Chronology of Events

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Chronology of Events

1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050


Berings First Journey Cooks Voyage

Purchase of Alaska
Gold Rush

Statehood Alaska Permanent Fund established

Constitutional Convention

Territorial Organic Act of 1912 Baranov named First Russian Governor Arctic National Wildlife Refuge First permanent Russian Settlement Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act WWII event in Alaska Alaska National Interest Lands Conser Anchorage Earthquake

Berings First Journey 1681 - 1741 vitus bearing in 1738 he sailed to Kamchatka and discoverd america Bering died on December 8, 1741 on the island now named for him. Cooks Voyage 1776 - 1805 Cook found and mapped many islands such as hawii he knew how to treat scurvy and made a clock that would keep working during a long voyage found and mapped prince william sound and the cook inlet Constitutional Convention 1787

Baranov named First Russian Governor 1790 - 1818 as govoner he extened the colony into southest alaska the tinglits were happy at first then they attacked the russians First permanent Russian Settlement 1794 - 1977 bishops missionaries and fur traders came and settled in alaska WWII event in Alaska 1812 having the air force in alaska places a very good strategic military defence strategy it did then and still does now Purchase of Alaska 1867 alaska was purchased refered to the russians land of the north alaska was purchased for 2cents an acre Gold Rush 1887 - 1972 100000 people rushed to alaska to mine and prospect gold Territorial Organic Act of 1912 1912 Statehood 1958 after being faught and faught alaska finally gained state hood Alaska Permanent Fund established 1976

to help balence the budget 25% of the oil profit goes back to all of the alaskan reisidents Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1979 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1980 giving natives land rights Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 1980 104 million acers of alaska left untouched Anchorage Earthquake 2002 7.9 earthquake in anchorage cause the guysers in yellow stone national park to go off more often than normal

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