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Advanced Course
Michel Thomas

Learn another language the way you learnt your own

Michel Thomas, 19142005

Michel Thomas, the internationally renowned linguist and language teacher, who was awarded the Silver Star by the US Army for his bravery in the Second World War, died of heart failure at his home in New York on 8th January 2005. He was 90.

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Anyone can learn a language with Michel Thomas!
The amazing teaching method of the worlds greatest language teacher, Michel Thomas, is now available to everyone, not just the rich and famous. These all-audio courses, published by Hodder Education, provide an accelerated method for language learning that is truly revolutionary. And they promise a remarkable educational experience that will make your learning both exciting and pleasurable. No books, no pens, no homework, no memorizing just sit back and let the most sought-after language teacher in the world be your guide. In a matter of hours, you will find yourself speaking and thinking in your new language quite naturally and effortlessly.

Photo by Robert Milazzo

What is the Michel Thomas method?

Over a period of twenty-five years, Michel Thomas developed and perfected a unique method of teaching languages*. His approach gives startling results within a remarkably short time, all without the need for books, memorizing, or homework. In essence, Michel Thomas breaks a language down to its component parts and enables learners to reconstruct the language themselves to form their own sentences, to say what they want, when they want. The experience of learning a language becomes so exciting and satisfying that it stimulates self-motivation and builds confidence. Michel Thomas presents the language within simple, elegant structures that echo the way the language is spoken. He achieves this by guiding you through carefully planned sets of exercises that build up your understanding of the language almost without you realizing it. You are able to absorb the structures effortlessly and apply them naturally right from the start.

What does the Advanced course contain?

In his specially developed course you hear the voice of Michel Thomas as he leads a class of two students, who have completed the Michel Thomas Foundation (8-hour) course. Their responses to Michel Thomas are not scripted and they have received no additional instruction or preparation just the guidance from Michel Thomas that you hear. You participate in this class actively and learn along with the students. This radically different approach means that you will learn a language in real-time conditions, that is in the same way that the students on the recording learn. There is no need to stop the recording to do homework, additional exercises, or vocabulary memorization. Therefore, unlike other learning methods you may have encountered, you will not be set unrealistic or unachievable goals. The success of the Michel Thomas method is proven by the very results that you hear from the students on the recording and, at the same time, from you as you make your own responses!

*U.S. patent 6,565,358


Relax! Make yourself comfortable before playing the recording and try to let go of the tensions and anxieties traditionally associated with learning. Do not write or take any notes. Remove notebooks, pens, dictionaries and anything else associated with learning at school. Do not try to remember. While participating in the recording and afterwards, it is important that you do not try to memorize specific words or expressions. It is a basic principle of the Michel Thomas method that the responsibility for the students learning lies with the teacher. With Michel Thomas as your teacher, your learning will be based on understanding, and what you understand you dont forget. Interact fully with the recordings. Use the pause button and respond out loud (or in a whisper, or in your head, if you are in a public place) before the students responses. This is essential. You do not learn by repetition but by thinking out the answers to each question; it is by your own thought process that you truly learn. Give yourself time to think. The students on the recordings had all the time they needed to think out their responses. On the recordings their thinking time has been cut in order to make full use of the recording time and to give you all the time you may need (by pushing your pause button). The pause button is the key to your learning! Start at the beginning of the course. Whatever your existing knowledge of the language you are learning, it is important that you follow the way that Michel builds up your knowledge of the language. Do not get annoyed with yourself if you make a mistake. Mistakes are part of the learning process; as long as you understand why you made the mistake and you have the ahaa reaction yes, of course, I understand now you are doing fine. If you made a mistake and you do not understand why, you may have been daydreaming for a few seconds. The course is structured so that you cannot go on unless you fully understand everything, so just go back a little and you will pick up where you left off. Stop the recording whenever it suits you. You will notice that this course is not divided into lessons*; you will always be able to pick up from where you left off, without the need to review.
*Tracking breaks in the recordings reflect the numbering in the index. These breaks are added purely to help you locate where you left off, and do not represent any sort of hierarchy in Michels method.

What level of language will I achieve?

The Advanced course is primarily designed for those who have completed the Michel Thomas Foundation (8-hour) course. It is also appropriate for anyone who has studied a language before, but has forgotten much of it or does not have confidence in speaking. Michel Thomas teaches the everyday conversational language that will allow you to communicate in a wide variety of situations, empowered by the ability to create your own sentences and use the language naturally. You will absorb the vocabulary and grammatical structures and, in addition, will be introduced to elements of writing and reading. The Advanced follow-on to the Michel Thomas Foundation (8-hour) course expands on the tenses and structures only touched upon in the earlier course, to give you a comprehensive understanding and mastery of complex and sophisticated language.

How quickly can I learn with the Advanced course?

One of the most remarkable features of the Michel Thomas method is the speed with which results are achieved. A knowledge of the language that will take months of conventional study can be achieved in a matter of hours with the Advanced course. Michel masterfully guides the student through an instructional process at a very rapid rate yet the process will appear informal, relaxed and unhurried. Michel moves quickly between numerous practice sessions, which all build the learners confidence in their ability to communicate in complex ways. Because the Michel Thomas method is based on understanding, not memorization, there is no set limit to the length of time that you should study the course. It offers immersion without strain or stress, and you will find the recordings are not divided into lessons, though the material has been indexed for your convenience. This means that you can stop and start as you please. The excitement of learning will motivate you to continue listening and learning for as long a time as is practical for you. This will enable you to make progress faster than you ever imagined possible.

Who is the Advanced course for?

Anyone can learn a language with the Michel Thomas method and the wide diversity of his students proves this. Not only does Michel instruct the rich and famous, but he has also taught many so-called hopeless cases. For example, in 1997, Michel taught French to a group of sixteen-year-olds in north London who had been told they could never learn a language, and gave them the ability to use the new language far beyond their expectations in just a week. Perhaps more important, he gave them the confidence to speak and a belief in, and the experience of, their own ability to learn. Whatever your motivation for learning a language, the Michel Thomas course quite simply offers the most effective method that is available.

How do I use the Advanced Review course?

The Review course has been devised for those who want to review, quickly and easily, the entire teaching contents of the Michel Thomas Advanced course. The Review course can be used in many ways: when you have reached the end of the main course to check or consolidate your learning; as a quick refresher when you return to the main course after a lapse of time; or if you are a newcomer to Michel Thomas looking for an overview of what the main courses contain. Michel will give you a prompt in English, there is a pause which allows time for your response in the foreign language, then Michel gives the correct response. If you struggled to give the right answer, or gave an incorrect answer, when working through the Review course, you can use the index to locate precisely where in the main course the specific language point is taught in depth, and can return to the main course to work through the relevant section again.

What can I do next?

The Michel Thomas Language Builders take the form of a one-to-one lecture with Michel Thomas, building on the words and phrases in his Foundation (8-hour) and Advanced courses. The courses provide confidence in pronunciation, increase your word-power and consolidate your knowledge in just two hours.

The much-anticipated Vocabulary courses carry forward the Michel Thomas teaching tradition and faithfully follow his unique approach to foreign language learning. The series editor is Dr Rose Lee Hayden, Michels most experienced and trusted teacher. The courses remain faithful to the method Michel Thomas uses in his earlier courses, with the all-audio and building-block approach. The presenter builds on Michels foundations to encourage the student at home to tap into the vast resources of vocabulary common to English and the foreign languages taught here. The student takes part in the audio, following prompts by the presenter, as in Michel Thomas original Foundation and Advanced courses. The teaching is all in English, with the addition of two native speakers to give models for perfect pronunciation and to increase the opportunity for practice. See the end of the booklet for details about all these courses. Try to speak with native speakers whenever possible, as this is invaluable for improving your fluency. Magazines and newspapers (especially those which feature interviews) will give you practice in the most current and idiomatic language. Expose yourself to the language whenever you can you will have firm foundations on which to build.

