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storage class specifiers in C++.

The storage class specifiers are used to change the way of creating the memory storage
for the variables.


This auto specifier tells the compiler that the variable declared will go out of scope once
the program exits from the current block. The program block can be a function, a class or a

This is the most widely used and non-used storage class specifier in C++. Because, all
the variables declared in C++ are of the type auto by default. So no one need to worry
about specifying this one. The declarations,

auto int var1; // declared with auto specifier for the c++ tutorial
int var1; //declared without the storage class specifier

Both the above declarations will produce the same result.


This static specifier when used will preserve the value for a particular variable upon re-
entry into the same function. For example

//C++ Tutorial - Example code for demonstrating static variable

void static_function_example()
static int x = 0; //variable for C++ tutorial example
cout << x <<endl;
If this function is called 10 times, the output will be 1,2,3,4..etc., The value of the variable
x is preserved through function calls.

If this static variable is declared as a member of a class, then it will preserve the value for
all the objects of the class.i.e, one copy of this data variable will be shared by all objects of
the class.


This extern keyword is used to specify that the variable is declared in a different file. This
is mostly used to declare variables of global scope in C++ projects. When the keyword
extern is used, the compiler will not allocate memory for the variable. Programmers in C++
would have very frequently faced linker errors because of wrong external linking.

register storage specifier:

This register keyword tells the C++ compiler to allocate some storage in the registers.
Any operations using the register is bound to be the fastest. But a mere specification of
register keyword won't get the variable a place in the register. If the compiler finds no
space in the register, it'll use the cache memory also.

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