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70 Of The Most Motivational Quotes You Will Ever Find

Compiled by Matthew Roberts of

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Now, to the quotes...

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!ou cannot plou"h a field by turnin" it over in your mind.

Author Unknown

#o not wait to stri e till the iron is hot$ but ma e it hot by stri in".
William B. Sprague

%t is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Fortune favors the brave.

Publius Teren e

&e who hesitates is lost.


'reat spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Constant drippin" hollows out a stone.

!u retius

Nothin" can stop the man with the ri"ht mental attitude from achievin" his "oal$ nothin" on earth can help the man with the wron" mental attitude.
W.W. "iege

(here is only one success))to be able to spend your life in your own way.
#hristopher $orle%

(o climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.


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*eople often say that motivation doesn+t last. ,ell, neither does bathin" ) that+s why we recommend it daily.
"ig "iglar

(hat some achieve "reat success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.
Abraham !in oln

*eople seldom see the haltin" and painful steps by which the most insi"nificant success is achieved.
Anne Sullivan

-nes best success comes after their "reatest disappointments.

&enr% Ward Bee her

,hat would you attempt to do if you new you would not fail.
Robert S huller

Real difficulties can be overcome$ it is only the ima"inary ones that are unconquerable.
Theodore '. (ail

-ur "reatest battles are that with our own minds.

)ameson Frank

(riumphs without difficulties are empty. %ndeed, it is difficulties that ma e the triumph. %t is no feat to travel the smooth road.
Sour e Unknown

For every mountain there is a miracle.

Robert &. S huller

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(he true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challen"es.
$artin !uther *ing )r.

/mooth seas do not ma e s ilful sailors.

A+ri an Proverb

,e will either find a way, or ma e one0


%n order to discover new lands, one must be willin" to lose si"ht of the shore for a very lon" time.

&e who is not coura"eous enou"h to ta e ris s will accomplish nothin" in life.
$uhammad Ali

#o not loo where you fell, but where you slipped.

A+ri an Proverb

%f you can+t ma e a mista e, you can+t ma e anythin".

$arva #ollins

Far better it is to dare mi"hty thin"s, to win "lorious triumphs even thou"h chec ered by failure, than to ran with those poor spirits who neither en1oy nor suffer much because they live in that "ray twili"ht that nows neither victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

/o "o ahead and ma e mista es. Ma e all you can. 2ecause that+s where you will find success. -n the far side of failure.
Thomas ). Watson, Sr.

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,e learn wisdom from failure much more than from success$ we often discover what will do, by findin" out what will not do$ and probably he who never ma e a mista e never made a discovery.
Samuel Smiles

3 life spent in ma in" mista es is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doin" nothin".
-eorge Bernard Shaw

(here are two mista es one can ma e alon" the road to truth ) not "oin" all the way, and not startin".

%f you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.
Thomas Watson, Sr

/uccess is "oin" from failure to failure without losin" your enthusiasm.

Winston #hur hill

% honestly thin it is better to be a failure at somethin" you love than to be a success at somethin" you hate.
-eorge Burns

,ho has never tasted what is bitter does not now what is sweet.
-erman Proverb

Remember4 /uccess is nothin" but luc . 5ust as any failure.


,hat ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
'apolean &ill

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%n the confrontation between the stream and the roc , the stream always wins ) not throu"h stren"th, but throu"h persistence.

,ho dares wins

Winston #hur hill

6eap and the net will appear.

)ulia #ameron

%f you learn only methods, you+ll be tied to your methods, but if you learn principles you can devise your own methods
Ralph Waldo Emerson

&e who wishes to be rich in a day will be han"ed in a year.

!eonardo da (in i

!ou see thin"s and say, +,hy.7, but % dream thin"s and say, +,hy not.
-eorge Bernard Shaw

%f you are in a hurry you will never "et there.

#hines Proverb

(he smoothest way is full of stones.

.iddish Proverb

2etter a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one.

#hinese Proverb

Men trip not on mountains they trip on molehills.

#hinese Proverb

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Motivation is li e food for the brain. !ou cannot "et enou"h in one sittin". %t needs continual and re"ular top ups.
Peter /avies

(he harder you fall, the hi"her you bounce.


/hoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you+ll land amon" the stars.
!es Brown

(he "reater the obstacle, the more "lory in overcomin" it.


May you live all the days of your life.

)onathan Swi+t

/urround yourself with only people who are "oin" to lift you hi"her.
0prah Win+re%

(here are no short cuts to any place worth "oin".

Sour e Unknown

/nowfla es are one of nature8s most fra"ile thin"s, but 1ust loo what they can do when they stic to"ether.
(ista $. *ell%

#on8t be afraid your life will end$ be afraid that it will never be"in.
-ra e &ansen

(a e heed4 you do not find what you do not see .

English Proverb

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-ne who ma es no mista es never ma es anythin".

Sour e Unknown

2ehold the turtle. &e only ma es pro"ress when he stic s his nec out.
)ames Br%ant #onant

3s yourself this question4 7,ill this matter a year from now.7

Ri hard #arlson Ph./.

/eldom does an individual e9ceed his own e9pectations.


-ne hundred percent of the shots you don+t ta e don+t "o in.
Wa%ne -ret1k%

%t ta es as much stress to be a success as it does to be a failure.

Emilio )ames Tru2illo

:eep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. /mall people always do that, but the really "reat ma e you feel that you, too, can become "reat.
$ark Twain

3 man+s dreams are an inde9 to his "reatness.

"adok Rabinwit1

#o not "o where the path may lead, "o instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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%t is not because thin"s are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Sene a

*ay no attention to what the critics say$ no statue has ever been erected to a critic.
)ean Sibelius

(he men who try to do somethin" and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothin" and succeed.
!lo%d )ones

:ites rise hi"hest a"ainst the wind ; not with it.

Winston #hur hill

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