So, who was Michel Thomas?

Michel Thomas was head of the Michel Thomas Language Centers and taught languages for over fifty years, primarily in New York, Beverly Hills, and London. He was a graduate of the Department of Philology at the University of Bordeaux, France, and studied psychology at the Sorbonne (Paris) and at the University of Vienna. However, it was his remarkable life experiences that fuelled his passion for teaching languages. Michel spent most of his childhood in Germany and France. With the rise of Hitler, he began his years of escape and resistance. He spent two brutal years in French concentration and slave labour camps, constantly threatened by deportation to German death camps. He escaped and fought for the French Resistance, surviving capture and interrogation by Klaus Barbie the Butcher of Lyons and torture by the Gestapo.

His mastery of languages enabled him to adopt many identities (the last one being Michel Thomas), and, once France was liberated, allowed him to join the US Army as an intelligence officer. His unit went on to liberate Dachau, where he interrogated the camp executioner and interviewed survivors. As well as recording the horrors of the Holocaust, he was driven by a personal mission to discover the fate of his own family (he later discovered that they Michel in the uniform of an officer in had all perished in Auschwitz). At the end the French Resistance of the war, he masterminded operations to uncover war criminals and infiltrate underground Nazi groups, and was renowned for his ability to extract confessions without ever recourse to violence. In 1944 Michel was nominated for the Silver Star medal for his service to the US Armys 45th Infantry Division in France. The award was finally presented to him in May 2004, sixty years later. Michels wartime experiences, particularly his torture by the Gestapo when he discovered the ability to block out pain, made him aware of the untapped potential of the human mind. However, it was his deeply held conviction that the biggest weapon in maintaining a free society was education that drove him to devote his life to probing the learning process. Michel moved to Los Angeles in 1947, and he set up a language institute in Beverly Hills. Over a period of twenty-five years, he developed a unique and revolutionary learning system that has made him the worlds leading language teacher. Now, for the first time, his method has been made widely available through the publication of these recordings.

For a full account of his fascinating life, read The Test of Courage: Michel Thomas by Christopher Robbins, published by Hodder & Stoughton.


Who has Michel Thomas taught? People came from all over the world to learn a foreign language with Michel Thomas because his method works. His students, now numbering in the thousands, have included well-known people from the arts and from the corporate, political and academic worlds. For example, he taught French to filmstar Grace Kelly prior to her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco.
Michel with Grace Kelly

Michels list of clients include: Celebrities: Emma Thompson, Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand, Warren Beatty, Melanie Griffith, Eddie Izzard, Bob Dylan, Jean Marsh, Donald Sutherland, Mrs George Harrison, Anne Bancroft, Mel Brooks, Nastassja Kinski, Carl Reiner, Raquel Welch, Johnny Carson, Julie Andrews, Isabelle Adjani, Candice Bergen, Barbara Hershey, Priscilla Presley, Loretta Swit, Tony Curtis, Diana Ross, Herb Alpert, Angie Dickinson, Lucille Ball, Doris Day, Janet Leigh, Natalie Wood, Jayne Mansfield, Ann-Margaret, Yves Montand, Kim Novak, Otto Preminger, Max von Sydow, Peter Sellers, Franois Truffaut, Sophia Coppola. Diplomats, dignitaries and academics: Former U.S. Ambassador to France, Walter Curley; U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Joseph V. Reed; Cardinal John OConnor, Archbishop of New York; Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia; Armand Hammer; Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York; Professor Herbert Morris, Dean of Humanities at UCLA; Warren Keegan, Professor of Business at Pace University in New York; Professor Wesley Posvar, former President of the University of Pittsburgh. Executives from the following corporations: AT&T International, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Chase Manhattan Bank, American Express, Merrill Lynch, New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Boeing Aircraft, General Electric, Westinghouse Electric, Bank of America, Max Factor, Rand Corporation, Bertelsmann Music Group-RCA, Veuve Clicquot Inc., McDonalds Corporation, Rover, British Aerospace.

0:00 2:05 2:13 2:20 2:24 2:45 2:52 3:00 3:57 4:04 4:16 4:42 4:55 5:28 5:48 6:34

= Advanced course only

= features on the Review course

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 1 Introduction to the Advanced course to stay Im staying he is staying he doesnt stay We are staying here. They are staying here. you are staying You are not staying here. How long are you staying here? He will stay (here). She wont stay here. How long are you going to stay here? Will you tell me how long you are going to stay here. I would like to know how long you can stay here. bleiben ich bleibe er bleibt er bleibt nicht Wir bleiben hier. Sie bleiben hier. / Die bleiben hier. Sie bleiben Sie bleiben nicht hier. Wie lange bleiben Sie hier? Er wird (hier) bleiben. Sie wird nicht hier bleiben. Wie lange werden Sie hier bleiben? Wollen Sie mir bitte sagen, wie lange Sie hier bleiben werden. Ich mchte wissen, wie lange Sie hier bleiben knnen.

Review course Track 2

How long will you stay here? Wie lange werden Sie hier bleiben?

Review course Track 3 Review course Track 4

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 2 0:00 0:44 If you are talking to friends or family, you can use Du instead of Sie for you. How long are you staying here? Wie lange bleibst du hier?

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 3 0:00 0:10 0:19 0:37 I will do it. I wont do it. We will stay here. They will stay here. Ich werde es tun. Ich werde es nicht tun. Wir werden hier blieben. Sie werden hier bleiben. / Die werden hier bleiben.


0:52 1:14 1:38 1:44 1:50 2:04 2:13 2:19 2:32

You will stay here. How long are you staying? (to a friend) I will stay. How long will you stay? They will not stay here. How long are you staying? (to a friend) I will stay. You will stay. (to a friend) I dont know how long he will stay here.

Sie werden hier bleiben. Wie lange bleibst du?

Ich werde bleiben. Wie lange werden Sie bleiben? Sie (die) werden nicht hier bleiben. Wie lange bleibst du?

Ich werde bleiben. Du wirst bleiben. Ich wei nicht, wie lange er hier bleiben wird.

Review course Track 5

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 4 0:24 0:30 0:36 0:45 1:29 2:03 2:25 2:50 2:57 3:12 I can do it. I cannot do it. Can you do it? Why cant you do it? Why cant you do it now? Ich kann es tun. Ich kann es nicht tun. Knnen Sie es tun? Warum knnen Sie es nicht tun? Warum knnen Sie es jetzt nicht tun?

Review course Track 6

I cannot find it. I dont know Ich kann es nicht finden. Ich wei where it is. nicht, wo es ist. In speaking, kann es may be contracted to kanns. He cannot understand it. He cannot understand me. Why cant you understand me? Er kann es nicht verstehen. Er kann mich nicht verstehen. Warum knnen Sie mich nicht verstehen?

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 5 0:00 0:45 I will tell it to you later. Ich werde es Ihnen spter sagen.

Whenever you start out with will you in the sense of will you please, it is a polite request and the German is wollen Sie. If you do not start out with will, then it is the future tense. At what time are you going to be here? He will come with us. Um wie viel Uhr werden Sie hier sein?

