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August 15th and 16th Vocab AMBIGUOUS [am-big-yoo-uhs]: Uncertain, vague, capable of being interpreted in more than one

way - puzzled by the ambiguous statement. Synonyms: hazy, obscure, equivocal, dubious, nebulous Antonyms: explicit, unquestionable AMENABLE [uh-mee-nuh-buhl, uh-men-uh-]: Obedient; willing to submit - amenable to the suggestion. Synonyms: tractable, docile, responsive Antonyms: intractable, refractory, recalcitrant BELLICOSE [bel-i-kohs]: Inclined (tends to) to quarrel; warlike - His bellicose attitude often got John into fights. Synonyms: pugnacious, contentious, disputatious Antonyms: pacific, conciliatory BENEVOLENT [buh-nev-uh-luhnt]: Kindly; charitable - like a benevolent monarch, bestowing many favors. Synonyms: benign, benignant, gracious, magnanimous Antonyms: malevolent, malignant CALLOUS [kal-uhs]: Unfeeling or insensitive - made callous by long suffering. Synonyms: insensible, obdurate CASTIGATE [kas-ti-geyt]: To punish or criticize severely - castigated for using improper language. Synonyms: reprove, upbraid, reprehend, censure, reprimand, chasten Antonyms: commend, eulogize, laud DICTUM [dik-tuhm]: An authoritative statement; - an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.

DOGMATIC [dawg-mat-ik, dog-]: Positive in expressing an opinion; asserting an opinion as though it were an undisputed fact - spoken dogmatically, as if the speaker considered himself infallible. Synonyms: overbearing, opinionated, peremptory, dictatorial ELUCIDATE [ih-loo-si-deyt]: To make clear; to explain elucidated his theory so that even a schoolboy could understand it. Synonym: clarify EXTEMPORANEOUS [ik-stem-puh-rey-nee-uhs]: Done or spoken on the spur of the moment or without preparation - an extemporaneous speech. Synonyms: impromptu, offhand

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