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Requirements for the opening sequence

Sequence story requirements

In the first couple of seconds of the opening will establish that Rebecca is quite troubled in her head and that she may be going through a tough time and that she lacks confidence in herself and others. The following shots will establish the vampire feelings for her and their current relationship. She will have a flashback as she is dying, therefore scenes will be crossing her mind ending up with a promise she made her little sister.

Location requirements
Different locations are necessary for this opening in which well need A road where one side is woods and the other houses A busy road Interior of a house Car/bus Bus stop (empty)

Iconography requirements
Iconography will be quite limited but we will use Crucifix necklace Fangs Blood Red eyes Night

Impact on audience
We want the audience to understand that Rebecca went through a lot when she was young and that she tried to bury her feelings on her job. We also want to make the audience understand the loneliness of Alucard and how much Rebecca means to him now that he transformed her. We want the audience to connect to both Rebecca and Alucard to a certain extent and then cheer for them as they proceed on living forever.

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