1:20 1:41

Er wird mit uns kommen.

1:53 2:21 2:53

Will you wait for me. Where do you want to wait for me? Where do you want to go?

Wollen Sie auf mich warten. Wo wollen Sie auf mich warten?


Wohin wollen Sie gehen?

Review course Track 7

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 6 0:15 0:38 He wont be able to find it. He wont be able to tell it to you because he doesnt know it. you know (to a friend) He will not be able to do it. Er wird es nicht finden knnen. Er wird es nicht Ihnen sagen knnen, denn er wei es nicht (weil er es nicht wei). du weit Er wird es nicht tun knnen.

2:04 2:32

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 7 0:00 If you dont start a sentence with the subject, you invert. For example, He wont be able to do that is Er wird das nicht tun knnen, but That he wont be able to do is Das wird er nicht tun knnen.

Review course Track 8

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 8 0:16 0:53 I wouldnt be able to do it. He would never be able to do it. Ich wrde es nicht tun knnen. Er wrde es nie tun knnen.

Review course Track 9

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 9 0:00 0:33 1:11 1:42 1:51 never I have no time to do it. newspaper to read I will read the newspaper. nie / niemals Ich habe keine Zeit, es zu tun. die Zeitung lesen Ich werde die Zeitung lesen.

Review course Track 10

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 10 0:23 0:38 0:48 Could you tell me? Could you come with me? Could you come with me? (to a friend, Paul) Knnten Sie mir sagen? Knnten Sie mit mir kommen? Knntest du mit mir kommen?


1:04 2:05 2:24 2:37

In English, could can mean would be able to or it can be the past tense. If could in English is not clearly in the past, use knnten. Could you wait for me now? Knnten Sie auf mich warten? Could you tell me where it is? Knnten Sie mir sagen, wo es ist? Im sorry but I couldnt understand you. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich konnte Sie nicht verstehen.

Review course Track 11

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 11 0:00 0:19 0:29 0:51 1:39 1:53 2:43 2:56 3:13 Review of haben he has you (Paul) You are right. You are right. (to a friend) Why dont you buy it? er hat du hast Sie haben Recht. Du hast Recht. Warum kaufen Sie es nicht?

Review course Track 12

Why dont you want to buy it? Warum wollen Sie es nicht kaufen? Where will you buy it? / Wo werden Sie es kaufen? Where are you going to buy it? Why wont you buy it? Warum werden Sie es nicht kaufen?

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 12 0:00 0:46 1:06 1:14 1:38 1:48 1:56 2:29 2:38 3:28 3:40 3:44 3:56 Introduction to the past tense I have bought it. I have not bought it. still I want something more. a little more not yet He didnt buy it yet. Why didnt you buy it yet? to make He has made it. He laughed. Ich habe es gekauft. Ich habe es nicht gekauft. noch Ich will noch etwas. noch ein wenig / noch ein bisschen noch nicht Er hat es noch nicht gekauft. Warum haben Sie es noch nicht gekauft? machen Er hat es gemacht. Er hat gelacht.

I want to eat something more. Ich will noch etwas essen.

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 13 0:06 There are two types of prefixes: those that are detachable and those that are not. Whenever the stress is on the prefix, it is detachable. to go away Im going away. back to go back to come back He is coming back soon. He will come back soon. to sell Im selling it. weggehen Ich gehe weg. zurck zurckgehen zurckkommen Er kommt bald zurck. Er wird bald zurckkommen. verkaufen Ich verkaufe es.

Review course Track 13


0:39 0:48 0:57 1:13 1:22 1:28 1:42 1:56 2:08 2:28 2:47 2:58 3:07 3:21 3:29 3:34 3:47 3:56 4:11 4:26 4:47 5:03 5:23 5:47 6:02

Verbs that have a non-detachable prefix do not use ge in the past tense. I have sold it. He sold it. / He has sold it. He didnt sell it yet. / He has not yet sold it. Ich habe es verkauft. Er hat es verkauft. Er hat es noch nicht verkauft.

We sold it. / We have sold it. Wir haben es verkauft. You sold it. / You have sold it. Sie haben es verkauft. They sold it. / They have sold it. You (friend) have sold it. Sie (die) haben es verkauft. Du hast es verkauft.

Why did you sell it? / Why Warum hast du es verkauft? have you sold it? (to a friend) Why didnt you sell it? / Why have you not sold it? Why didnt you sell it yet? verkauft? Everything is sold. It is not sold yet. Why didnt you tell me? / Why have you not told me? We have told it to you. Warum haben Sie es nicht verkauft? Warum haben Sie es noch nicht

Alles ist verkauft. Es ist noch nicht verkauft. Warum haben Sie mir nicht gesagt? Wir haben es Ihnen gesagt.

He told me. / He has told me. Er hat mir gesagt.


6:42 7:46

He told me that he wouldnt do it. He didnt tell me that he will do it.

Er hat mir gesagt, dass er es nicht tun wrde. Er hat mir nicht gesagt, dass er es tun wird.

Review course Track 14

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 14 0:00 0:07 0:14 0:22 0:35 0:46 0:55 1:03 1:09 1:14 1:20 1:29 1:44 1:56 to repair Im repairing it. He is repairing it. I have repaired it. to organize He organized it. to specialize to control He controlled it. It is controlled. It is well organized. He organized it. reparieren Ich repariere es. Er repariert es. Ich habe es repariert. organisieren Er hat es organisiert. spezialisieren kontrollieren Er hat es kontrolliert. Es ist kontrolliert. Es ist sehr gut organisiert. Er hat es organisiert.

Review course Track 15

Verbs that end in ieren do not take ge in the past tense.

Everything is well organized. Alles ist sehr gut organisiert.

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 15 0:00 0:09 0:17 0:35 0:41 0:51 0:56 1:05 1:10 1:16 1:31 1:39 Everything is sold. I sold it. I had we had they had / you had he had you (friend) had I had it. I didnt have it. I would have it. I wouldnt have it. I wouldnt have the time to do it. Alles ist verkauft. Ich habe es verkauft. ich hatte wir hatten Sie hatten er hatte du hattest Ich hatte es. Ich hatte es nicht. Ich wrde es haben. Ich wrde es nicht haben. Ich wrde nicht die Zeit haben, es zu tun. / Ich wrde keine Zeit haben, es zu tun.

2:48 3:57 4:11

There are two ways to express would have: either wrde haben or htten I wouldnt have bought it. because it was very expensive Ich htte es nicht gekauft. denn es war sehr teuer / weil es sehr teuer war

Review course Track 16


Advanced course: CD 1 Track 16 0:00 0:07 0:17 0:33 0:41 0:47 0:58 1:06 1:19 1:32 1:50 2:02 was, were We were very busy. Where were you last night? He was there. He wasnt in. / He wasnt there. Where were you? (to anybody else) true It was true. really It is really like that. It is really true. war, waren Wir waren sehr beschftigt. Wo waren Sie gestern Abend? Er war da. Er war nicht da.

Where were you? (to a friend) Wo warst du? Wo waren Sie? wahr Es war wahr. wirklich Es ist wirklich so. Es ist wirklich wahr.

Review course Track 17

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 17 0:00 0:42 to believe, to think I dont believe that he is going to come with us. glauben Ich glaube nicht, dass er mit uns kommen wird.

