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New York Undercover Friends

Dr. Strange
Thursday, March 19th SCI 9 to 11 p.m. ET

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Dr. Strange ( 1978) A League of lheir Orvn (1992)

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The many Marvel Comics TV adaptations of the 1970s and early'80s ran the gamut from bad to not bad (with the occasional Emmy Award-winning episode of The lncredible Hulk and such). This telefilm version of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's Greenwich Village sorcerer finds the good doctor-an actual former M.D., for a changepitted against the Arthurian witch Morgan Le Fay (Jessica Walter), who for some reason has chosen the disco era as a perfect time to collect souls. (She should've waited for the 1980s, when no one was using them.) Peter Hooten tries hard to convey Dr. Strange's philosophical blend of utter confidence tempered by humility, but he's undone by the campy '70s approach of writer-director Philip De Guere (who'd go on to better things). Lee himself disowned the TV-movie, but for comics aficionados, it's a marvelous curio. Playing the Ancient One is the distinguished Academy Awardwinner Sir John Mills (Ryan's Daughfer), the father of actresses Hayley and Juliet. Lovece


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