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Portfolio Proposal:

For my project, I am choosing to create a series of five vignettes featuring five different characters that are all attending a funeral. Each character has a connection to the person who died; they all know him in different ways from different events. Each vignette will be written in the characters point of view and each will include memories of the person who died to show how each character remembered and knew him differently. At the end, they all come together to the funeral. My project will be in the form of five, short, one-page vignettes. I hope that my project will be interesting and worth reading. I want to add different point of views in each of the vignettes and experiment with creating in-depth characters with different personalities. My goal is for the reader to understand the person who has died, and know him as a character based on what the other five characters say and reflect about him. I am hoping to finish 2 of my vignettes by the 1/3 deadline, four of the stories by the deadline and finish all five vignettes by the editing deadline. During my one-on-one follow-up discussion with Ms. Hague, I want to discuss how I should create diverse and interesting characters that are worth reading about and how I should link all the characters and stories consciously,

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