Review course Track 18

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 18 0:00 0:17 0:23 0:33 0:56 1:15 1:31 to see I saw it. / I have seen it. I had seen it. I would have seen it. I would have told you. He wouldnt have told me. We would have told you. sehen Ich habe es gesehen. Ich hatte es gesehen. Ich htte es gesehen. Ich htte es Ihnen gesagt. Er htte es mir nicht gesagt. Wir htten es Ihnen gesagt.


1:52 1:58 2:55 3:47

if you had told me I would have bought it if I had seen it. If you had told me that you would arrive today, I would have waited for you.

wenn Sie mir gesagt htten Ich htte es gekauft, wenn ich es gesehen htte. Wenn Sie mir gesagt htten, dass Sie heute ankommen wrden, htte ich auf Sie gewartet.

After if (wenn), use htten (subjunctive).

Review course Track 19

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 19 0:00 0:23 0:49 I waited for you. How long did you wait? He waited for me. Ich habe auf Sie gewartet. Wie lange haben Sie gewartet? Er hat auf mich gewartet.

Review course Track 20

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 20 0:00 1:03 1:08 1:12 1:30 1:49 2:06 Will you wait for me. I want he wants He doesnt want to do it. Wollen Sie auf mich warten. ich will er will Er will es nicht tun.

Review course Track 21

In speaking, will es is sometimes contracted to wills. Why dont you want to do it? Warum wollen Sie es nicht tun? Why dont you want to do it? (to a friend) Warum willst du es nicht tun?

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 21 0:00 0:13 0:23 0:43 0:53 Can you do it? Could you tell me? to look for, to seek I looked for it. / I have looked for it but I couldnt find it. Knnen Sie es tun? Knnten Sie mir sagen? suchen Ich habe es gesucht

aber ich konnte es nicht finden.

Review course Track 22

Advanced course: CD 1 Track 22 0:00 1:27 1:56 2:02 The past participle of a handle is the infinitive. I have not been able to do it. Ich habe es nicht tun knnen. I want it. I dont want it. Ich will es. Ich will es nicht.

2:20 2:50 3:03

I want to do it. I have wanted to do it. He has not wanted to do it.

Ich will es tun. Ich habe es tun wollen. Er hat es nicht tun wollen.

Review course Track 23 Review course Track 24


Advanced course: CD 1 Track 23 0:00 1:45 2:03 2:40 I would not have been able Ich htte es nicht tun knnen. to do it. (I couldnt have done it.) You could have told me. I could have done it. Sie htten mir sagen knnen Ich htte es tun knnen. You could have told it to me. Sie htten es mir sagen knnen.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 1 0:21 0:32 0:48 1:01 1:06 1:26 1:38 1:49 2:00 2:10 2:37 3:24 4:18 4:40 5:02 5:36 We must see it. They must see it. You must see it. I must buy it. He must do it. It can be. It could be. It could be possible. That could be possible. But it was not possible to do it. because I didnt have the time to do it It has to be ready now. / It must be ready now. It can be ready already. It must be ready already. It cannot be ready yet. It is going to be ready tomorrow. Wir mssen es sehen. Sie mssen es sehen. Sie mssen es sehen. Ich muss es kaufen. Er muss es tun. Es kann sein. Es knnte sein. Es knnte mglich sein. Das knnte mglich sein. Aber es war nicht mglich es zu tun. denn ich hatte keine Zeit, es zu tun / weil ich keine Zeit hatte, es zu tun Es muss jetzt fertig sein.

Es kann schon fertig sein. Es muss schon fertig sein. Es kann noch nicht fertig sein. Es wird morgen fertig sein.

Review course Track 25

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 2 0:00 You have to do it now. Sie mssen es jetzt tun.



In English, you have to means you must, but you dont have to means you dont need to.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 3 0:00 0:06 0:12 0:22 0:27 0:43 also me too to smoke he is smoking it is smoking auch ich auch rauchen er raucht es raucht Review course Track 26 Rauchen Sie? Rauchen Sie! Kommen Sie? Kommen Sie mit mir! Warten Sie? Warten Sie auf mich? Warten Sie auf mich! Bleiben Sie hier! Essen Sie! Essen Sie das nicht! Review course Track 27 Sie mssen es sehen. Sie brauchen es nicht zu sehen. Sie brauchen es nicht zu tun. Er muss bald hier sein. Review course Track 28 ich musste ich wollte Er musste hier bleiben, denn er musste arbeiten. / Er musste hier bleiben, weil er arbeiten musste.

It did smoke. / It has smoked. Es hat geraucht.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 4 0:00 0:06 0:21 0:27 0:41 0:45 0:52 1:00 1:08 1:14 Do you smoke? Smoke! Are you coming? Come with me! Are you waiting? Are you waiting for me? Wait for me! Stay here! Eat! Dont eat that!

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 5 0:05 0:12 0:29 1:18 1:26 You have to see it. You dont have to see it. You dont have to do it. He has to be here soon.

After brauchen, you use the infinitive with zu.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 6 0:00 0:16 0:27 I had to I wanted He had to stay here because he had to work.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 7 0:00 0:24 0:34 0:56 1:16 1:26 shall / should You should tell me. / You shall tell me. You should come with us. should sollen Sie sollen mir sagen.

Review course Track 29 Sie sollen mit uns kommen. sollten


You should go there with us. Sie sollten mit uns dorthin gehen. / Sie sollen mit uns dorthin gehen. I was supposed to go there yesterday, but I could not because I was very busy yesterday. I was supposed to prepare it yesterday. I should do it now. I should have done it. Ich sollte gestern dorthin gehen, aber ich konnte nicht, weil ich gestern sehr beschftigt war.

Ich sollte es gestern vorbereiten. Ich sollte es jetzt tun. Ich habe es tun sollen. Review course Track 30 Knnten Sie mir sagen? Sie sollen mir sagen. Sie sollten mir sagen. Sie htten mir sagen knnen. Ich wrde es fr Sie kaufen. Ich htte es fr Sie gekauft. Ich htte es fr Sie kaufen sollen.

2:17 2:34 2:53

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 8 0:00 0:19 0:33 0:46 1:30 1:45 2:02 2:52 3:04 4:29 5:12 6:18 6:34 Could you tell me? You shall tell me. / You should tell me. You should tell me. You could have told me.

You could have told it to me. Sie htten es mir sagen knnen. You could have come with us. Sie htten mit uns kommen knnen. You could have bought it. You should have told me. You should have told it to me I would buy it for you. I would have bought it for you. I should have bought it for you. Sie htten es kaufen knnen. Sie htten mir sagen sollen. Sie htten es mir sagen sollen

I could have bought it for you. Ich htte es fr Sie kaufen knnen.


Advanced course: CD 2 Track 9 0:00 0:47 1:34 it pleases me / I am pleased / es freut mich / ich freue mich I enjoy I enjoy seeing you. I will be very pleased to see you. / I am looking forward to seeing you. I would be very pleased to see you. I would have enjoyed going there with you (last night). Es freut mich, Sie zu sehen. / Ich freue mich, Sie zu sehen. Es wird mich sehr freuen, Sie zu sehen. Es wrde mich freuen, Sie zu sehen. / Ich wrde mich freuen, Sie zu sehen. Es htte mich sehr gefreut, (gestern Abend) mit Ihnen dorthin zu gehen. / Ich htte mich sehr gefreut, (gestern Abend) mit Ihnen dorthin zu gehen.

