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Ellie Ilieva Roosevelt University Bio 202 Genetic interaction, Sex determination, sex linkage and linkage 1.

a) No, because they are too far away from the gene based on the recombinant formula. b) No c) They are far apart along the chromosome 2. The distance is 6.2 m.u. 3. a) yes b) yes c) yes 4. d) because is sex link is the one that determines it 5. The mother abnormal and the daughters are inheriting the normal gene from the dad. Genotypes are XH Xh XY 6. a) True will be converted to shore b) False have to be given intermediate sand or they die c. False will die because they need to be given sand . 7. a. b. c. d. 8. a.1/16 b. 1/4 9. daughter = 0, son = , 4 sons = 1/116 10. 1/4, it should still be and not change because the male gets the Y gene from the dad not the X carrier. 11. yes genetics can provide answers to paternity 12. 1:1 13. all sons colorblind, all daughters are normal 14. 0 15. a. b. c. 0

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