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Faction Connection Diagram

6: Roll twice, or make up your own

Faction 1

1. Their leader has been captured by... 2. Lust after a holy item owned by... 3. A faction within this faction plans to use (...) as an ally in a civil war 4. They wish to sacrifice members of... 5. Are slaves of... 6. 1. Compete with... for favour of Faction 1d4 2. They desire control of passage/staircase/etc. controlled by... 3. Desire access to the special controlled by... 4. Brought here by... 5. Compete with... for favour of a deity 6.

Faction 3

1. Have a holy quest to destroy... 2. Their holy item has been stolen by... 3. In alliance with..., but plan betrayal 4. Compete for food with... 5. Know the secret of the special in the territory of... 6.

1. Plan to capture the leader of... 2. Their leader lusts after a member of... 3. In alliance with... against their enemy 4. Fear prophecy that they will be destroyed by... 5. Share mining with... 6.

Faction 2

1. Know of a secret passage in the territory of... 2. Several of their faction have been enslaved by... 3. Compete for mining with... 4. Share a resource with... 5. Eat... 6.

Faction 4

Obviously ripped from a table in Vornheim the Complete City Kit by Zak S. who blogs at Thanks, Zak!

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