Review course Track 31

2:18 3:28

Review course Track 32 Review course Track 33

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 10 0:00 0:52 1:04 1:21 1:42 2:21 3:58 4:22 Using handles in the past tense I have wanted to do it. I wanted to see it but I couldnt see it. Ich habe es tun wollen. Ich wollte es sehen aber ich konnte es nicht sehen. I would have wanted to do it. Ich htte es tun wollen.

I couldnt wait because I had Ich konnte nicht warten, weil ich to leave (go away). weggehen musste. I could have gone there with you. You should have gone there with us. Ich htte mit Ihnen dorthin gehen knnen. Sie htten mit uns dorthin gehen sollen.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 11 0:00 0:09 0:30 0:48 I was there. Nobody was there. Who was there with you last night? It was not possible to do it. Ich war da. Niemand war da. Wer war da mit Ihnen gestern Abend?

Es war nicht mglich, es zu tun.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 12 0:00 0:06 0:41 0:46 0:50 1:04 1:07 1:20 1:34 to seek, to look for to try Im trying to succeed I succeed. (It is successful to me.) I dont succeed. I dont succeed doing it. I cannot do it. I wont succeed in doing it. suchen versuchen ich versuche gelingen Es gelingt mir.

Review course Track 33 (cont.) Es gelingt mir nicht. Es gelingt mir nicht, es zu tun. Ich kann es nicht tun. Es wird mir nicht gelingen, es zu tun. Review course Track 34 Ich musste weggehen. Ich habe den Schlssel auf dem Tisch gelassen. lassen Lassen Sie mich versuchen! Lassen Sie mich arbeiten! Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe! die Ruhe lassen Ich werde es reparieren lassen. Ich muss es waschen lassen. rein Ich werde es reinigen lassen. Review course Track 35 Er wird bald hier sein. ntig / notwendig Es wird nicht ntig sein. / Es wird nicht notwendig sein.


Advanced course: CD 2 Track 13 0:00 0:22 0:38 0:59 1:02 1:06 1:11 1:19 1:35 1:42 2:21 2:35 2:59 I had to leave. I left the key on the table. to let Let me try! Let me work! Leave me alone! quiet, silence to get something done / to have something done I will get it repaired. I must have it washed. clean I will get it cleaned.

to leave (something behind) lassen

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 14 0:00 0:16 0:31 He will be here soon. necessary It wont be necessary.


2:07 2:17 2:37 2:47 2:59 3:07 3:23 3:29 3:38 3:46 3:53 4:02 4:10 4:16 4:26 4:40 4:50 5:37 5:59 6:17 6:48

I am tired. Im getting tired. I will be tired. I will be getting tired. You will be too tired. It is late. Its getting late. dark darkness It is very dark. It is too dark. It is getting dark. It will be too dark. It will be getting dark soon. It is getting dark. It was getting dark. suddenly It was suddenly getting very dark. It would be too dark. We were getting tired.

Ich bin mde. Ich werde mde. Ich werde mde sein. Ich werde mde werden. Sie werden zu mde sein. Es ist spt. Es wird spt. dunkel die Dunkelheit Es ist sehr dunkel. Es ist zu dunkel. Es wird dunkel. Es wird zu dunkel sein. Es wird bald dunkel werden. Es wird dunkel. Es wurde dunkel. pltzlich Es wurde pltzlich sehr dunkel.

You will be getting tired soon. Sie werden bald mde werden.

Es wrde zu dunkel sein. Wir wurden mde.

Review course Track 36

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 15 0:00 0:21 0:40 1:35 2:27 to know Do you know why he doesnt want to do it? Can you tell me why he didnt want to do it? Do you know why he couldnt do it? Do you know why he couldnt (was not able) to do it? I knew I didnt know wissen Wissen Sie warum er es nicht tun will? Knnen Sie mir sagen, warum er es nicht tun wollte? Wissen Sie warum er es nicht tun knnte? Wissen Sie warum er es nicht tun konnte? ich wusste ich wusste nicht

2:54 3:03

3:25 3:33

I would have known. I wouldnt have known it if you had not told me.

Ich htte es gewusst. Ich htte es nicht gewusst, wenn Sie es mir nicht gesagt htten.

Review course Track 37 Review course Track 38


Advanced course: CD 2 Track 16 0:00 1:21 1:35 1:53 1:59 2:21 3:02 3:23 3:32 3:42 4:18 4:37 4:46 5:00 5:15 5:31 6:12 6:38 6:50 7:51 Some verbs form the past tense with to be instead of to have. I went I went there. We went there last night. When did you go there? Why didnt you go there with me last night? Im going away. Were going back. We went back. He went away. he came He came with us. He came back. He didnt come back yet. At what time did you come back? He will arrive tonight. He is arriving next week. He will arrive next week. He arrived this morning. At what time did you arrive? ich bin gegangen Ich bin dorthin gegangen. Wir sind gestern Abend dorthin gegangen. Wann sind Sie dorthin gegangen? Warum sind Sie nicht mit mir gestern Abend dorthin gegangen? Ich gehe weg. Wir gehen zurck. Wir sind zurckgegangen. Er ist weggegangen. er ist gekommen Er ist mit uns gekommen. Er ist zurckgekommen. Er ist noch nicht zurckgekommen. Um wie wiel Uhr sind Sie zurckgekommen? Er wird heute Abend ankommen. Er kommt nchste Woche an. Er wird nchste Woche ankommen. Er ist heute Morgen angekommen. / Er ist heute frh angekommen. Um wie viel Uhr sind Sie angekommen?

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 17 0:08 0:54 1:27 It would be possible. It wouldnt be possible. Es wrde mglich sein. Es wre nicht mglich. / Es wrde nicht mglich sein.

Instead of wrde sein, you can use wre for would be.



It wouldnt be possible to do it that way.

Es wre nicht mglich, es so zu tun. / Es wrde nicht mglich sein, es so zu tun.

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 18 0:00 0:29 The past tense of to be (sein) is conjugated with to be. We have been there last night. (We were there last night.) How long have you been there? (How long were you there?) Wir sind gestern Abend dort gewesen. Wie lange sind Sie dort gewesen? (usually: Wie lange waren Sie dort?)


Review course Track 39

Advanced course: CD 2 Track 19 0:00 I would have waited for you Ich htte auf Sie gewartet und and I would have gone there ich wre (gestern Abend) mit with you (last night). Ihnen dorthin gegangen. He would have come with us. Er wre mit uns gekommen.

Review course Track 40


Advanced course: CD 2 Track 20 0:00 0:11 0:28 0:44 0:56 1:43 2:10 2:43 3:08 4:31 I have waited. I have waited for you. He waited (he has waited) for me. How long did you wait? He arrived (today). if he had arrived today If I had been there, I would have seen it. I didnt see you because I was not there. Ich habe gewartet. Ich habe auf Sie gewartet. Er hat auf mich gewartet.

Wie lange haben Sie gewartet? Er ist (heute) angekommen. wenn er heute angekommen wre Wenn ich dort gewesen wre, htte ich es gesehen. Ich habe Sie nicht gesehen, denn ich war nicht da. / Ich habe Sie nicht gesehen, weil ich nicht da war.

He would have arrived today. Er wre heute angekommen. After if, use htte or wre (subjunctive).


Another word for because is da. For example, da ich nicht da war. Da is a weil situation.

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 1 0:00 1:14 1:29 1:49 4:51 5:06 Bleiben takes to be in the past tense. For example, wir sind geblieben. We went to Berlin. How long did you stay in Vienna? How long did you stay? I would have stayed longer if I had known that you would be here. Wir sind nach Berlin gefahren. Wie lange sind Sie in Wien geblieben? Wie lange sind Sie geblieben? Ich wre lnger geblieben, wenn ich gewusst htte, dass Sie hier sein wrden. When did you go to Vienna? Wann sind Sie nach Wien gefahren?

