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ISL 1 ( Types of Floating )


Float in a mushroom shape with hands holding ankles and the arche back facing the water surface.

Here are the steps to do a mushroom float: 1. Stand in the shallow end of the pool. 2. Breathe in and hold your breath. 3. Submerge yourself into the water. 4. Roll up into a ball, bring your knees to your chest and hold them with your hands. 5. If you need to breathe, unroll and stand again.


A star or starfish float is when you lie on your back or front (the former is easier) in the water. Your arms and legs spread in the shape of a star and float on the surfact of the water.


1. Choose a good spot in the pool. When you are in the pool go to the space that you are most relaxed with. 2. Ask someone to hold your back; it will look like you are floating already and you will get the feel for it. 3. Take a big breath and don't let it go; when you are sure that you are ready, let the person let go of you. 4. Try to balance all of your body evenly. Spread out your arms and legs in a star shape and keep as straight as you can without becoming rigid. Remember, floating is about relaxing and remaining buoyant at the same time. 5. Watch the clouds, the tree tops and listen to the water gently lapping at your ears. It is a very peaceful thing to do, floating. 6. Keep practicing until it feels right.

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