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Past modals It must have been terrible! Put students into pairs. Students take turns to explain their situations and their partner responds, choosing an appropriate phrase from their list. Encourage students to give more details about the situation.

STUDENT A 1 Tell your partner about these situations.

a b was. c d e f You tripped up when you were getting off the bus and hurt your knee. You were woken up last night by a terrible howling noise, but you dont know what it You spent the whole of last weekend spring cleaning your apartment. You cant find your mobile phone anywhere. You accidentally went out wearing one blue shoe and one black shoe. Youve just found out a work mate has been spreading gossip about you at work.

Listen to your partner telling you about some situations. Choose from these phrases to respond.

He must have forgotten. It must have been freezing! It must have tasted terrible.

She must have been joking. You must have felt embarrassed! It must have been very difficult.


STUDENT B 1 Listen to your partner telling you about some situations. Choose from these phrases to

You must have looked funny. You must have felt furious! You must have left it at home.

It must have been the wind. It must have been painful. You must have been exhausted!

Now tell your partner about these situations. a Your grandmother told you that she used to be spy. b You went swimming in a mountain lake in April. c You accidentally made a cake with salt instead of sugar. d You managed to learn how to make a website, using only an out-of date library book. e You called for the bill in a restaurant, only to realise youd left your wallet at home. f You spent all day yesterday waiting for the electrician to come, but he never showed up.

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