Review course Track 41


Review course Track 42

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 2 0:00 0:11 0:37 When did you arrive? early I would have arrived earlier if I had known that you would be here and that you waited for me. Wann sind Sie angekommen? frh Ich wre frher angekommen, wenn ich gewusst htte, dass Sie hier sein wrden und dass Sie auf mich gewartet haben.

Review course Track 43

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 3 0:00 0:25 0:36 0:50 to go (not on foot) I went to Vienna. We went to Vienna. fahren Ich bin nach Wien gefahren. Wir sind nach Wien gefahren.

We went to Vienna last week Wir sind vorige Woche (letzte Woche) but we didnt stay long. nach Wien gefahren, aber wir sind nicht lange geblieben. We only stayed a few days. And we came back to London. Wir sind nur ein paar Tage geblieben. Und wir sind nach London zurckgekommen.

Review course Track 44

1:27 1:51

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 4 0:00 It would have pleased me very much. Es htte mich sehr gefreut.



I would have liked very much to know that you would go there. I would be pleased. / It would please me. It would have pleased me. I would be pleased. I would have been pleased.

Es htte mich sehr gefreut zu wissen, dass Sie dorthin gehen wrden. Es wrde mich freuen.

1:18 2:32 2:52 3:08

Es htte mich gefreut. Ich wrde mich freuen. Ich htte mich gefreut.

Review course Track 45

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 5 0:00 0:14 0:22 0:39 0:48 0:55 1:04 1:18 1:44 1:55 3:23 to hurry Im hurrying I hurried. I will hurry. I have to hurry. Hurry up! You have to hurry. Will you hurry, please. We hurried. If I had hurried, I would have arrived earlier. I would have seen it and I would have bought it. sich beeilen ich beeile mich Ich habe mich beeilt. Ich werde mich beeilen. Ich muss mich beeilen. Beeilen Sie sich! Sie mssen sich beeilen. Wollen Sie sich bitte beeilen. Wir haben uns beeilt. Wenn ich mich beeilt htte, wre ich frher angekommen. Ich htte es gesehen und ich htte es gekauft.

Review course Track 46

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 6 0:00 0:17 0:26 0:35 0:50 to get up I got up. We got up. I would have gotten up earlier if I had known it. aufstehen Ich bin aufgestanden. Wir sind aufgestanden. Ich wre frher aufgestanden, wenn ich es gewusst htte.

At what time did you get up? Um wie viel Uhr sind Sie aufgestanden?

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 7 0:00 0:32 Why didnt you tell it to me? Warum haben Sie es mir nicht gesagt? I would have told it to you if I had known it. Ich htte es Ihnen gesagt, wenn ich es gewusst htte.

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 8 0:00 0:25 0:41 1:17 It is not possible to do it that way. It was not possible to do it that way. It wont be possible to do it that way. It wouldnt be possible to do it that way. It has not been possible to do it that way. Es ist nicht mglich, es so zu tun. Es war nicht mglich, es so zu tun. Es wird nicht mglich sein, es so zu tun. Es wrde nicht mglich sein, es so zu tun. / Es wre nicht mglich, es so zu tun. Es ist nicht mglich gewesen, es so zu tun.

Review course Track 47


2:44 3:38 4:16

We have tried and it has not Wir haben versucht und es ist nicht been possible to do it. mglich gewesen, es zu tun. I think it would have been possible to do it that way if we had tried (to do it). Ich glaube, dass es mglich gewesen wre, es so zu tun, wenn wir versucht htten (es zu tun).

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 9 0:00 I would have gotten up earlier. Ich wre frher aufgestanden. Review course Track 48 sich hinlegen

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 10 0:00 0:17 to lie down

There are three verbs for to put: to put something so that it will be in a lying position (to lay) is legen, to stand something is stellen and if it ends up in a sitting position, use setzen. Im putting the bottle on the table. Im putting the book on the table. It is lying on the table. We are sitting here. Im sitting down. Sit down! Sit down here! I sat down. Ich stelle die Flasche auf den Tisch. Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch.

0:58 1:11 1:26 1:52 1:56 2:16 2:26 3:30

Es liegt auf dem Tisch. Wir sitzen hier. Ich setze mich hin. Setzen Sie sich! / Setzen Sie sich hin! / Nehmen Sie Platz, bitte! Setzen Sie sich bitte hierher! Ich habe mich hingesetzt.


Advanced course: CD 3 Track 11 0:00 0:15 0:27 0:44 1:16 1:32 1:43 2:07 2:20 2:47 2:52 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:34 4:59 5:32 6:05 6:11 silence, quiet It is very quiet. to take a rest I will take a rest. You should take a rest. I had a good rest. You have to take a rest. One has to take a rest. sometimes One has to take a rest sometimes. Did you sleep well? I slept very well. One can understand it sometimes. But sometimes one cannot understand it. I did not understand what you have said. I dont understand what you mean. What do you mean? What does it mean? die Ruhe Es ist sehr ruhig. sich ausruhen Ich werde mich ausruhen. Sie sollen sich ausruhen. Ich habe mich sehr gut ausgeruht. Sie mssen sich ausruhen. Man muss sich ausruhen. manchmal Man muss sich manchmal ausruhen. / Manchmal muss man sich ausruhen. Haben Sie gut geschlafen? Ich habe sehr gut geschlafen. Man kann es manchmal verstehen.

Review course Track 49 Aber manchmal kann man es nicht verstehen. Ich habe nicht verstanden, was Sie gesagt haben. Ich verstehe nicht was Sie meinen. Was meinen Sie? Was meint es? Review course Track 50 senden / schicken Ich werde es Ihnen schicken. Er hat es mir geschickt. erhalten halten anhalten stehen bleiben

Silence, please! / Quiet, please! Ruhe, bitte!

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 12 0:00 0:27 0:42 1:00 1:04 1:19 1:22 1:30 to send I will send it to you. He sent it to me. to receive to hold to stop to stop (when walking)

But I have not received it yet. Aber ich habe es noch nicht erhalten.

1:49 2:18 2:23 2:34 2:41 2:54 2:58 3:24 3:38 3:49

Stop! to keep You can keep it. to hear I cannot hear it. to belong It belongs to me. It doesnt belong to me. It belongs to you. Does it belong to you?

Halt! behalten Sie knnen es behalten. hren Ich kann es nicht hren. gehren Es gehrt mir. Es gehrt mir nicht. Es gehrt Ihnen. Gehrt es Ihnen?

Review course Track 51


Advanced course: CD 3 Track 13 0:00 0:04 0:13 0:18 0:34 0:42 0:54 1:07 1:20 to answer word answer He didnt answer yet. to call He called. to call (on the phone) I called you this morning in order to tell you that I would arrive tonight and that I will be at your place (at your house) at ten oclock. I would have arrived earlier if I had known it. antworten das Wort die Antwort Er hat noch nicht geantwortet. rufen Er hat gerufen. anrufen / telefonieren Ich habe Sie heute frh (heute Morgen / heute Vormittag) angerufen, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich heute Abend ankommen wrde und dass ich bei Ihnen um zehn Uhr sein werde. Ich wre frher angekommen, wenn ich es gewusst htte.

He called me. (on the phone) Er hat mich angerufen.

