H| (G ) should be dened as the subgroup of Aut(G ) of automorphisms of G which preserve the sub-semi-graph H of the underlying semigraph of G and, moreover, induce the identity automorphism of H. Since the correct denitions are applied throughout the exposition of the present paper, these errors in the statement of the denitions have no substantive eect on the exposition of the present paper, except for the following two instances [which themselves do not have any substantive eect on the exposition of the present paper]: (i) In the display of Proposition 2.7, (ii), Aut|grph| (G ) should be replaced by Aut|VCN(G )| (G ). (ii) In Proposition 2.7, (iii), the phrase In particular should be replaced by the word Finally.

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