Review course Track 52


Advanced course: CD 3 Track 14 0:18 0:54 1:53 I want you to tell him. (I want Ich will, dass Sie es ihm sagen that you should tell him.) sollen. Will you tell him to call me. I told him to call me. Wollen Sie ihm sagen, dass er mich anrufen soll. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass er mich anrufen soll.


Advanced course: CD 3 Track 15 0:00 0:26 0:30 0:33 0:39 0:57 2:05 to remember I remember I dont remember I cannot remember. to remember something I cannot remember it. I didnt remember it. sich erinnern ich erinnere mich ich erinnere mich nicht Ich kann mich nicht erinnern. sich an etwas erinnern Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern. Ich habe mich nicht daran erinnert.

Review course Track 53 Review course Track 54 sich gewhnen die Wohnung mieten Ich werde die Wohnung mieten. Ich werde das Haus mieten. wohnen leben Wir wohnen hier. Wir sind jetzt hier, aber wir wohnen nicht hier. Wo wohnen Sie? Review course Track 55

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 16 0:00 0:18 0:33 0:47 1:05 1:22 1:31 1:44 2:10 2:32 to be used to something / to get used to something apartment / flat to rent / to let I will let the apartment. / I will rent the apartment. I will rent the house. / I will let the house. to live (reside) to live (be alive) We live here. We are here now, but we dont live here. Where do you live?

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 17 0:00 Infinitives can be made into nouns. They always take das. For example, leben (to live) das Leben (life), essen (to eat) das Essen (food). The food is (very) good here. Das Essen ist sehr gut hier.

Review course Track 56


Advanced course: CD 3 Track 18 0:00 3:08 To say have been ing, use the present tense. How long have you been living here? Seit wann wohnen Sie hier?

4:24 5:05 6:09 6:59 7:47 7:49 7:54 8:08 8:36

How long have you been working here? He has been working here for three years already. for instance / for example How long have you been here in Vienna? I have been we have been Where have you been? Where were you? I have been here for three weeks already.

Wie lange arbeiten Sie hier? Er arbeitet schon hier seit drei Jahren. zum Beispiel Wie lange sind Sie schon hier in Wien? ich bin gewesen wir sind gewesen Wo sind Sie gewesen? Wo waren Sie? Ich bin schon hier seit drei Wochen. Review course Track 57 die Gewohnheit Ich habe nicht die Gewohnheit, es zu tun. die Gelegenheit die Schnheit Ich habe nicht die Mglichkeit, es zu tun. Es ist nicht mglich, es so zu tun.


Advanced course: CD 3 Track 19 0:14 0:28 1:17 1:43 1:49 2:15 3:04 3:27 Words ending in ung always take die. For example, die Wohnung. habit Im not used / I dont have the habit to do it. opportunity beauty I dont have the possibility to do it. It is not possible to do it that way.

Words ending in heit and keit always take die.

Advanced course: CD 3 Track 20 0:00 0:06 0:13 0:21 0:36 1:13 1:48 1:56 to try to seek, look for Im looking for it. I looked for it. But I could not find it. to arrive Im arriving versuchen suchen Ich suche es. Ich habe es gesucht. Aber ich konnte es nicht finden. ankommen ich komme an

When you put the stress on a prefix, it is detachable.


Advanced course: CD 4 Track 1 0:06 0:12 0:38 0:44 0:57 1:12 1:51 2:04 2:23 2:31 2:46 3:37 4:16 4:46 4:55 to come back He is coming back soon. Im trying Im trying to do it. I tried to do it. zurckkommen Er kommt bald zurck. ich versuche Ich versuche, es zu tun. Ich habe versucht, es zu tun.

Review course Track 58 Review course Track 59 Er ist gekommen. Um wie viel Uhr kommen Sie zurck? Er wird bald zurckkommen. Er wird bald zurck sein. Er wird bald wieder hier sein. Review course Track 60 hren anhren Ich habe es mir angehrt. Es hat mir gehrt. Ich habe es gehrt. Es gehrt mir. Es gehrt mir nicht.

If you have a non-detachable prefix, you drop the ge in the past tense. If you have a detachable prefix, you use the prefix with ge. to catch to start We are starting. At what time do you start? At what time do you usually start? It started. He has gone. He went away. We went away. fangen anfangen Wir fangen an. Um wie viel Uhr fangen Sie an? Um wie viel Uhr fangen Sie gewhnlich an? Es hat angefangen. Er ist gegangen. Er ist weggegangen. Wir sind weggegangen.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 2 0:03 0:22 0:37 0:59 2:08 He came. At what time are you coming back? He will come back soon. He will be back soon. He will be here again soon.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 3 0:00 0:03 0:08 0:37 1:13 1:21 1:30 to hear to listen to something I listened. It belonged to me. I heard it. / I have heard it. It belongs to me. It doesnt belong to me.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 4 0:09 0:16 0:27 1:18 1:48 3:03 3:40 3:57 4:35 5:20 6:30 6:34 7:19 7:41 7:57 habit habitually / usually to get used to something I will get used to it. I have to get used to it. It is not very heavy. / It is not very difficult. difficult I cannot get used to it. Its very difficult for me. One has to get used to it. Ive finally got used to it. I remember I remembered. I dont remember it. I cannot remember it. I couldnt remember it. die Gewohnheit gewhnlich sich gewhnen Ich werde mich daran gewhnen. Ich muss mich daran gewhnen. Es ist nicht sehr schwer.

Review course Track 61 schwer / schwierig Ich kann mich nicht daran gewhnen. Es ist sehr schwer fr mich. Man muss sich daran gewhnen. Ich habe mich endlich daran gewhnt. ich erinnere mich Ich habe mich erinnert. Ich erinnere mich nicht daran. Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern. Ich konnte mich nicht daran erinnern. Review course Track 62 ffnen Wollen Sie das Fenster ffnen. Ich habe das Fenster geffnet. Es ist geffnet. Es wird geffnet. Es war geffnet. Es wurde geffnet. aufmachen zumachen Ich habe die Tr aufgemacht. Er hat die Tr zugemacht. Die Tr ist zugemacht. / Die Tr ist zu. Die Tr wird zugemacht. Es wird zugemacht sein.


Advanced course: CD 4 Track 5 0:00 0:06 0:30 0:44 0:52 1:10 1:20 1:33 1:48 1:55 2:08 2:25 2:53 3:28 to open Will you open the window. I opened the window. It is open(ed). It is being opened. It was opened. It was being opened. to open to close I opened the door. He closed the door. The door is closed. The door is being closed. It will be closed.



It will be getting closed.

Es wird zugemacht werden.

Review course Track 63

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 6 0:08 0:58 1:11 1:23 1:32 1:38 1:46 1:55 2:03 2:24 2:38 2:48 2:54 3:12 3:48 It is getting cold. The soup has gotten cold. It was getting cold. It is late. It is getting late. It will be late. It will be too late soon. It will be getting late. It will be getting dark soon. It was dark. It was too dark. It was getting dark. It has been (very) dark. It has gotten very dark. Es wird kalt. Die Suppe ist kalt geworden. Es wurde kalt. Es ist spt. Es wird spt. Es wird spt sein. Es wird bald zu spt sein. Es wird spt werden. Es wird bald dunkel werden. Es war dunkel. Es war zu dunkel. Es wurde dunkel. Es ist (sehr) dunkel gewesen. Es ist sehr dunkel geworden.

Review course Track 64

It got cold. / It has gotten cold. Es ist kalt geworden.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 7 0:05 0:17 0:25 0:45 1:21 1:36 2:07 2:28 3:39 4:02 4:27 4:41 5:08 to build I built it. It is built. It is being built. It was built. It was being built. These houses were being built. bauen Ich habe es gebaut. Es ist gebaut. Es wird gebaut. Es war gebaut. Es wurde gebaut. Diese Huser wurden gebaut.

Whenever you have geworden following another past participle, you take off the ge. light Its very light here. Its getting light. It has become light. It was getting light. hell Es ist sehr hell hier. Es wird hell. Es ist hell geworden. Es wurde hell.

5:24 5:36 6:01 6:15 6:46 7:14 7:21 7:29 8:04

It will be getting light. It would be too dark.

Es wird hell werden. Es wrde zu dunkel sein.

Review course Track 65


It would be getting too dark. Es wrde zu dunkel werden. It would have been too dark. Es wre zu dunkel gewesen. It would have gotten too dark. Es wre zu dunkel geworden. It was too dark. It was getting too dark. It has been too dark. It has gotten too dark. Es war zu dunkel. Es wurde zu dunkel. Es ist zu dunkel gewesen. Es ist zu dunkel geworden.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 8 0:36 0:49 0:55 1:14 1:40 1:52 2:00 2:11 2:27 3:33 4:10 He is selling it. It is sold. Its being sold. Everything is being sold. It was being sold. Everything was being sold. Everything was sold. Everything has been sold. Everything has gotten sold. Everything would be sold. Er verkauft es. Es ist verkauft. Es wird verkauft. Alles wird verkauft. Es wurde verkauft. Alles wurde verkauft. Alles war verkauft. Alles ist verkauft gewesen. Alles ist verkauft worden. Alles wrde verkauft sein. / Alles wre verkauft.

Review course Track 66

Wre is the subjunctive. It can be used instead of wrde sein because there is little difference in meaning.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 9 0:09 0:45 1:17 1:47 2:02 2:15 2:32 He is selling the house. He has been living here for a long time. He has been selling houses for a long time. The house is sold. The house is being sold. He sold the house. Er verkauft das Haus. Er wohnt hier seit langer Zeit.

Er verkauft Huser (schon) seit langer Zeit. Das Haus ist verkauft. Das Haus wird verkauft. Er hat das Haus verkauft.

The house has gotten sold. / Das Haus ist verkauft worden. The house has become sold.


2:49 3:22 3:41 4:05 4:22 4:36 5:05 5:27 5:53 6:18 6:43 7:01

The house was getting sold. He will sell the house. The house will be sold. He would sell the house. The house would be getting sold. He had sold the house. if he had sold the house The house would have been sold.

Das Haus wurde verkauft. Er wird das Haus verkaufen. Das Haus wird verkauft sein. Er wrde das Haus verkaufen. Das Haus wrde verkauft werden.

The house will be getting sold. Das Haus wird verkauft werden.

Er hatte das Haus verkauft. wenn er das Haus verkauft htte Das Haus wre verkauft worden.

Review course Track 67

He will have sold the house. Er wird das Haus verkauft haben. He would have sold the house. Er htte das Haus verkauft. The house would have been sold. Das Haus wre verkauft gewesen.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 10 0:00 0:13 Im very happy. (I enjoy myself.) Im very happy to be here with you. with you (plural, to friends) I did enjoy very much being here with you. Im looking forward to seeing you again soon. to interest interesting It is very interesting. It interests me very much. Ich freue mich.

Ich freue mich sehr mit Ihnen hier zu sein. / Es freut mich sehr mit Ihnen hier zu sein. mit euch Es hat mich sehr gefreut (mit euch) mit Ihnen hier zu sein. Ich werde mich sehr freuen, Sie bald wieder zu sehen. / Es wird mich sehr freuen, Sie bald wieder zu sehen. interessieren interessant Es ist sehr interessant. Es interessiert mich sehr. / Ich interessiere mich sehr.

0:39 0:59 1:32

Review course Track 68

2:17 2:24 2:28 2:34 2:59

It did interest me very much. Es hat mich sehr interessiert.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 11 0:00 He told me that he wouldnt Er hat mir gesagt, dass er es

have done it if he had known it. Advanced course: CD 4 Track 12 0:00 0:18 0:33 0:56 1:10 1:25

nicht getan htte, wenn er es gewusst htte.

Review course Track 69 Review course Track 70


Do you want to come along? Wollen Sie mitkommen? I will come along. Im sorry but I cannot come along. He came along. He arrived. He received it. / He got it. Ich werde mitkommen. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich kann nicht mitkommen. Er ist mitgekommen. Er ist angekommen. Er hat es bekommen.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 13 0:00 0:09 0:39 0:50 1:00 1:09 1:57 2:26 2:36 3:11 3:30 3:35 3:38 3:58 4:11 to tear to travel to tear something off I tore it off. It is torn off. It got torn off. / It became torn off. to tear into pieces He tore it into pieces. It was being torn into pieces yesterday. I could see it. I saw it. to break It is broken. He broke it into pieces. reien reisen abreien Ich habe es abgerissen. Es ist abgerissen. Es wurde abgerissen.

zerreien Er hat es zerrissen. Es wurde gestern zerrissen.

It is (entirely) torn into pieces. Es ist (ganz) zerrissen.

Ich konnte es sehen. Ich habe es gesehen. brechen Es ist gebrochen. Er hat es zerbrochen.

Review course Track 71

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 14 0:12 0:26 1:29 It fell. It fell down. It fell out. Es ist gefallen. Es ist runtergefallen. Es ist rausgefallen.


1:38 1:51 2:04 2:13

It fell over. It fell in. He fell in. He got caught.

Es ist rbergefallen. Es ist reingefallen. Er ist reingefallen. Er ist reingefallen.

Review course Track 72

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 15 0:05 0:13 0:20 0:24 0:36 0:40 0:47 0:59 1:05 1:14 1:27 1:43 1:51 to make to laugh to work He worked. to say / to tell He said. / He has said. to ask I have a question. He asked me. Why didnt you ask me? machen lachen arbeiten Er hat gearbeitet. sagen Er hat gesagt. fragen Ich habe eine Frage. Er hat mich gefragt. Warum haben Sie mich nicht gefragt?

Review course Track 73

Why didnt you tell it to me? Warum haben Sie es mir nicht gesagt? to play We played. spielen Wir haben gespielt.

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 16 0:09 0:27 0:44 0:50 0:59 1:25 1:51 2:31 2:50 2:55 3:07 3:16 I opened it. The store is open. open to close The door is closed. The door is locked. opened (with a key) prison to try to try on May I? May I try on the shoes? Ich habe es geffnet. Das Geschft ist geffnet. offen / geffnet schlieen Die Tr ist geschlossen. / Die Tr ist zu. / Die Tr ist zugemacht. Die Tr ist zugeschlossen. aufgeschlossen das Gefngnis probieren anprobieren Darf ich? Darf ich die Schuhe anprobieren?

Advanced course: CD 4 Track 17 0:00 0:13 0:27 1:01 1:12 1:21 1:30 1:43 2:37 2:47 cover to discover he discovers He discovered it. It is discovered. It was being discovered. He has discovered it. I slept. to step to step in die Decke entdecken er entdeckt Er hat es entdeckt. Es ist entdeckt. Es wurde entdeckt. Er hat es entdeckt. Ich habe geschlafen. treten eintreten

Review course Track 74


Advanced course: CD 4 Track 18 0:00 Advice on reading in German.


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